Run-down of how to build archer in 1.7.6.
Guide to Archer Build
In this guide I will tell you:
- How and when to spend your class, stats and generic points.
- What additional trees to unlock.
- Gear and inscriptions to focus on.
- Advantages of different races.
- Some additional play patterns to consider.
The point spreads in this guide assume you are not going Cornac, and not take into account any additional points gained from campaign rewards with the exception of AoA’s additional category point from the Sandworm Lair backup guardian. This means that despite how easy the alchemist rewards and arena quest are, they are not counted here.
Class Points and Stat Points
Starting note: Munitions was removed from Archer a while back, so older guides that suggest Munitions are outdated.
When you first start off you are going to put one point into shoot down, and all your stat points into Dex to get Master Marksman up asap. Your other point is going to be floated into Fast Metabolism. All points spent into Combat Veteran tree are going to be floated. That tree is one of the worst trees in the game but the first two talent points are fine to float at the start.
A note on floating points: You can right click on a talent in your level up screen to unlearn that talent if the border is blue. All points automatically spent at the start and from then on the last 4 class points you spent are completely refundable. If you get an error like “not enough stat points to refund X!” then exit out of the screen without saving and do the refunding first.
A floated point is one where we specifically refund that point before we do any levelling up, and then reapply that point after the other levelling up is done. This is because a talent may be good at the start but we might not want it later on in the game.
At lvl 4 Master Marksman should be 2/5 and you should get Intuitive Shots and float a point into Quick Recovery. At this point you’ll not be able to put all your stat points into Dex due to level limits, so put the rest into Strength.
At lvl 5 you’ll want to get a second point into Intuitive Shots and if you have found gear that increases Dex put a third point into Master Marksman. If not, then Pin Down. Lvl 6 is guaranteed 3/5 Master Marksman. Lvl 7 is First Blood.
Lvl 8 is where you’ll want to remove all floated points from the Combat Veteran tree and get Flare, Volley and Called Shots. From here on out every point you get goes into Called Shots until it is 4/5.
Lvl 10 you’ll get additional points to float into Fragmentation Shot for now. Lvl 12 you’ll want to float a point into Scatter Shot. From here on out your stat goal is to max Dex first then max Str. Once those two are maxed you max out Cunning for your third talent for the crit chance it gives.
Lvl 13 is where you’ll want to remove the points floating into Fragmentation Shot and Scatter Shot and get Rush, Precise Strikes and Perfect Strike. Lvl 14 puts an additional point into Perfect Strike.
Lvl 15 you want to get Sentinel and Escape, 16 puts another point into Escape.
The points from levels 17-19 are going to get immediately refunded at lvl 20, so 1/5 Fragmentation Shot and 2/5 Scatter shot for now.
Lvl 20 is when we get to spend a cat point on Sniper. Refund the 17-19 levels and get Concealment, Shadow Shot and Aim at 2/5, 2/5 and 1/5 respectively.
Lvl 21 is Master Marksman 4/5, and 22-23 is both into Snipe. Lvl 24 is final Master Marksman, and 25 is keeping both points into Fragmentation Shot and Scatter Shot finally.
This now concludes the essential build pattern of Archer, and the rest of the build is largely fluid.
If you are finding yourself surrounded a lot, bullseye can get Called Shots down quicker. If you are finding yourself running out of stamina, more points into First Blood and maybe Fast Metabolism floating. Blinding Speed is great to have too.
At lvl 34 you’ll get your third cat point. It should go into poisons. You are going to be refunding whatever last 4 class points you spent to put them into Poisons at 1/5, 1/5 and 3/5. Lvl 35 both points go into Toxic Death for 3/5.
By lvl 50 your class point spread should look something like this:
Races and Prodiges
Archer has a lot of viable options for races to choose from. 5 in fact.
Archer is a 1v1 class because of its reliance on Called Shots. Drem lets archer 2v1 reliably, letting it survive more situations better.
Archer doesn’t have much in terms of absolute defenses or mobility that aren’t Called Shots, so the 15% melee ignore is nice to have, but Stone Walking is a really powerful escape option that is on par with a controlled phase door.
This race accomplishes very similar goals to Dwarf but in different ways. First, it’s teleporting isn’t nearly as good as Dwarf but you get it at the start, letting you survive the transition to Tier2s better. Second, it’s crit shrug reduction is going to be more global than Dwarf’s melee ignore on the account of it not being a chance to apply and it also applying to spellcasters and, importantly, Summoners and Solipsists, some of Archer’s biggest weaknesses. To top it off Doomelf makes 1v1’ing an enemy even stronger with the capability to greatly extend the disarm and Silence from Called Shots.
With Grace of the Eternals being identical to Blinding Speed (note that they are exclusive to each other so one overwrites the other), Shalore saves Archer 4 class points, giving this class point heavy class some more room to develop other talents in the mid game.
Finally Cornac, very few classes are actually good with Cornac but here Archer likes it, since it can take Poisons at 0, which is arguably the best time to take Poisons since it is the most effective prior to dreadfell, where poison and stun immune enemies are not going to be common, letting you buy stoning poisons from the merchant early. Not too mention that Archer is class point heavy, which really lets Archer get its build running before the transition to T2 dungeons.
Once you reach lvl 25 you get your first prodigy.
- It’s Cauterize.
- It’s always Cauterize.
- For basically every single class, it’s Cauterize.
- Nothing else will help you win as much as Cauterize.
- Nothing else will save you from death as much as Cauterize.
- It takes WAY too long to complete the campaign to not take Cauterize.
- Archer especially doesn’t have the defensive nor mobility capabilities to not consider Cauterize.
- A death in Tome means 20-60 hours wasted. That’s too much to consider a prodigy other than Cauterize.
- So hoard stat gear until you can get 50 Magic so when you reach level 25 you can spend your first prodigy point on Cauterize.
Now lvl 42 you have some options. Archer doesn’t have a lot of available options because it’s not melee and it’s not a spellcaster.
So, you can take Draconic Will or Swift Hands. If you are fine with tedium, Revisionist History or Worldly Knowledge to take Chronomancy to abuse See the Threads.
Draconic Will is taken because Archer has no inherent debuff clearing. Though if you are Shalore and have Chants you won’t need it, and can safely take Swift Hands. However you might want to take Swift Hands regardless because you’ll end up waiting to take Draconic Will since you need the wyrm bile from the Sandworm Lair backup guardian. Archer can really use the extra defenses and mobility that having things like Wall of Stone, Aetherwalk and Pendant of the Sun and Moon grants without spending the equipment slots on them. You don’t want to take Swift Hands at lvl 25 because you really would like 5/5 in Device Mastery and you also need to have hoarded a surplus activteable gear.
But Swift Hands also gives you the ability to wear 17 (16?) Wheel of Fates at once.
Here’s what you do.
- Equip Wheel of Fate (WoF) if you’ve never used it once yet. Float points into Blinding Speed so it is 5/5.
- Go to the Ancient Elven Ruins (AER), DO NOT MOVE. Immediately use Blinding Speed.
- Use WoF if you’ve never used it once yet. Then leave to a town nearby town.
- Unequip WoF, Prepare it with Swift Hands. Rest so Blinding Speed is off cooldown.
- Enter AER. Use Blinding Speed. Use Evasion. Use a Stormshield if you have one. Use WoF with Swift Hands. Exit AER.
- Enter a nearby town. Unprepare WoF.
- Check if WoF will let you unequip it if worn. If yes, go to step 8. If no, go to step 9.
- Equip WoF. Do not use wof while wearing it! Go to step 4.
- You are done, just leave WoF in your inventory and don’t put it on again.
Generic Points, More Stat Points, Campaign and Escort Rewards
Starting note:
Since my play patterns and explanations section has reached its character limit, I’m putting this here.
Do not put points into constitution.
Every veteran sees new players doing this and suggesting this and it hurts. Basically no class ever wants you to put points into Con. If you need points into Cpn for talent requirements, just hoard gear for it.
Effectively, maxing out Con only gives 200 max health. Early game items you find on the ground at the start of the game can give 20-100 max health. That’s 5-25 points of Con. And when singular items in the late game give 150+ max health, you eventually start to realise why putting points into Con just looks bad in comparison when you can have one gear slot that accounts for nearly 1/3rd of your point investment.
Top it off with the fact that no weapon scales its damage with Con and no strong or important talent scales with Con either, you should realise now why veterans say to never ever put points into Con.
Archer does not have a whole lot to do with it’s generics, and it’s locked generic tree sucks, so this won’t be too complicated.
First thing to do is always refund every generic point. You only get three refund points for generics and swapping around here happens a lot more than class points.
Once you’ve refunded everything, put points back in the following order: Heightened Senses, Disengage, Light Armour Training and Combat Accuracy. These last three are your floated points.
From here on out you are going to refund the last three generic points you spent before you level up for most of your early level up. In fact this is going to happen for most classes and race combos. The first racial is often not wanted at the start and points into Combat Accuracy and Light Armour Training can often be removed later on.
At lvl 2 put another point into Disengage. Lvl 3 put another point into Light Armour Training. Your floated points should be Combat Accuracy and 2 points into Light Armour Training.
Lvl 4, get Evasion. At lvl 5 you probably have found some strength gear so remove a floated point from Light Armour Training and put it into Heavy Armour Training. If not, get your first racial.
At lvl 7 and onward you’ll want to be putting your stat points into Cunning until you can afford Device Mastery and Track, keep in mind to keep Cunning gear, then go back to maxing Dex and splitting that with Strength. Remove the floating points from Light Armour Training when necessary but keep Combat Accuracy floated for now unless you find a lot of accuracy gear.
If you are specifically Drem or Doomelf, your first racial will never be floated from here on out as they are too good. Instead, the first point of Device Mastery will be floated.
Lvl 10 is when we get our first category to spend on an escort reward. If you don’t get one before the T2s there’s a good chance you’ll never get one, and should just get an inscription slot instead.
The categories you want for archer are Chants, Dreaming, Tinkers, Scoundrel, Augmented Mobility or Feedback in that order. If you saved a tinker escort you’ll be saving that category point until you are strong enough to enter the cave that the tinker points out to you, at about lvl 20 ish.
If you get chants or dreaming you are going to wanting to get 1/1/1/0 in those trees ASAP and nothing else for the debuff clearing/teleport respectively. Note that you may have to put points into Magic or Willpower for a few levels if the gear isn’t flowing right. If you get any other others you can wait until you put points into normal trees before starting to put points into the escort trees.
By this point if you didn’t take chants and don’t have Track yet you are going to have your floating points into your first racial/Device Mastery, Light Armour Training and Combat Accuracy, with one extra point to save. If you are specifically Dwarf here put it into your second racial.
If you do have track you won’t be putting that spare point into your second racial.
If you do have chants/dreaming you’ll only be floating a single point, into Combat Accuracy. It is highly unlikely that you’ll have the requirements for both Track and Chant Adept/Dream Walk so don’t fret if you don’t have both yet.
At lvl 11 if you are not Drem or Doomelf and meet both Track and Chant Adept/Dream Walk requirements, you’ll be getting both. But this is unlikely so float a point into Light Armour Training.
At lvl 12 and onward you’ll be putting points into Trained Reactions up to 3/5, until the requirements Track/Chant Adept/Dream Walk are satisfied. After that you can remove the floated point in Combat Accuracy since you have Perfect Strike by now and are going to spend your next levels getting Tumble up to 3/5.
Once you’ve done all of that you are probably going to be around lvl 14-18. Generic spread is going to heavily a lot from run to run thanks to escort categories. Regardless, from here you should get a permanent point into Light Armour Training, and start working on your escort tree if you got something other than chants.
- Dreaming wants 1/1/3/1 at minimum.
- Scoundrel wants 1/2/2/3 at minimum.
- Augmented Mobility specifically wants 1/1/1/3 at minimum.
- Tinkers you won’t have done the cave yet.
- Feedback wants 1/1/1/1 at minimum.
At lvl 22 you want to make sure you have all three of your racials to prep for getting the final racial. If you are drem just put points into your first racial to lower its cooldown instead.
Lvl 23 is going to be a floated point for lvl 25, as lvl 24 you are going to get your final racial if you aren’t drem. Lvl 25 doesn’t give a generic, so this is where that lvl 23 floated point ends up going. Dwarf’s final racial wants 3/5, Shalore wants 5/5, Doomelf wants 4/5.
After your final racial is completed, get Trained Reactions to 5/5. This should put you at lvl 30. From here, get the rest of your escort category completed.
From here you can consider saving points for another generic tree, but your final category point gained from the backup guardian is typically going to be an inscription slot, as it’s unlikely you’ll have gotten two good escort trees.
As for campaign trees, none of them are really good for Archer. Antimagic cripples archer because you really want stormshields, shatters and all the better egos. Along with some fixed arts like Wall of Stone.
Hexes is never good to spend a cat point to unlock on any class.
Harmony doesn’t synergize with Archer as it specifically wants the class to have Bathe in Light to synergize with Healing Nexus or some self dealing fire damage to get global speed bonus from Elemental Harmony.
Now Vile Life on the other hand, is a great tree, but the problem is is that Archer isn’t going to have the spellpower to utilise it. All of Vile Life’s talents require spellpower, with three of the four requiring spellpower to beat the enemy spell save. If the difficulty you are playing on is Insane or Madness, then you can take it because you can more reliably get gear with spellpower. Also if you have the swift hands prodigy and abuse the wheel of fate exploit, you can get enough spellpower.
An additional note to point out: If you get multiple really good escort trees, it may be worth ignoring poisons on archer, getting font instead of stoning poisons and unlocking some of those additional escort trees while still getting an inscription slot to increase your survivability. A lot of enemies from dreadfell and onward are debuff immune, poison immune, stun immune and insta-kill immune, which results in the biggest benefit for poisons, stoning poisons, being rather useless.
Gear, Stores and Inscriptions
The first important lesson in terms of Archer gear is this: The fastest way to replenish your supply of ammo is to equip a different quiver.
That’s right, Archer and all other ranged weapon users like to hoard a bunch of quivers/pouch of shots to swap to when their equipped one runs out of ammo. Even if it’s less damage, being able to hit your shots and use your talents is much better than having to move a tile to reload.
Now for inscriptions. These should be the first things you buy at all times when you do your shopping sprees.
They are largely easy to consider, at lvl 10 you want Blink, Shatter Affliction and either a Healing Infusion or a Regen Infusion, depending on what you can find. You transition into a Movement Infusion, a Shatter Affliction and if you can find it, Mirror Image Rune. Other than that, if you can find good ones, Heroism or Stormshield. Stormshield being preferred and it wants high threshold with high quantity to be of use, typically anything below like, 20 damage threshold is a bad Stormshield. If neither of those are options, pick the highest value Regen or Damage Shield. Or even another Shatter if you don’t have Chants and are not going Shalore.
Beyond that gear for archer is pretty much the same for most classes at the start and end, with the exception of wanting quivers and bows which most classes don’t want.
Archer, like basically every class, is going to want to hoard all the stat gear they can find until they have gotten all the talents that require those stats, especially +Mag stat gear for Cauterize. So make sure to keep those in your inventory! Str gear will be the first to be unnecessary as you only care about 1 point in Heavy Armour Training at 16. Cun will be the second as you only need it for Track. Dex gear you are going to want for a while longer until that stat is at 50 from point investment alone. And then 40 points in Mag and Wil gear until both your prodigies are finalised.
Your first shopping spree happens at lvl 10, where stores get their first additional stock. You won’t have enough money to buy anything at lvl 0 so typically waiting till you get a bit better gear and more options at lvl 10 before you fight randbosses is a good idea.
Specifically in stores you are looking for:
- Lites with 5+ light radius, preferably that also gives max life.
- Voidstalker cloaks, the ones that can be used to teleport to a nearby enemy.
- Troll-hide armor, armor of eyal, robes of life. Preferably robes that are also of alchemy, or that are dreamer’s.
- Undeterred boots.
- Noble’s belts of unlife.
- Grounding amulets.
- Rings of perseverance.
- Gloves of dexterity.
- Hats that give Circle of Sanctity.
- Bows with phys res pen and phys dam mod.
- Quivers with high crit chance.
- Storm wands.
- Psionic Shield torques.
This list doesn’t really change at lvl 20 either. Lvls higher than this and you aren’t really going to be buying stuff in stores. Ele explosion ego quivers are great if you are capable of having a high spell power and spell crit chance, but otherwise that ego should be ignored.
Also on angolwen, you can craft rings that are imbued with gems that you find. In the early game, a citrine ring is great since you aren’t going to have high light radius. Once you hit the T2s and find some Quartz gems in Sandworm Lair, those should be crafted into rings as they are 30% stun immunity. Later on in the game you’ll find both Bloodstones and Fire Opals, which are both great to roll into rings. Fire Opals do not trump the many fixed art gems that go great into rings however.
The specific stats on items you are looking for don’t change either from class to class.
- In the early game, max life, life regen, defense, accuracy, movement speed and light radius are things to prioritise.
- In the transition to T2 dungeons, getting 100% stun immunity is absolutely vital. Everything else comes second until that is completed.
- In the mid game, Stamina regen, Out of Phase (OoP) gear, crit chance and physical resistance pen (phys res pen) start to become really important, whereas max life, life regen, movement speed and defense stop being important.
- From there, it’s all about making sure OoP is at 40%, stun imm is at 100%, phys res pen is 50% or higher, and crit chance is at 50% or higher.
- After that, you’re going to focus on physical damage modifiers (changes physical damage by %, shortened here to phys dam mod) and crit mod to greatly increase damage.
Despite not having any teleports inherent, OoP gear is still really important on Archer and indeed most classes. OoP triggers when you have teleported, giving you a 6 turn buff that increases your all res by up to 40%. Because Archer has Device Mastery, a single Voidstalker cloak can get a near permanent OoP uptime, along with some extra mobility that can replace a blink. Pair this with Aetherwalk and or getting Dream Walk from an escort, and most classes will have consistent teleport options at their disposal.
Note: Stamina gained on hit only works if you were hit in melee. It’s not as good as it looks. This applies to all “resource gained on hit” stats.
Fixed Artifacts to look out for:
Arkul’s Siege Arrows, The Far Hand, Wanderer’s Rest, Aetherwalk, Boots of the Hunter, Unbreakable Greaves, Emblem of Evasion, Stone Gauntlets of Harkor’Zun, Dakhtun’s Gauntlets, Wrap of Stone, Robe of Force, Spider-Silk Robe of Spydrë, Temporal Augmentation Robe, The Untouchable, Mummified Egg-sac of Ungolë, Mirror Image Rune, Daneth’s Neckguard, Corpsebow, Neira’s Memory, Zemekkys’ Broken Hourglass, Pendant of the Sun and Moons, Threads of Fate, Wintertide Phial, Eye of the Dreaming One, Blood of Life, Quasit’s Skull, Wheel of Fate, Galen’s Flowing Robe, Steam Powered Gauntlets, Eastern Wood Hat, Cut Drem Arm.
Play Patterns and Explaining Choices
Archer has some interesting play patterns to consider.
The entire class is centered around the mark system. it’s about applying and consuming marks constantly. You Headshot the enemy first unless it’s a mage or ranged weapon user, then use Called Shots first. Volley is rarely used as it consumes too much of your quiver and you largely want to avoid aggroing more than 1 enemy at a time, Volley does not let you have granular control of where it hits, it must center on a mark target.
So Archer specifically is a 1v1 class. The reason why is because it has Called Shots but no other reliable form of mass debuff application that lasts long. Scatter Shot is nice, but so many enemies are immune to stun. Archer also has no great forms of constant mobility or defense. Nothing that is absolute and guaranteed. It’s all little things here and there that can add up, but can also just not and you die. And especially not having debuff clearing to make sure it get out or reliably apply debuffs. This is why Doomelf, Shalore and Dwarf are great options for races as they shore up those weaknesses that Archer has. Drem is also great as it let’s Archer 2v1 reliably now since it can Called Shots two enemies at once.
Considering all this one must keep in mind the 4 classes archer is most weak to. Brawler, Mindslayer, Solipsist and Summoner. These are all classes that can heartily ignore both disarm and silence. You’ll want to make heavy use of Fragmentation Shot to hit around corners, Volley against Summoner for more AoE, making sure Brawlers and Mindslayers are pinned down, and having Scatter Shot keep stun on them at all times.
It’s at this point that I should also mention that a storm wand is the best tool for Archer for most of the game. Keeping an enemy pinned down for 5 turns if they aren’t stun immune while simultaneously lowering their defense to let you hit your shots when Perfect Strike is on cooldown.
Speaking of Perfect Strike, basically any class with Perfect Strike never has to worry about accuracy problems ever again. You can basically always hit your enemy with Perfect Strike. This and with Dex being the main stat Archer wants, also means it doesn’t need Combat Accuracy at all, which is nice.
For stats, Archer wants Dex then Str maxed first because their quivers use Dex and Str, so maxing them out first greatly increases your damage. Cun comes as the third one to max because it also increases damage in the form of greater crit chance. Typically after this, one puts points into Wil if they don’t have anything that scales with Mag.
Next we are going to look at locked categories we are not picking, Trapping and Agility.
