Tips to Cope with Large Amount of Stock
I’ve mostly given up on trying to restock during the day; it becomes too hectic after a few upgrades.
I restock everything to full in the morning before opening. I always keep one extra box of each product, either in the storage room or on the sidewalk outside alternating each day.
So lets say today my storage is full of boxes, 1 for each product. I grab one product, stock whatever is left on the shelf, and then buy whatever I need to end up with 1 extra box, and then I toss that into a pile on the sidewalk. The next day I’ll grab from the sidewalk pile and then throw the extras into the storage room.
This is the fastest / most brainless way I could come up with to restock but it still takes a decent chunk of time.
I also dedicate a pretty large section to each product, generally 2 products per shelf / fridge (or 1 product per freezer) to make sure nothing runs out during the day. I’m not entirely happy with this since it’s not very space-efficient but I’m not going to bother rethinking it until I see how effective the restockers are.
A couple products just take up way too much space without restocking them throughout the day. Chicken is a big one since you can only fit 8 per freezer (seems like this should be increased). You would need like 3 freezers just dedicated to chickens to make sure you never run out, which is way too much space. It’s one of the few products that I keep an eye on throughout the day and restock as needed.
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