The Magical Mixture Mill – Self-Powered Arcane-O-Coil Workstation Guide

Warning! This guide contain spoilers. Read on your own risk.

Arcane-O-Coil Workstation

This is my current version of the most powerful Arcane-O-Coil that can be selfpowered. This monstrous contraption makes full use of the Transmuter.

Arcane-O-Coil layout with maximum radius while self-powered

Click to enlarge…

by Drakoniid

Now, of the topic of features:

  • 1080 Ingredients of each essence.
  • 1080 Yeast & Go-Go Berries to fuel fermenters.
  • Up to 1400 Fancy Bottles + 20 Classic. Half using imported Iron & Sandstone (Import 700 per day), half from Sand & Clay in chests.
  • Grouped collect point. (top of the layout)
  • Entirely tileable, if you’re unhinged enough to put 2 of those in your workshop.
  • Now with 100% more useless furnace!

To assemble it, start by the workstations that power the Coil itself (1 Transmutator, 5 Growers, 3 Extractors, 1 Adv. Distiller, 1 Fermenter, and the associated 6 Crates).

Fill those crates to prevent Coil downtime!

Pick a color of chest that you won’t use anywhere else, Assign the first one to every chest, except for the row on the NE corner of the layout, which should be differently colored (any).

Then set exact filters to summoner crates (except for the bottles one, category it is, crafted item), both item and color of chest.

The unlabeled summoner crate is a “rusher” buffer, since 1440 items is too much for a single chest, and I was too lazy adding a new color for a Rusher Crate.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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