Tavern Master – Fast Quest and Research Tree Guide

How to quickly complete all the quests and finish the research tree.

Guide to Fast Quest and Research Tree


I’m going to explain my strategy to completing the game as fast as possible. Specifically this is to complete the research tree and to complete the quest tree, as those take the most time out of anything. I wouldn’t write this guide under normal circumstances, however the late game grind is pretty abysmal to the point that there isn’t much to do except AFK on most days. I’ve found quite a few ways to make this quick.

If you just want the TL;DR head to bottom.

Building Capital

The first step is to amass a large amount of resources in the game. Just play the game ordinarily until you get hotels. Just enjoy the game and make a tavern you would like to visit yourself, as we are about to twist it into something sick and disturbing. I would say you can put about 10 hours into the game until you hit a wall where you find yourself idling on most days. So come back until then, and for the others, let’s continue.

Once you get the hotel unlock, assign an entire floor just to 2×2 rooms. Don’t add anything else but a hotel to that floor. Five star hotels are the best money makers in this game, and you only need around 9 or so rooms to start raking in about 10,000 gold a day if you set the price to 350. There are probably ways to get the price even higher, but it’s not necessarily worthwhile and with all the additional income you will have quite a lot of money. To be safe, you should amass at least 200,000 gold before continuing, but even lower than that is fine.

Basically you want to get to the point where money doesn’t really matter anymore. You have hit the research and quest tree wall. I would make a save of your tavern at this point because it is going to become very, very ugly.

My hotel was pretty simple, but I added researchers in the hallway.

Research Tree

You will want to focus on the research tree first. Specifically you want to hit the end and consume all the research points, that way you no longer need the research tables. You need to unlock most the achievements before this point though, so just cram as many tables/chairs as you can into your tavern. Your goal is to seat 400 gold citizens for a king and queen fest, and 325 rare citizens from the executioner’s meetup. I’m not sure how exactly these numbers are upgraded, however you should aim to have as many seats as possible. You can spam wall decor in and outside of your tavern to amass more prestige if you need. Due to the lack of collision between citizens, you can cram all the tables/seats side-by-side with no penalty, as long as you hire additional waitresses you should be fine. I would make sure to assign each of your employees to work on only one floor too.

Also, a kitchen will only require 2×2 tiles, so cram everything into that space to maximize your floor. Also, don’t worry if you start angering customers, there’s not much of a downside to this. It’s not like you lose profit. You can remove tables or add waitresses if it’s annoying, but at least you know you are maximizing your output.

Outdoor garden before

And after…

My cult basement

Don’t be too concerned about maximizing efficiency though. We are trying to get to the end ASAP at this point and not design a grand tavern. I went over 1,000 seats, and my game had extremely poor framerate as a result, but you only really need about 500 seats for parties.

By the way, at this point don’t bother with the quests. If you happen to unlock some along the way that’s fine, but you don’t have to go out of your way. Instead focus on getting all your meals to 5 stars by limiting your food selection to improve the chance of royalty wizards showing up multiple times a day. This will help quite a lot for grinding royalty.

Once you are making enough money that you no longer need hotels to sustain your income, go ahead and delete everything on the hotel floor. You no longer need the money, and the hotel isn’t going to help with quests or or research. Instead replace it with an office of research desks. I crammed nearly 100 research desks on that floor and at that point I could farm over 5,000 research points a day, which will be enough to quickly farm all the research points you will need. Once you hit the last column of the tree, just hit the ‘stop’ every time you have fulfilled the research points on that unlock, and start researching another unlock. Don’t worry about finishing it one-by-one.

So once you no longer need any research points for any of the unlocks, fire all the researchers, sell all the desks and replace it with another crammed floor with a kitchen/bar. You can continue doing events to finish out the research tree, or you can continue to the next topic as there is an even better way to finish out both of these.

Quest Tree

So, an interesting mechanic in this game is the restrooms. They provide no benefit to the player, are only research over midway through the game, and once you participate (by adding one), you can theoretically no longer remove the restroom as customers will get angry/upset at the lack of a restroom. I still think you can though, as angering customers doesn’t really matter anyway.

This got me thinking about the kitchens though. I tried, and you can actually fire all your chefs, sell all your kitchens (make sure to sell everything), and your customers won’t complain. They are fine with only drinks, even during parties. You might have to adjust all your waitresses to set no priority on “food” so they will ignore customer requests, but I don’t think it’s necessary. You will want to do this after you get a 5 star menu, as that’s an achievement by itself, and you also want to maximize your royalty chance on normal days.

What’s the point? Well food isn’t a big money-maker at this point, in fact I made more money off drinks than food at this points. You can also replace the kitchen on each floor with a second bar and add even more tables to your floor.

But most importantly, this breaks quests. On your next day, quests will reset to the “kitchen” quests, meaning you can buy the crate, counter, plate shelf, and kitchen grill, unlock achievement for an easy 20 points, sell the items you just bought, and repeat on the next day. Assuming you are at least halfway through the quests, you can collect your remaining 400 points in just 20 days.

If you still need to finish the research tree, you can hang onto your crate and adventurer table to continue the parties, as they are fine not being fed.


To finish research tree and all quests, just cram tables/chairs together and replace your hotel floor with ~100 researchers. Quickly cycle through all research items so you can replace your research floor with another bar floor. Once you have 5 star menu, fire all chefs, sell all kitchen equipment, and on next day complete the tutorial kitchen quests for 20 points and sell off the items to repeat the quests on the next day.

Additional Exploit

This is an additional exploit, and to most people I imagine it goes too far, however if you are inclined to absolutely wreck your Tavern like I did to ‘finish’ the game, then perhaps you would be interested in this method.

When you save a game, it stores all your current research/quest progress. When you reload that save, it sets the day to the beginning but with your current progress.

For quests

  • Buy intro kitchen equipment.
  • Finish quests.
  • Sell intro kitchen equipment.
  • Save game, reload, repeat until you hit the 800 quest points.
  • This just allows you to skip AFKing each day to get a new set of quests.

However for the research tree, you can:

  • Organize party, wait until the party date.
  • On the party date, prior to the end of the day, save game, reload.
  • The party is now restarted while your research progess from previous day is saved.
  • This avoids having to wait for the next party date, and not have to grind for the adventure resources to reschedule the party.

You can also do the same thing during fires too.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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