This is a simple short guide on what you need to do to recruit the rare adventurers you find on some islands.
Guide for Island Recruitable Adventurers
I made this small guide for those people that are like me and want every rare character they find in various games. This guide will NOT show the characters that you can recruit randomly when you visit islands, like Hongmei for example. This is strictly for the ones that you get from doing their quests. I also added what starting weapon they have and manual in case you wanted to prepare for a waifu/husbando or whatever.
I also want to say that they do come with a random bloodline, so if you really want the perfect adventurer then be sure to save before turning in the last quest. If the quest doesen’t end with “talk to X/inform X or something similiar then it will auto finish so be sure to save before that.
If the quest has a collect objective then you don’t need to craft it, so you can have it stocked before you get to the actual quest.
The first 3 islands in this guide will be the ones you can start the game with, after that I made it in no particular order.
Treasure Island
Kerik – Sword&Shield – Helping Heart
- Quest 1: Kill the Starfish King
- Quest 2: Kill King Crab
- Quest 3: Craft x100 Crab Rice & x100 Wine
Ps. Kerik has a completely different icon on the world map. The one above is his actual model right now.
Ancient Gods Sandbox
Shangguan Jin – Dual Sword – Assassin Heritage
- Quest 1: Collect x50 Beef Hot Pots & x100 Spicy Hot Pots
- Quest 2: Collect x50 Forest Roasts (Trade in Water and Tumbleweeds to a nearby mechant to get them)
Fufeng – Sword&Shield – Heart of Titans
- Quest 1: Kill x1000 Veteran Bronze. collect x200 Tumbleweeds & x200 Water
Note: Monster name in game is Bronze Warrior. Don’t know if this has been changed after I was playing for this guide.
Snowfields of the Damned
An – Greatsword – Chopping Iron
- Quest 1: Kill x2 Ice Dragons
Fairy Forest
Jenny – Staff – Wildfire Codex
- Quest 1: Kill x200 Rock Monsters
- Quest 2: Kill x2 Treant & x2 Dryad
- Quest 3: Kill the Spider Queen
Cui Ling – Greatsword – Chopping Iron
- Quest 1: Craft x50 Wine
- Quest 2: Kill x300 Green Slime & the Slime King
- Quest 3: Collect x100 Sour Soup Hot Pot
- Quest 4: Craft x100 Stone Beds
Doom City
Bowes – Greatsword – Flaming Sun
- Quest 1: Craft x50 Salmon Sashimi & x50 Wine
- Quest 2: Kill x300 L-virus & x300 M-virus zombies
Tiffany – Staff – Basic Codex
- Quest 1: Kill x600 K-virus zombies
- Quest 2: Kill x300 Mutant Piranha
- Quest 3: Kill x8 Grim Reaper (spawned by killing Red Chest Monsters)
Ps. This was by far the most annoying person for me to get, so unless it’s been patched, be ready for a world of hurt. The red Chest Monsters are sandwhiched between two Evil Mike and they hit pretty hard and are tanky. So I had to have two groups of my best fighters in a kill Mike bounty while I had another group farming the chests. Even if more Grim Reapers spawn, you only get credit for 1…
Forest of Elves
Sylph – Staff – Army Codex
This one is a bit special. So you basically have to do two quests for Sylph, then two for her sister and lastly three for her brother. When you finish the last quest Sylph will be in the Roving section.
- Quest 1: Kill x200 Red Wolves & x100 Forest Hounds
- Quest 2: Kill x200 Brown Bears & x300 Black and White Wolves
- Quest 3: Kill x300 Forest Guardians & x2 Wood Sages
- Quest 4: Kill x300 Yellow-green Piranha
- Quest 5: Kill x300 Centaurs & x100 Centaur Captains
- Quest 6: Kill x500 Skeleton Warriors
- Quest 7: Kill Cerberus
Foggy Forest
Zixuan – Flying Sword – Dragon Gate Art
- Quest 1: Collect x300 Fish Sushi
- Quest 2: Kill the Scarlet King (Unless corrected it’s the Gorilla King), the Red Lightning Dragon & the Silver Gray Venomous Flying Dragon (again, unless corrected it’s just Silver Flying Dragon)
Jurassic Park
Elena – Greatsword – Flaming Sun
- Quest 1: Kill the Allosaurus Queen
- Quest 2: Collect x100 apple pies & x100 Apple Juice
Immortal Sect (DLC)
So this DLC acts out kinda like when you try to get Sylph. You have to go through everyones quests before you get all 4 characters at the end. So while I list the quests under each person, you won’t get them until the end.
Jian Quingfeng – Flying Sword – Dragon Gate Art
- Quest 1: Kill x200 Risen Archer, x200 Risen Warrior & x200 Risen Mage
- Quest 2: Kill x200 Bronze Soldiers, x200 Tarbosaurus & x200 Blue Mini Dragon
- The Bronze soldiers are mixed with Bronze Warriors, so you don’t do like me and saw the warriors first and then tried to find the soldiers all over the map
- Quest 3: Kill x300 Bronze Warrior, x150 Skeleton Warrior & kill Cerberus
Dan Yunyun – Bow – Longbow Codex
- Quest 1: Collect x300 T1 Herb, x150 T2 Herb & x50 T3 Herb
- Quest 2: Craft x20 Alchemy buildings, upgrade an Alchemy building to medium and then place it 5 times & upgrade a Medium Alchemy to Superior and place it 3 times.
- Quest 3: Craft x5 Iron Giant Sword & x5 Beast Bone Staffs (the blue quality ones)
Hu Mei – Staff – Elemental Codex
- Quest 1: Place Fire of Civilization , kill x600 Green Cactus & kill x10 Purple Butterfly Elfs
- Quest 2: Kill x300 Blue Brachiosaurus, x9 Rusty Gargoyle & x9 Mutant Pterosaur
- Quest 3: Kill the Rose Butterly Fairy & Red Crystal Hammer
Nameless Disciple – Dual Sword – Assassin Heritage
- Quest 1: Kill x300 Snow Golem & x300 Geode Golem (Rock Golem ingame)
- Quest 2: Kill x300 Rock Element, x300 Stone Demon Statue & 10 Ogre Big Guy (Yes, yes that’s the name…)
- Quest 3: Kill the Chaos Troll, Blue Balrog & Balrog
- Quest 4: Craft x20 Adventurer Dormitories
Closing Thoughts
So for this guide I created a new game and played it through and it took a while. And obviously I didn’t play every single day and such so there might be some errors here and there when it comes to names etc.
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