The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors – Difficulty and Unlockable Features Guide

Just thought I could share some information regarding this title since I assume it will mostly be identical to the console versions that has been out for a while.

Guide to the Difficulty and Unlockable Features

Сrеdit gоеs to fangtooth!


There are two difficulties in the game, Normal and Hard. If you get destroyed you get to start from your last check point, can choose another character and you have unlimited continues.

Hard is unlocked once you complete the game on normal for the first time. On hard the only thing that changes is that the game changes enemy compositions, some enemies you fight on later stages star appearing earlier. So the gameplay balance is still intact but also a bit more challenging. I can’t remember if bosses are changed in any way.


When you finish the game on normal for the first time you also unlock Time Attack, the soundtrack from the Arcade game (Can become very repetitive) and the character Yaksha (Mini Ninja). Time Attack let’s you start from any stage in the game, on normal or hard, with an in game time counter.

When you beat the game a second time (Any difficulty) you unlock Raiden (Mega Ninja) and to unlock the soundtrack from the Super Nintendo version you have to complete the game with either Yaksha or Raiden, I recommend doing it with Yaksha since Raiden is a more difficult character to learn.

The remastered soundtrack is great but the SNES soundtrack still has that awesome slappy bass sound.

Gameplay changes from the original (The energy bar)

In the original your energy bar could be used for two things when it was full, either do a screen wide bomb attack or to end a combo with a finisher that does extra damage. The bomb attack depletes the whole bar while a combo finisher just uses a part of it (A third I think). The bar gets depleted when you recieve enough damage to be knocked to the ground. In this version you can also use parts of your bar to do new moves.


There is a manual and move list in options. Mostly images and the input commands, it can be a bit confusing so just test stuff as you are playing. Raiden has some moves that change depending on enemies positions etc. Which isn’t really explained in the manual.

Scan lines can be added from options, I think there is around 9 levels to choose from.


When playing co-op you are sharing both life bar and energy bar, it’s a bit strange but atleast they added the availability to play two ninjas at the same time.


Be sure to watch the intro and the outro for the game.

For you who like to do achievements, on console there was five based on completing the game with the different characters. I don’t know if it counts if you change a character during the playthrough.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 6870 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. I have a Switch save game with all unlocked, played via Yuzu. I wonder what format the save file will be

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