Solution for all achievements that require a certain curcuit.
All Achievement Solutions with Certain Curcuits
- Complete the XOR level using Only 4 Nand gates and nothing else.

5 Component Full Adder
- Complete the full adder level using only 5 blue components.

Symmetric ALU
- Complete then “Logic Engine” level using only components from the “BYTES” category.

3 Adder Multiply
- Complete “The Product of Nibbles” using no more than three 8 bit adders.

Condition 10
- Complete the level called “Conditions” using only 10 blue components.

Fast Adder
- Complete the byte adder with a delay of 35 or less.

Note: This circuit has a delay of 34.
Binary Counter
- Complete the Counter level with a 65 nand score or less.
Note: This circuit has a gate score of 55.

Hello !
About your “Fast Adder”, may I ask how much delay has your Add component?
Your longest path has 3 Adders, and mine has 12 delay so it’s already 36 delay, without taking switches and nots into account