Death Must Die – 100% Full Achievement Guide

How to complete this great game on 100%.

How to Obtain All Achievements


The Sign of The Hero

  • Kill 500 Skeletons with Avoron

You gain +17% Attack Damage every 3 levels (max +170%)

Very simple, you do this on first or second run

The Sign of The Guardian

  • Defeat The Baron with Avoron

When you take damage, become invulnerable for 1 seconds. This effect can’t occur more than once every 10 seconds.

Kill last boss on first map, after few runs you do this

The Sign of The Chosen One

  • Defeat The Gargoyles with Avoron

When you take damage, become invulnerable for 3 seconds. This effect can’t occur more than once every 10 seconds

KIll first two bosses, very easy if you dodge only when they attack

The Sign of The Disciple

  • Defeat The Baron with each character

All blessings you are offered are at least Adept rarity. Your Adept rarity bonuses convert to Expert rarity bonuses at a 22% rate.

5 characters, they unlocked after few runs with previous character. Kill Dracula with each

The Sign of The Cat

  • A cat dies 9 times

You gain +2 Revivals

Kill Avaron 9 times


The Sign of Fire

  • Deal 100000 Damage with Merris

You gain +8% Spell Damage every 3 levels (max +80%)

Simple shoot shoot shoot!

The Sign of The Helper

  • Defeat the chatty skeleton 33 times with Merris

Your missiles aim towards enemies. You have +66% Attack Damage

Very annoing achievement. You must kill Skeleton Archers, witch fire many fireballs, in last wave before Dracula – 18:00. There near 5 per run.

The Sign of Timespace

  • Defeat The Necromancer with Merris

You have infinite pull range, -1 Dash and -30% Dash Cooldowns

Simple kill that Grandpa at 14:00

The Sign of The Hydra

  • Get 8 different Autocast Blessings with Merris

You gain +2 Spells Projectile Count

Take all autocast blessings what you can, but one god must be TIME. Take Alteration Ritual and Deadlock and you can collect it much more.

The Sign of The Summoner

  • Get 40 summons with Merris

You gain +22% Summon Damage every 3 levels (max +220%)

Simple take DEATH and max out Necromancy and Ravens


The Sign of The Viper

  • Defeat The Gargoyles under 20 Seconds with Nixi

You gain +10% Attack Speed every 3 levels (max +100%)

Use Necromancy and Ball Lightning witch can kill them with 1 strike if you take it Expert or Higher and upgrade good

The Sign of The Thread

  • Deal a total of 2000 Critical Damage with Nixi

You deal +500% more damage striking enemies below 20% life

Don’t worry, you did this very fast, Simple take Critical Strike from FATE

The Sign of The Grasshopper

  • Get 4 Dashes with Nixi

You gain +1 Dash but have +25% Dash Cooldowns

There can be few ways to rise amount of your dash:

  1. Legendary skill of FATE – Fleet-Footed
  2. Boots with +1 DASH affics
  3. Shrine of rabbit

I choose 2+3

The Sign of The Thief

  • Win an attempt at 3 Difficulty with Nixi

Pick ups drop +1000% more often

Simple use Star Crux in the middle of cafedral and up what you want to 3 skulls

The Sign of The Rabbit

  • Win an attempt with Mort’s Serendipity blessing with Nixi

You gain +13% Luck every 3 levels (max +130%)

Take DEATH, Serendipity skill and kick Dracula ass to the moon


The Sign of The Tornado

  • Kill 25 enemies with a single strike with Kront

You gain +14% Attack Area every 3 levels (max +140%)

Very simple with weared character and Skeleton Knights

The Sign of The Earthquake

  • Destroy an elite enemy’s barrier with a single strike with Kront

Enemy stun thresholds are reduced by -100%. You deal +40% Damage to enemies below their stun threshold

All Kront chellenges i complete in 1 run. I didn’t see how i got his, but if you have some troubles with this, rise Attack, Crit and reduce Shields with shrines and War Pact skill

