(the) Gnorp Apologue – 21 Talent Points Build Guide (4.8g/Min Collection Rate)

After 20+ hours I’ve figured out the biggest dps build and made it to 21 talent points. Probably could’ve gone up to 22-23. If I wanted.

Guide to 21 Talent Points Build

Talent Tree

This build requires 17 (Arrow’s last hurray is useless here) talent points to run.

Crucial talents are:

  • Modern Warfare
  • Agitated Zybe
  • Gnorpcalibur
  • Vulnerability Empowerment
  • Project:Constellation
  • Explosive Exposition

Basically the build relies on Riflegnorps shooting grenades to quickly reset weakpoint discovery.

Rockets then pop these weakpoints which triggers shrine’s Overdrive accord for multiplying amount of overdrive bars being filled. Overdrive accord 3% of last 1minute damage stacks up on intself and propels your dps into ghorposphere.

Damage graph ends up looking kinda like this:

Progression & Gnorp Allocation

You should be careful as this build relies on proper gnorp allocation and you should not waste any if you want to save your time.

To make this build work you need to have as many drones on Compression 9 as possible.

To do that you need insane collection rates to keep up with your growing gnorpconomy.

You’ll need to get:

  • 3-5 zygnops (affinity to drones)
  • 30-50 runners (mode set to mountaineers)
  • 20+ mountaineers
  • 30 bombers (any mode)
  • As many riflegnorps as you can (modern warfare)
  • At least 15 drones on Compression 9 (fastest mode)


  • Enriched Puke + Amplified observation + Flowerpower
  • All 3 accords
  • Vulnerability
  • Terathrusters
  • Ice Arrows
  • All Rock Analysis upgrades, excluding Reclamation Nulification
  • Gnorp Propulsion all upgrades and Timeshift Impact set to 1.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. If the drone descent speed loss doesnt break anything then the Drone Capacity talent for 2x baby spawn at the end of compression 9 would be insane

  2. Unless im missing something you have no gatler gunner upgrades listed, so the Rocket Gatler talent in the SS could also be changed to something potentially more useful

  3. Are upgrades like Runner: GEET Protocol and Mountaineer: Improved Digging worth it in this build?

    • Mountaineer Improved Digging was helpful when trying to delay Compression 10 and is generally worth it, but not crucial by any means.

      Geet Protocol unlocks rockets, which deal the highest DPS. It is a must in any high level build I believe.

  4. To everyone that has trouble with stagnating and not breaching the DPS barrier I would like to iterate some things:
    1. Do you have as much baby drones on last compression as possible? They provide approximately 40% of DPS for this build
    2. Do you have enough runners GEETing for firing rockets as much as you can?
    3. Are all 3 Shrine accords active?
    4. Do you by any chance have no ice arrows or PERMAFROST picked in talents? This decreases your damage drastically
    5. Do you have all non-zybelium upgrades on riflegnorps, balloons, runners, mountaineers, drones e.t.c.

  5. You are still supposed to keep upgrading things once you complete the steps in the guide. You can’t just sit on the shards and hope for the best.
    The gnorpcaliber just multiplies the effectiveness of every damage boost you buy.

  6. Kinda baffled how if gnorpcaliber stacks upon itself why my DPS stagnates and doesn’t perpetually go up? It just stayed around 700m for like 15 minutes until I got bored of waiting

    • You are still supposed to keep upgrading things once you complete the steps in the guide. You can’t just sit on the shards and hope for the best.
      The gnorpcaliber just multiplies the effectiveness of every damage boost you buy.

  7. I removed:
    Bigger Pile
    The Higher The Pile

    I added:
    Bathe In Fire

    20 Slammers: 0 Warm up jumps, no meditation, Dragons breath, max combo
    This keeps the stone on fire at all times

    Ice arrows at archery

    Teleportation for runners

    The rest are your recommendations. I ended up with 60 mountaineers, 15 rifle gnorps, 70 runners, 55 bombers, 20 drones, and 2 zygnorps. Likely could have been more efficient but numbers go brrrrr.

    Using your build as a guide and adding some of my own changes, I was able to hit 10G in damage with an 8 G collection. This is likely the beefiest build possible so far. Good stuff man.

    • Slammers with fire breath is a great idea! I completely forgot about that, cause I dont use them at all, since they are very low utility and low damage.

      Teleportation for runners was the thing that I experimented with the most. I did not do data mining or calculating exact dps, but they numbers were a tad bit higher with the mountaineer upgrade due to more rockets being fired and higher collection rates total.

      10G damage, woah, congratulations!

  8. It took some work getting to compression 10 with this build, I had to switch between Fire and Ice arrows so that the rock was frozen when the rockets landed. That seemed to do the trick.

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