General Tier List
By c0ntrol3r.
These are only legendary and some notable epic ships. Please take special note of the names of the tiers, I’m speaking very generally about the unit overall, assume refit 2 for most of them.
Note: Being in a lower tier does not make them a bad unit, it means they’re likely more niche!
- S+ (Mandatory somewhere) needed to effectively completely something somewhere, of note here is cleanse and corrosion. This does not mean they are the best all round units.
- S (Generally good) very good units in most scenarios, effective with a variety of builds and in many different places of the game.
- A (Useable) good units when built well or in some places of the game but not others.
- B (Low priority) units in need of a buff or outshone by better options, remember any legendary will do better than most epics.
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