Teamfight Manager – Trait Tier List (with Damage Formula & Player Stats)

Guide to Trait Tier List

The Damage Formula


  • Damage = (ATK * 100 + 99 + DEF) / (100 + DEF) * Trait Multiplier / 100
  • ATK = (Champion ATK + (Player ATK * 0.1)) * Active Buffs * Champion Modifier
  • DEF = Champion DEF * Active Buffs


  • Player ATK is additive. The exact value may or may not be 0.1 per point as demonstrated in this formula. This is an assumption based on limited testing.
  • Buffs are multiplicative.
  • The only champion in the game that has a modifier is the swordsman. That modifier is equal to 2.
  • Champion DEF can’t go lower than -50 DEF with debuffs.
  • Every point of DEF nets +1% effective health. The base Knight with 200 HP and 60 DEF has 320 effective health. The base Ghost with 160 HP and 0 DEF has 160 effective health. Meaning that the base Knight can endure twice as many hits as the base Ghost.
  • The trait multiplier refers to the Iron Body and Brittle Body traits. They are equal to 1.05 and 0.95 respectively.

The Player Stats


  • Affects champion attack speed as follows:
    • Best condition: +12% ~ +20%
    • Good condition: +4% ~ +12%
    • Average condition: -4% ~ +4%
    • Bad condition: -12% ~ -4%
    • Worst conditon: -20% ~ -12%
  • Affects champion movement speed as follows:
    • Best condition: +1 movement speed
    • Worst condition: -1 movement speed
    • No change otherwise.
  • Verdict:

Condition plays a vital role in winning fights. There’s up to a 40% attack speed difference and 2 movement speed difference between the worst condition and the best. Always have reserve players to switch in the players with the best shape!


  • What it does:
    • Boosts champion ATK by an additive amount. Possibly by +0.1 per point.
    • If 2v2, the player stat boost is tripled (x3). That bonus is halved for the swordsman (x1.5). This may have to do with the fact that the Swordsman is the only champion in the game that inflicts double his ATK value as damage.
  • Verdict:
    • Since the boost is additive, the player ATK stat makes the biggest difference for fast hitting champions with low base ATK. Also, weirdly enough, the ATK boost that the swordsman gains from player ATK does not get halved in 3vs3 and 4vs4 despite his damage modifer (probably an oversight). This, paired with his naturally high attack speed, means that the swordsman can perform well regardless of nerfs if the player has championship level stats. This also explains why the game tends to nerf his ATK stat harshly.


  • What it does:
    • Boosts champion max HP by an additive amount. Possibly by +0.5 per point.
    • If 2v2, the player stat boost is tripled (x3).
  • Verdict:
    • Since the boost is additive, the player DEF stat makes the biggest difference for champions that have low HP. It’s also great on champions with a very high DEF stat since there’s more value per HP point there.

Trait Tier List

SS Tier: OP

Life of the Party

  • Effect:

Increases allies condition by one level upon participating in the match.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This is by far the best trait in the game. Increasing all allies’ condition by one level means +8% attack speed across the board, as well as +1 movement speed when going from good condition to best or worst condition to bad. This trait does not affect the holder. This trait can stack, so having an entire team with this trait would be ideal.

S Tier: Even Greater

Fast Runner

  • Effect:

Increase Movement Speed by 1.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

The bonus is flat, so its best on slower champions. Ranged champions have a movement speed of 3 so this trait is multiplicatively a +33% movement speed buff, significantly boosting their kiting ability. Stacks with the speed boost / penalty from condition.

A Tier: Great

Piercing Spear

  • Effect:

Receive 10 DEF penetration effect.

  • Notes and Reasoning:
    • Best on champions who rely on both their basic attacks and skill equally to deal damage, like the Swordsman or the Sniper.
    • Due to how DEF works in this game, this is actually more effective against low DEF champions. Against an enemy with 0 DEF like the Ghost or the Sniper, this is a +10% damage boost. Against an enemy with 60 DEF like the Knight or the Shield Bearer, this is a +6.25% damage boost.
    • This trait is usually better than Gale and Quick Cast in damage output performance despite the potential lower numbers because it affects the damage output of basic attacks, skills, and ults.


  • Effect:

Increase Attack Speed by 10%.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Best on champions who mainly rely on their basic attacks to perform, like the Pyromancer or the Priestess.

Quick Cast

  • Effect:

Reduce CD by 10%.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Best on champions who mainly rely on their abilities to perform, like the Barrier Mage or the Shrine Maiden.

Mother Teresa

  • Effect:

Increases recovery by 10%.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Best on champions that have high recovery output, like the Priestess or the Shrine Maiden.


  • Effect:

Upon using a basic attack, inflics a healing reduction effect for 3 seconds on the enemy.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

The healing reduction effect is -30%, which is pretty significant and can shut down powerful healing comps. AoE attacks do inflict the debuff, so it’s best on AoE damage champions. The only reason this trait isn’t higher on the tier list is because it’s only as good as your enemy’s healing output. It doesn’t hurt to have a player with the trait so you can capitalize on it when it comes to it.