The Sign of The Tsunami

  • Deal a critical of 400 damage with Kront

You gain +4% Attack Critical Chance every 3 levels (max +40%)

Simple rise Crit and Attack

The Sign of The Meteor

  • Defeat 50 Shielders with Kront

You gain +1.2% Attack Damage for every 1 Armor Point you have. Your armor doesn’t give you any damage reduction

I don’t know what to say, just kick some shield asses

The Sign of The Mountain

  • Defeat The Necromancer with Kront

You can’t regenerate life. You have +222 life

14:00 is waiting for you…


The Sign of The Wyvern

  • Traverse 30000 distance with Skadi

You gain +16 Movement Speed every 3 levels (max +160)

Simple move move move!

The Sign of The Apprentice

  • Level up to 30 with Skadi

A random skill you have gains +1 level on every 2 levels you gain best skill in all game!

Rise and shine, miss Skadi!

The Sign of The Cosmos

  • Apply 5 different statuses in an attempt with Skadi

Your attacks apply a random status from a pool of 8 statuses. Each status has a separate 6% proc chance

Simple run and click on all shrines. Rabbit is very rare…

The Sign of The Beast

  • Kill 25 Summoners with Skadi

A white raven fights alongside you. It gains 8 times value from stat boosts

There near 8 in a run, don’t miss it!

The Sign of The Lizard

  • Heal 999 life with Skadi

You gain +0.35 life regeneration every 3 levels (max +3.5)

If you struck with this, use Inner Peace skill from Lady Justice


A Thousand Bones

  • Defeat 6000 Skeletons

I think you understand what asses you must kick

The Summoner

  • Defeat 50 Summoners

Take Skadi and kill two rabbits with one bullet


  • Defeat 4000 Oozes

Like with Skeletons, but take more time


  • Win an attempt at 5 Difficulty

A Black Heart

  • Win an attempt at 10 Difficulty

I reccomended this setup, but you can take wich is comfortable for you

A Stake For A Vampire

  • Defeat the Baron

Simple kill Dracula with any character

Ghost Matter

  • Win an attempt without taking damage

This is very annoying achievement, but i told how to do his easy:

You must take Merris with Summoner or Fire sigil or OP Skadi with sign of Apprentice

You need WINTER, DEATH and i take JUSTICE or TIME

  • Winter: Blight + Wintertide is our primary control skill. Next you must take Icebound and before second jelly wave – Chilling Strike this is great control spell for Merris
  • Death: Necromancy and Ravens is our primary damage VS bosses + Sickles of Mort, expert+ Lifelink and Soulstealers can help you to.
  • Justice: Only Divine Shield and if you catch legendary Day of Judgment this is victory! All others skills except Pandemonium must be banished or alternated.

Watch carefully on last big wave before Dracula and Dracula fireballs, stay far as you can and take your army eliminate him. Good Luck and be needed gods upon you.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Also, as an alternative for doing the Ghost Matter with Skadi, you can add double Onyx Dragons via the equipment if you happen to find these. The dragons are incredible and are able to melt the bosses fairly quickly, so you don’t have to risk getting close and instead focus on the defensive with avoiding attacks/whacking the homing arrows out of the air.

    It took me several tries (and trial and error with pretty much every other character) but eventually I’ve managed to finish a run without damage with this setup.

  2. How do I get Serendipity from Mort? It never shows up, I understand it requires I have 3 luck based skills but I dont know which skills those are.

  3. The tip for The Sign of the Cosmos is completely incorrect. You need to apply status effects to the enemy; the shrines are irrelevant. Time’s Alteration Ritual can be handy, and chilled and frozen appear to count as different statuses, so taking them is advisable as well.

  4. Just so you know, you can get Ghost Matter achievement even if you take minus health with shrines, just tested it. I took -22 hp to get +33% attack damage shrine and achievement still worked

    • You pick a Sign and that’s the sign you are using – they are one per run. Just pick a different Sign. If you only have that one unlocked just use it until you unlock a different one. All the Signs can beat the default 0 difficulty, much easier with some mythic gear to boot.

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