An in-depth guide to 100% completing Sticky Business. While this guide will be short, this should lay out and categorise all achievements rather nicely for you!
How to Obtain All Achievements
Sticker & Collection
This section consists of achievements relating to the creation and deletion of stickers, and the expansion of the different ways that you can make and package them. Many of these will be earned naturally by simply playing the game for a short while!
Sticker Creation
Holy sheet
- Create your first sticker sheet.
Sheet keep happening
- Create 5 sticker sheets.
I give tons of sheets
- Create 15 sticker sheets.
Sticker Printing
First Sticker!
- Print your very first sticker.
Moa’ stickers!
- Print 250 stickers.
Self-explanatory. Although, hot tip – the smaller your sticker, the less valuable it will be, but the more you can fit onto one sheet. Try to keep to square or rectangular shapes for maximum efficiency when arranging your stickers onto their printing sheets!
Even moa’ stickers!
- Print 500 stickers.
Sales and Shop
Ship it!
- Send your first package.
Mail Box full
- Send 10 packages full of lovely stickers to your customers.
Customer of the month
- Send 50 packages. Your picture is up at the post office.
Printing Money!
- Earn 1000 coins.
You can exclusively earn coins from shipping stickers. You don’t need to earn all 1,000 all at once, nor have them all in your inventory at one time!
Saying goodbye.
- Delete one of your stickers.
You can do this by heading into your “Shop” dashboard at the top of the screen, where the option will be clearly visible on the respective sticker that you want to delete.
Up and away!
- Buy one upgrade.
This includes anything in the “Upgrades” menu.
Fully upgraded
- Buy all upgrades.
Self-explanatory – this will take a while. This includes anything in the “Upgrade” menu, excluding sticker items.
Sticker swiper
- Buy all stickers.
Self-explanatory. This achievement regards all sticker items from the “Upgrade” menu!
By the time you have all of these, you will certainly have gotten the final non-story related achievement:
Time flies
- Play for 25 days.
These achievements are earned naturally by fulfilling the requirements that various npc-customers stipulate (you can view these in your “Messages” tab in the bottom-middle of the screen, if you’ve forgotten them!) This list is in no particular order.
When completed, the final message sent will be of a photo from the respective customer.
Sticking around
- Story complete: Your friend supported your new business.
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Julia Kelvin.
New Beginnings
- Story complete: Let’s leave the crunch to food, shall we?
Complete all exchanges between yourself, Bernd, and Patrick.
Quit, Don’t Stick
- Story complete: A job is not worth your well-being. Take care of yourself!
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Robert Frey.
Get well soon
- Story complete: Med kits should contain at least one sticker.
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Max Davis.
A Good Lesson
- Story complete: Who says we should rate with grades?
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Mrs. Honey. You can unlock her & complete her story by selling – and continuing to sell – any sticker with something from the music category (the tab with the piano icon) on it!
Going live!
- Story complete: Don’t forget to like and subscribe to my cozy channel!
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Angel Dumaz.
Growing up
- Story complete: Sharing is caring.
Complete all exchanges between yourself, and Hanna & Alex Sky.
A Couple of Stickers
- Story complete: We found love.
Complete all exchanges between yourself, Daisy, and Dawn.
Sticky Friends
- Story complete: Friendly competition does exist.
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Carla F.
- Story complete: Overcoming the distractions and making it stick.
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Carlo.
So long, and thanks for all the stickers!
- Story complete: We made a pretty good team, don’t you think?
Complete all exchanges between yourself, Inspector P, and ???.
Never too old
- Story complete: Stickers have no age restriction.
Complete all exchanges between yourself and Shirley. You can unlock her & complete her story after having completed Mrs. Honey’s story.
- Story complete: A family of dinosaurs.
Complete all exchanges between yourself, Marc, David, and Pedro. You can unlock them & complete their story by selling – and continuing to sell – any sticker with a dinosaur, pride-flag, and/or race-car on it!
Once all stories have been completed, you will receive one final achievement:
Story time
- Experience all customer stories.
Self-explanatory. Well done!
What does pedro.f1 want?! Help me please, my sanity is on the line lol
More info on the story achievements !
New Beginnings : sell a sticker featuring with a bunny, or a hamster, with animals. Then you will need to make one with one/multiple dogs on it
Quit don’t stick : sell a sticker featuring plant stickers
Get well soon : I don’t remember for sure, but I think you need a sticker of the space category (to verify)
Going live ! : Sell a sticker featuring something of the gaming category
Growing up : Sell a sticker featuring bubble tea
A Couple of Stickers : Sell a sticker featuring something of the pride flags category
Sticky Friends : Sell a sticker featuring mushrooms
Organised : Sell a sticker featuring something of the text category (he asks for cute texts)
So long, and thanks for the stickers ! : When unlocked, sell a sticker featuring something of the faces category (smiley category)
Never too old : once the story is unlocked, she will ask you to make stickers with something of the food category
The rest are all described in the guide!
can you only get the sticker swiper achievement if you level all the stickers? i thought i bought them all but i still havent gotten the achievement
you definitely don’t need to level them! don’t worry 😉
i got it, the rate i was receiving coins was just so miserable
how many sticker slot upgrades are there, this feels so absolutely slow
there’s two +1 rows, I believe! I can’t quite remember how many they are, but I know it’s less than a page!
I cant unlock the character who says, astrology is my obsession. Dont understnad why considering I have like 5 stickers all based around space. So confused
You need to use a zodiac sign 🙂
I am at day 200 and still cannot get close to getting something related to Raaawr! cheevo and Organised. Any tips? 🙁
Thank you for the guide!
I’ve figured it out.. I was too focused on dino stickers, if you wanna progress in Raaawr cheevo you should have lgbtq+ stickers and racing stickers. Just paying attention to the story will be helpful enough lol