Hailey Bossing Build
By Desire.
Note: I did not cherry pick these end results (except for Pyro, that was dope). One try, screenshot, next boss. This way you can see what to expect, depending on crit luck you can clear bosses faster or slower.
How Does Her Ult Work
- Hailey’s ult works the same way as Gley’s
- Weapon stats are taken 1:1 for her ultimate’s base damage
- This applies to firearm atk, weakpoint dmg, crit rate/dmg and most importantly, mag size
- With every shot you get an extra proc that scales for 3627% of her base skill power, hence the 2 damage numbers per shot
- Extra proc is best scaled with Skill Power due to it having an already very high modifier
- Ult ignores your weapon’s unique ability, and as far as our tests have concluded, even the negative stats don’t carry over
Boss Mod Setup
In total we need 10 polarized slots:
- 1xC: Chill Specialist (Best damage mod for her)
- 4xA: Front Lines, Emergency Measures, Skill Concentration, Skill Insight (all for crit)
- 3xM: Grapple slot, Nimble Fingers (Cooldown), MP Conversion (Cooldown)
- 1xX: Dangerous Ambush (Damage)
- 1xR: Focus on Singular (Damage and Cooldown)
Reasoning behind Skill Cooldown is that we can use our ult twice in one phase if the boss has been grappled correctly, or right as his frenzy ends if you didn’t manage to onephase. Contrary to every Lepic build in existence you don’t have to kill yourself to reset your ult.
Glacial Syncytium is always a TINY bit worse than Shot Focus when looking at the raw ultimate shot damage. However, if you plan on using your 2 as well then Glacial will always be better.
Same as group setup really, we just swap out MP Conversion and Nimble Fingers for Shot Focus and Spear and Shield for more Firearm damage and Skill Power respectively
Weapon Choices
Tldr; Piercing > Afterglow because of the very high damage per shot Piercing has to offer. It has considerably less fire rate but you only get 6-7 shots per phase anyway. However, if you prefer comfort you may as well use Afterglow. The damage/5s is about equal.
Mod Setup and Readjustments for both:
Swap Special Sight for Weak Point Expansion when playing solo. Special Sight will be better as soon as you need more than 5 shots for a boss.
How to Increase Your Mag
Hailey’s ult has 4 bullets at base that scale additively with increased mag size %.
- Expand Weapon Charge: 49%
- Maximize Weight Balance: 30%
- Slayer Set: 9%
This gives us a total of 88% increased magazine capacity. The threshold for 7 bullets is 75%, so if you don’t want to add an extra catalyst you can leave out a few levels on your mods.
You can get 8 bullets, however, it is very much not needed as you cannot fire them off quick enough most of the time and you’d lose one of your damage rolls due to swapping the crit rate readjustment for increased magazine size.
The Mag readjustment can go up to 12%, we need it to max roll to reach 100% overall increased mag size (counting the 88% from above).
If you want a bit more damage per shot and are cool with only 6 bullets you can swap Maximize Weight Balance for Focus Fire.
Reactor hasn’t been farmable yet, but ideally you want a Chill/Singular base reactor with Critical Damage and Damage vs Colossus. Other good rolls are:
- Crit rate/Colossus.
- Crit rate/Crit damage.
- Singular boost/Colossus.
- Chill/Colossus.
Note: with a 30%+ crit rate substat you can drop skill insight for Shot focus or Spear and Shield.
Slayer set beats it all, same Setup as a Lepic:
- Aux: Max HP/MP Recovery out of Combat.
- Sensor: Max MP/MP Recovery Modifier.
- Memory: DEF/MP Recovery Modifier.
- Processor: Literally whatever the f you feel like/Max Shield/Toxin Res (Ecive uptime can be nice for boss weak spots).
Borderline unkillable build for Gluttony public lobbies:
60m DPM Gluttony Enduring Legacy build (Uses Annihilation set):
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