Here is my build for beating compression 10.
Guide to Compression 10 Build
I wanted to share my build in detail.
Rockets are your main damage dealers, and you just want as many modifiers as possible. Acid, frost, and zyge all work. We have lots of guns and bombers mostly to proc timeshift. Fire breath is to proc timeshift. Timeshift exists mainly to keep zyge arrows stocked, but also get away with fewer runners and still have them GEET. I’m sure there’s a more optimal setup but I was able to do this with only 14 talent points.
Talents (14 points) in order

- Row 1: Motivation, Runner Backstop, Extra Housing, Bathe In Fire.
- Row 2/3: Gatling Balloon, Timeshift Delivery.
- Row 4/5: Future to the Back, Project Constellation, Rocket Gatler, Frostfire, Return to Sender, Deals, Reclamation Mitigation, Arrows’ Last Hurrah.
Zyge spent (9 total, 8 compression events before you face the 10th bar, and also the free one from the Talent threshold):
- 1 in Shard Stash: Additional Housing.
- 1 in Slam Club: Fire Breath.
- 2 in GPL: Timeshift Impact*.
- 2 in Archery Range for Zybellium Arrows.
- 2 in Garden: One to build and another for Flower Power.
- 1 in Rock Analysis Lab: Reclamation Nullification.
*I’m unclear if the second one would be better used elsewhere. I was considering Rocket Vulnerability.
Gnorps and upgrades
- House of Shards: every building.
- The Express (35 gnorps, could be less but it’ll take longer): no inspiration, ~30ish capacity, max speed, 60% GEET is showing (only 50% purchased), breaktime, delivery rush.
- Slam Club (25 gnorps): Runner Inspiration, NO WARM UPS, max combo chance, Fire Breath, meditation set to off.
- GPL (25 gnorps): Timeshift Impact x1-3, Ultra Boost, Concentration.
- Archery Range: Zybe, but buy fire + ice for free housing.
- Rock Analysis Lab: all upgrades.
- Gun vs Rock: 6 gunners purchased, set to ice, 0 Gatlegnorp, Grenade Launcher, Sticky Floral Residue.
- Shrine: Power.
- Garden: Green only, flower power, enriched puke.
- Rockets: 6x+6y.
No drones, mountaineers, zygnorps, but I built the buildings for housing.
ended up winning with 1st part by adding a ton of drones and extra rockets
I’m of the opinion now that the second timeshift is optional and vulnerability is good. It adds more range variance but the damage is well worth it especially with the vulnerability talent.
i beat compression 10 with your 14 point build but I swapped reclamation for vulnerability and the second timeshift for teleport. Got to 10 pretty easy then took some hours of grinding up and buying more rockets and other stuff but got the job down. Thanks!
This straight up doesn’t work, even if you buff the crap out of all the buildings (I got to 9x 10y, 60 slammers, 50 bombers, 10 gunners, and it still wouldn’t cap)
This straight up works for me. The slammers, gunners are just for keeping the buffs, and the bomber for the timeshift impact, buying anymore of them won’t contribute too much to your dmg. Instead, the rockets are triggered by the GEET protocols, and thats where ur dmg comes from.
so once i get to 10, i just hold this build until the end of the game? any plans for the last zyge to spend at compression 10?
Rocket Vulnerability.
If there was drones before compression, zyge for baby-drones might be good.
Or look who’s higher on damage (bombers and slamers) and upgrade them.
Or maybe rocket arrows so that your baloon get some damage.
seems like there are better builds out there, right now im in compression 10, stack is about 50% for hours, takes forever to get any more upgrades. I’ll probably end up idling for days until compression 10 gets beaten with this guide.
I like the guide, but in practice slammers do more damage overall when you upgrade warm-up to max
Great guide. But don’t oversee building Robotics.
Drones easily outperform runners in collecting at latter stages. And when slammers do about 30-hit combos with “COMBO POWER” (bottom left group) and “MOTIVATION” (top group) talents plus drone inspiration, then 10 baby drones with “Adaptive learning” Zybo-upgrade would do as much damage as a whole torrent of rockets.
I’d really like to see your version of a build, if you have the time please consider making one!
I did this but with mountaineers and it took way longer. I never thought the slammers or zybe arrows could be good