News of Victory

  • Effect:

Recover 10 HP every time you are involved in killing an enemy.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Both kills and assists will heal the champion. Debuffing or damaging an enemy before an ally scores the kill does count as an assist. Generally more useful on melee champions because they’re less likely to have full HP on proc.

B Tier: Good

The Great Mage

  • Effect:

Cool time decreases by 5% when using a mage.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

More limited and less effective than Quick Cast.


  • Effect:

Attack speed increases by 5% when using a marksman.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

More limited and less effective than Gale.

Mr. Careful

  • Effect:

When HP is full, attack speed increases 5%.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

More limited and less effective than Gale.

Iron Body

  • Effect:

Reduces damage received by 5%.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

A decent survivability boost.


  • Effect:

Condition does not fall below the normal level.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This is A tier if you have no reserves because of how significant condition bonuses and penalties are.

Relief Pitcher

  • Effect:

Reduces all stats by 10 when the players participate in the match from the start. Increase all stats by 10 if the players participate as substitutes.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

All sets except the first set will provide the boost. D tier if you have no reserves.

Hidden Potential

  • Effect:

Reduces all stats by 10. Increases all stats by 1 every 2 seconds in the match.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

A stat boost for 2/3 of the match. This is A tier in 2v2 seasons because the effects of player stats are tripled.


  • Effect:

Only approaches the enemy when there is a teammate.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This is usually good because it prevents suicide charges when the champion is the last one alive on their team. Can situationally be bad or never get the chance to proc.

C Tier: Mediocre

Clutch Hitter

  • Effect:

Increase all stats by 20 in the last set.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

While very situational, this is B tier in 2v2 seasons because the effects of player stats are tripled.

Love For Red

  • Effect:

All stats increase by 5 when playing on a red side.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

A +5 stat boost half the time. Situationally decent.

Love For Blue

  • Effect:

All stats increase by 5 when playing on a blue side.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

A +5 stat boost half the time. Situationally decent.


  • Effect:

With every 5% decrease in HP, attack is increased by 1.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This is great for champions that leech, like the Berserker. Mediocre otherwise.

Smell of Blood

  • Effect:

In the corresponding match, increase ATK by 2 every time the player kills an enemy (Max 20).

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Only procs on kills. Takes time and luck to actually make a difference.


  • Effect:

Increases all stats by 10 until the first kill.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This boost will last only 10 seconds at best.

King of Best of 5

  • Effect:

All stats increase by 5 in a best out of 5 game.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This only applies in the finals and championships. Decent when it procs, an empty slot otherwise.

D Tier: Hmm…


  • Effect:

Escape when HP falls below 30%. During the escape, movement speed doubles.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This is pretty powerful on the Priestess because she can kite much better with this and heal herself before continuing the fight. With Fast Runner and max player condition, the Priestess would have 10 movement speed while running away so nothing would be able to catch her. However, this trait is crippling to all other champions.

Contempt for Weaklings

  • Effect:

Prioritizes attacking enemies with low HP.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This is pretty powerful on the Fighter due to the very high HP, DEF, and movement speed as well as possessing an ability that stuns the target enemy. Enemies will be wasting time aggroing and chasing the Fighter down. Running this on assassins is generally a bad idea because they target low HP heroes by default with their abilities and this trait only increases their susceptibility to suicide charges. This trait is crippling to all other champions.


  • Effect:

Reduces all stats by 10 when you’re winning, and increases them by 10 when you’re losing.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Situationally advantagous / disadvantagous.

Fragile Mentality

  • Effect:

Reduces all stats by 10 when you’re losing, and increases them by 10 when you’re winning.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Situationally advantagous / disadvantagous.

F Tier: Harmful

Brittle Body

  • Effect:

Increases damage received by 5%.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

A small damage penalty. Mitigate this by playing a ranged champion.


  • Effect:

When HP is full, attack speed decreases by 5%.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

A small situational attack speed penalty. Mitigate this by playing a melee champion.


  • Effect:

Increases all stats by 10. Reduces all stats by 1 every 2 seconds in the match.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

A stat penalty for 2/3 of the match. This is FF tier in 2v2 seasons because the effects of player stats are tripled.


  • Effect:

Condition does not go above the normal level.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This is FF tier if you have no reserves because of how significant condition bonuses and penalties are.

FF Tier: Crippling


  • Effect:

Decreases Movement Speed by 1.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This cripples the slow moving champions’ movement speed significantly. This can be mitigated by only using fast moving melee champions.

Collaboration Attack

  • Effect:

Prioritizes attacking the enemy your ally attacked most recently.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This causes switching of targets very frequently. The risk can be mitigated by using very long range champions or the Fighter Champion.


  • Effect:

The target of attack randomly changes every 5 seconds.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

This causes switching of targets very frequently. The risk can be mitigated by using very long range champions or the Fighter Champion.

Random Target

  • Effect:

Gives priority to its attacks to an opponent with the least damage received.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Good luck with that… The risk can be mitigated by using very long range champions or the Fighter Champion.


  • Effect:

Prioritizes attacking the enemy that survived for the longest time.

  • Notes and Reasoning:

Good luck with that… The risk can be mitigated by using very long range champions or the Fighter Champion.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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