You want to make sure you stack debuffs on the enemy and then use NOTHINGNESS to stack armor. Use SHIELD BASH when you do not care about losing the armor OR use it once stacked to 100-0 bosses.
Guide to End Game Easy Build
Easy Endgame Build
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You want to make sure you stack debuffs on the enemy and then use NOTHINGNESS to stack armor. Use SHIELD BASH when you do not care about losing the armor OR use it once stacked to 100-0 bosses.
My Ultimate Magic Deck.
1. Discard Psychokinesis and Magic Missile 2 times.
2. Use Nothingness and other cards until have 4 mana left.
3. Use the last 4 mana for Extender Defender(2) and Rest(2) then Ultimate Magic to nuke.
Deck import string: