Tamer Vale – The Mistress of Deception (How to Master Dusk, the Thief)

In this guide i’ll try to teach my experience in order to master Dusk, the thief.

Guide to Master Dusk

The play as you already may have noticed, is a kinda average slow paced one. This is because you must dwell in both worlds: combat and brewing potions. So let’s start viewing some aspects of the style.

The Herb Farming

This concept is tied around getting a kinda good hand rotation on herb cards in order to craft potions. For this, be sure to have the herb cards upgraded towards +1. Having them upgraded towards +2 will mean you get a greater variety of herbs, which can be annoying (the paralysis herb is more a burden than something playful).

Just focus on getting many starleaf as well as gladeboom in order to craft health and strength potions. The precedence of the pots depends on the situation you are: more health if you have less than half the health or strength if you wanna finish faster the foes.


Always remember two things here:

  • First

The damage isn’t dictated by the weapon. It is ruled by the combination of starleaf potions (Spinach brewing) + feeble which destroy the defense of foes.

  • Second

Look for kunais: they are weapons with 0 cost, which is great. Avoid cost 2 weapons/attacks, unless you’re aiming for a specific trigger status condition, like setback, which nullifies some turns for enemie’s special attack vs you, saving some time for your throat. One of the finest combo i’ve put my hands so far was drinking 3 strength potions, then apply feeble gas card and using the whip+2, which deals dmg in all enemies. Let’s just say they were almost all obliterated.


As the rogue progress through the game, you might be pressed against some greater obstacles. The rogue have initial low health, so it is advisable to stay on shadows and only exit it knowing you have that card to return towards invisibility. The other aspect to be taken is all about the affliction system which is the invisilibility dmg you take by doing that point blank evasion just in time before enemy agression. If the enemy deals regular dmg, you’ll take 2 points of dmg.

If it unleashes a special attack, instead you’ll take 4 points of dmg. If you use any card that affects your enemy, you’ll exit invisibility. You don’t need to deal damage towards them. Using the crowdfunding to force them to give money to you will exit your invisibility, even knowing you won’t deal any dmg. With this in mind, pay attention to enemies which has only 1 or 2 turns before using their special attack. Those ones can actually kill you via affliction system faster than anything.

Aim for them fo erase from battle once you are visible ASAP. Another Thing to be shown is the concept of kidnapping: once you are in a hard battle and nearly dying, after killing most of enemy party, leave one mob alive. stay invisible and start farming herbs in the shadows, ignoring the enemy alive. This is necessary in order to keep healing yourself for the next battle, because you only get fully healed after killing a boss.

Any other battle doesn’t follow this precept. So forcing this strategy to keep healing will make a 12 turn game into a 50 turn one, but at least you’ll exit the battle with health full for next engage.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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