If you want to unlock the Kamasutra Pages (KP’s) for each of their matching booty calls (BC’s), you can figure out the locations of each chest key and chest (if accessible) in this guide.
Note: The number next to the page name (X) corresponds to the order in which they are available in the game.
All Kimberly (5) Pages Locations
Page 1: Oral Fun (20) v.45101
Key Location:

Chest Location: Enter this area through a hidden wall in the mansion dining room.

Page 2: Pussy Sex (24) v.53121
Key Location: Use the boomerang here.

Chest Location:

Page 3: Anal (32) v.69041
Key Location: Give this NPC @ Channel 4 the disguise & maid outfit. You will get 2 chest key halves, glue them together to get the chest key.

Chest Location:

Page 4: Dirty Girl (45) v.89102
Key Location:

Chest location:

Page 5: Upside Down (59/60) v.98031
Key Location:

Chest Location:

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