Mamma Maglienza Boss Guide
By R v Belisarius.
Mamma 15 first clear, finally, using Corrosion.
Wisteria T2, Valerian T3, Salvation M3, Shepherd M4, Purifier B3.
Purifier needs to be slower than the boss (<120) but faster than Salvation – to cleanse the Reverse Repair debuff after it lands but before Salvation heals. Also needs to be tanky, since the Capo’s are all targetting him. 5k Def, 15k HP was more than enough.
Wisteria & Valerian both R2 with 100% crit / crit damage so their passives always give +1 turn DoTs, and enough Hacking to never be resisted (310 was more than necessary).
Any healer / tank will do if they can keep up.
Its consistently farmable, but ugly – 2-4 of my ships die just before Mamma kicks off. Seeing Purifier as last man standing is pretty funny.
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