Trapping requires enemies to reach your trap, which you can only place adjacent to you. Many enemies are ranged, will teleport around you, or will teleport you to them. Not too mention that you want to be shooting enemies before they reach a tile adjacent to you. With all these in mind trapping is largely unreliable.
Agility and Sniper are exclusive to each other (unless you do the meme that is ogre-wielding) so you can only take one. Sniper is by far the best one to take so we’ll be ignoring Agility.
For one, Archer has the mark system, which the entire class is centred around. Taking Agility means two less marks, two less consistent ways to apply Called Shots and two less high damage headshots.
Don’t unlock any class trees at lvl 10 as Archer is very class point heavy so you’ll be waiting till lvl 20. This is also another point to dock ogre-wielding, Archer just can’t sustain that point spread.
Now if you go Cornac, you can take Poisons at 0 or at 10, which can be a great boon since poisons is best in the early game when so few enemies are poison immune before dreadfell, and even fewer stun immune for stoning poisons if you rescue the merchant.
The reason to rescue the merchant or not is if you find that stoning poisons + merch randarts are better than Font. Font is a replacement for random artifacts that the merchant sells you if you have the Cultists DLC enabled and sided with the Assassin Lord. It lets you reroll specific egos on an item for much cheaper than it costs to buy a merch randart. Font thusly is regarded as being SOOO much stronger than merch randarts. Also, lately I’ve been finding that stoning poisons isn’t good at all past dreadfell because so many enemies are debuff, poison, stun and insta-kill immune meaning stoning poisons does nothing. Which typically leaves me to thinking that a stormshield is just better.
Let’s look at some more specific play patterns.
For one, Archer likes lower projectile speed. Why? Because at a long distance one mark lets archer use both Called Shots AND Headshot. Note that a target’s mark isn’t removed until AFTER the projectile hits, and Called Shots uses regular projectile speed travel time, so you can get both Called Shots and Headshot in at once. Note that this rarely happens after lvl 20 as you still absolutely want to sustain Aim, which increases projectile speed.
Speaking of Headshot, one must be wary of it. Headshot specifically requires the target to be on the same tile that you clicked on when the Headshot projectile reaches it. This means that if the enemy moves forward before the Headshot projectile reaches that tile, Headshot just … misses. And doesn’t tell you anything about it. No, it will not hit the marked target even if it’s in the same path. This is because Headshot is not instant. It still has a travel time, so if the enemy’s turn just happens to align right within a certain energy tick, you’ll never hit them with Headshot without pinning them down first.
Pin Down has a specific pattern to it that is nice. First time you see an enemy if you don’t have concealment you Pin them Down. This will occasionally mark them, which you then immediately Headshot. Follow this by a shoot that applies an additional guaranteed mark because of how Pin Down works that then is consumed by Called Shots. Swap the Called Shots and Headshot if it’s a mage instead of a melee user.
When you have concealment, it’s frequently best to have it set on auto-use when available. But I would also recommend the “no auto-talent on movement” addon so this doesn’t disable your movement infusion or Escape movement speed buff. When playing with concealment sustained, the first talent you use is no longer Pin Down but Headshot/Called Shots. Then you follow it up with Pin Down. This swap of starting pattern can throw some players off, getting them killed when they would have killed instead.
Now for the final bit. While I said that Archer doesn’t have any debuff clearing or defensive capabilities that is true but also a bit misleading. Archer can have complete debuff immunity and reduce 70% of incoming damage. At lvl 22 yes but it can still have it. Lvl 22 is when Archer learns Snipe, a very confusing talent for people because it’s use is unintuitive.
Snipe reduces all incoming damage by 40%-70% and gives complete debuff immunity while active. While it says it lasts only for one turn, it technically lasts for 2 turns, as the timed effect goes away when you start your second turn. Now if you use Blinding Speed before using Snipe, you can increase the amount of player turns you have Snipe for to 3. Note that this is including the turn you use snipe.
But you can also extend it. With a tool that extends beneficial timed effects when used. Now it needs to extend 2 beneficial effects if it itself doesn’t grant a beneficial effect, and 3 if it does. After that you can use true shot and extend everything with Timeless, which will result in a grand total of player turns you get with all that debuff immunity and damage reduction to … 6! Minus the turns you used snipe and the extending tool and it’s like, 4!
The stars need to really align for this small but powerful buff, so you still need your debuff clears and full stun immunity regardless of how good this is.
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