The Symbiant Re:Union guide and DLC installation instructions.
How to Unlock All Achievements/CGs
It’s the exact same UI as last game, all the same controls etc. You can once again roll back choices with your mouse wheel, as well.
This game is impossible to “mess up”, and there are no endings as such. It is therefore highly recommended that you try and play these scenarios and complete them by yourself, as this is largely a visual novel. You cannot choose anything wrong.
If you have not played The Symbiant, it is highly recommended you play that first, as this is a direct sequel to two endings in that game.
Adult Patch Install (DLC)
First, install the Adult Patch DLC from the steam store. Then right click the game in the game’s library menu, or the cog on the right of the game page, and click “properties”. Go down the list to “DLC”, and make sure the adult patch is ticked.
The adult patch is currently broken, but it will look something like this when fixed:

Note: To check it’s installed, the options menu should have an “Adult Content” check box you can tick on.
Cayama – “Blast From The Past” Ending Route
This story follows the “Blast From The Past” Ending from The Symbiant. In this, you will get CGs #1-#6 on the first page (Or #1-#10 on the first 2 pages, with the adult patch), and the Achievements “Careful what you wish for”, “Sop-hiss-ticated”, “Booze and Snooze”, “Trophy Wife”, “Sleep on it” and “All you Need”.
Also in this route are missable achievements:
- “Oh behave, Brahve” – Click every food option.
- “Shower Talk” – Click every shower option.
Odaria – “Happy Ever After” Ending Route
This story follows the “Happy Ever After” Ending from The Symbiant. In this, you will get CGs #1-#6 on the second page (Or CGs #11-#21 on pages 2, 3 and 4 on the adult patch), and the Achievements “YOLO”, “Blue Beard”, “Friendly Competition”, “Journey, Not Destination”, “A Hard Topic” and “Spill the Beans”.
Also in this route are missable achievements:
- “Multipurpose” – On the Map menu, click the gift/present (Also creates a CG variation).
- “Private Collection” – On the Map menu, click the Hiker, and then take a photo of Brahve, with or without his permission will pop the achievement BUT you will miss CG #4 on the second page if you don’t ask his permission.
- “Can’t get enough of you” – On the Map menu, click every option available before clicking the bedroom. The bedroom button will ask if you are sure you are happy to proceed with the main story.
General Route Achievements
“Gotta Catch Them All” – Unlock all the CGs. For non-adult patches, this is 12. For Adult Patch, this is 22. Just play both stories and get all the missable achievements I’ve mentioned (the one most people will miss is the camera one in the Odaria route in the hot springs).
“Over and Over” – Replay all the scenes once. Go to the “Scene Replay” menu and play every scene again, which is essentially playing the story twice.
“Got It All” – Get all the achievements. This will likely pop when you’ve finished replaying the scenes and get the “over and over” achievement. I’ve had reports that this equivalent didn’t pop in the first game sometimes, and this uses the same engine. If it happens to you, simply turn the game off and on again.
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