Here you can find list of admin commands for The Front game.
How to Host Your Own Server (Rental Service Provider)
You can host a server at game server hosting provider:
Note: Every gaming server goes online immediately! A welcome email including your connection information (guide) will be sent to you when your gaming server is created.
List of Server Commands
How to Run Server Commands
To log in as admin you need:
Make sure that your UID is set in your GameUserSettings.ini or launch params (per our install guide) and then hit the ` Backtick key next to the 1 key at the top. This will open up the command window in game.
Certain commands require the user’s Steam64ID. You can get that by visiting this site, adding the name of their Steam account, then transferring the information from the Steam64 value.
Most Useful Admin Commands
- God – Allows your character to go into God mode which prevents your character from being harmed.
- Fly – Allows you to fly around the map.
- Walk – Reverts to walk mode for your character.
- CloseServer – Close server.
- SaveWorld – Save server data.
- Goto X Y Z – Teleport command + coordinates.
- ClearAllNPC – Kills all spawned NPCs.
- Ghost – Enables flight and removes character collision, allowing them to pass through objects.
- JoinGuild – Select a squad before entering this command.
- SetTime [time value] – Set world time.
Admin Commands
- SloMode [0-1000] – Default is 1. Defines how fast your server runs, useful when combined with Fly command to navigate around map
- GMAddItems [itemID] [amount] [playerID] (if playerID is not entered, this command will default to yourself) – Give item to player
- AddTargetPlayerExp [playerID] [EXP value] – Command + Account ID + EXP
- GMSpawnNPCByLocation [creatureID] [level] [coordinate x] [coordinate y] [coordinate z] – Does the same as below but without the player id
- GMSpawnNPCByPlayerGuid [creatureID] [level] [amount] [distance (in meters)] [playerID] – Spawn specified creature ID (if playerID is not entered, this command will default to yourself)
- GotoPlayerByAccount [playerID] – Takes you to the player
- RelocatePlayerToGM [playerID] – Allows you to move a player to yourself
- DestroyPlayerByGUID [playerID] – Allows you to kill the player specified
- GMClearInventory [playerID] – Clears a players inventory
- UnlockTargetAllRecipe [playerID] – Unlocks all recipes for a player (“self” to use on self)
- UnlockTargetAllTalent [playerID] – Unlocks all Talents (“self” to use on self)
- KickPlayerOff [playerID] – Allows you to kick a player from the server
- BanPlayer [playerID] login – Allows you to ban a player from logging back into the server
- PermitPlayer [playerID] login – Allows you to unban a player
- BanPlayer [playerID] chat – Allows you to ban a player from using the in game chat
- PermitPlayer [playerID] chat – Allows you to permit a player to use the in game chat
- SetWeather [weather ID] [region ID] – Sets the server weather
- hide 1(Enabled)/0 (Disabled) – Renders monster, player, NPC, or defensive structure invisible.
- SetAttribute 36 (attribute number) [value] – sets speed
- PerspectiveConstruct 0 (don’t display)/1 (display) – Displays structure names and structure owner names, making it easier to find buildings on the map.
- PerspectivePlayer 0 (don’t display)/1 (display) – Displays player names, making it easier to find players.
- SetPlayerScaleRate [scale] – Changes the size of your character model.
- ClearAllPlayersGodMode – Affects all players on the current server.
- ActivateInfiniteStamina 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled) – Enable/disable infinite stamina
- ActivateIgnoreEnvironment 1(Enabled)/0 (Disabled) – Enable/disable environmental immunity
- ActivateInfiniteRecoverHealth 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled) – Recovers Max HP every second.
- KillGuildAll 1 – If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected. Upon death/destruction, items will be dropped.
- KillGuildAll 0 – If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected. Upon death/destruction, items will not be dropped.
- KillRadiusGuildConstruct 1 [radius (in meters)] – Command + radius parameter. If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected.
- KillRadiusGuildConstruct 0 [radius (in meters)] – Command + radius parameter. If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected.
- KillRadiusGuildVehicle 1 or 0 [radius (in meters)] – If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected.
- ClearAttackCityCD [Player ID] – Clears target player’s supply cooldown.
- SetEnableSuperKill – Enables one-hit kills on creatures, vehicles, and structures (guns can also destroy structures).
- SetGuildAdmin 1/0 – You will become the squad captain, and the original squad captain will be demoted to a member. This function is only for GM operation.
- ForcedChangeGuildName [squad GUID] [new squad name] – Squad ID + new name; must pass duplicate name detection.
- JoinGuildByGuid [squad GUID] – Command + squad ID (ignores squad player limit).
- KillInteractObject – Kills unit you are facing (any structure, creature, vehicle).
- GMCreatorMode Enable state (1 Enabled, 0 Disabled) – Crafting and repairing will not require materials.
- Shift+C and Shift+V – Enables use of specific shortcut keys to switch to an overhead perspective of a player, at the same time enabling noclip, flight, and invulnerability.
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