Tvö – Ultimate Puzzle Guide (How to Solve All)

Hints for each of the puzzles which get gradually more spoiler-icious until we reveal the solution. We’ve used spoiler tags so you can reveal as much or as little as you wish.

Definitive Guide to All Puzzle Solutions

Guide Intro

Welcome to the developers’ guide to Tvö!

If you find yourself lost and in need of assistance, this guide will help you find your way deeper into the twisting corridors of this maze. We’ve tried to give a series of increasingly spoilery hints for those that are simply looking for a little nudge in the right direction, culminating in full solution videos for those who have started to rip out their hair.

Throughout the guide, we will be referring to the two players as Player 1 and Player 2. Player 1 is the person hosting the game, referred to as the “Lost Soul” in-game. Player 2 is the person joining the game, referred to as the “Condemned Soul” in-game.

Main Plaza Puzzle

The first puzzle of the game is located in the main plaza where players start the game.

Puzzle Elements:

  • Both players have interactable glyphs on the walls that can be turned on and off.

Light Hint:

  • When Player 1 turns on a glyph, they should look up and around for changes.
  • When Player 2 turns on a glyph, the changes are in front of them.

Heavy Hint:

  • Each of Player 1’s glyphs change the colour of an orb when they’re turned on.
  • Player 2 needs to know the glyph and the colour of each from Player 1.


  • Each of Player 1’s glyphs changes the colour of an orb.
  • Player 2 needs to light up the glyph with the same symbols and colour as the orb. Repeat for each of the three glyphs on Player 1’s side.

Follow the Lights Puzzle

This puzzle is available after solving the Main Plaza puzzle. The doorway marked with the “fish” symbol indicates the section of the maze containing this puzzle.

Puzzle Elements:

  • Each player has one interactable glyph on the maze wall that can be turned on near the entrance.

Light Hint:

  • When either player turns on their glyph, they should look up and around for changes. Turning on the glyph starts a timer; when time runs out, the glyph deactivates and the changes are reverted.

Heavy Hint:

  • While the glyph is on, a series of orbs leading to the final piece of the puzzle change colour. By following the orbs, players will find glyphs they can interact with and need to communicate about before time runs out.

Extra Heavy Hint:

  • The solution involves each player having one, and only one, of their final glyphs active.


  • At roughly the same time, each player should hit their first glyph and follow the orbs that changed colour; blue orbs for Player 1, red orbs for Player 2. At the end of the path, players will find three interactable glyphs each. They must turn on the one matching glyph (and only that one!), which looks like “S” “fish” “F” “C”, to solve the puzzle.

Triggers & Platforms Puzzle

This puzzle is available after solving the Main Plaza puzzle. The doorway marked with the “snuggling arrows” symbol indicates the section of the maze containing this puzzle.

Puzzle Elements:

  • Player 1 has three stone triggers on the ground.
  • Player 2 has three interactable glyphs that are out of reach.

Light Hint:

  • When Player 1 steps on a trigger, Player 2 should look around for changes.

Heavy Hint:

  • When Player 1 steps on a trigger, a platform raises on Player 2’s side; one they can stand on.
  • Activating the true glyph will reveal the last piece of the puzzle.


  • Player 2 should stand on the platform below the glyph that is at the dead end. Player 1 should then stand on the middle trigger, with the “II” glyph on it to raise this platform. Once the glyph is in reach, Player 2 should activate it and a wall will lower beside them revealing a code written in blood on the wall reading “23113”. Player 1 should then enter this code by stepping on the triggers with the glyphs in the order: “II” “III” “I” “I” “III”.

Second Plaza Puzzle

This puzzle is available after solving the first three puzzles: Main Plaza, Follow the Lights, and Platforms & Triggers. From the main plaza, the doorway marked with the “bow tie” symbol indicates the section of the maze containing this puzzle.

Puzzle Elements:

  • Each player has a large plaza with multiple stone triggers scattered around them.

Light Hint:

  • Both players have a column of glyphs on a wall in their second plaza.

Heavy Hint:

  • The column of glyphs reveals which triggers to stand on; some of the glyphs are covered by mud/blood for each player.

Extra Heavy Hint:

  • Both players must stand on matching triggers to solve the puzzle.


  • Players must stand on matching pairs of glyphs, following the order on the column of glyphs from the bottom to top. The pairs of glyphs in order (approximately) are: “FT”, “RM”, “<P”, “SX”.

Underground Maze Puzzle

This puzzle is available after solving the Second Plaza puzzle. From the second plaza, the doorway marked with the “tree branch” symbol indicates the section of the maze containing this puzzle.

Puzzle Elements:

  • Both players are in an underground maze which contains a series of square rooms; each room has one entrance and three exits.

Light Hint:

  • The text in Player 1’s antechamber is a hint that each player must toggle their torch to progress in the puzzle.

Heavy Hint:

  • The path through the underground is reshuffled every time players are teleported back to the antechamber.
  • In each room, only one player’s side has the information both players need to proceed.

Extra Heavy Hint:

  • The text in Player 2’s antechamber is a hint that both players need to exit the room in the same direction relative to the entrance.


  • In each room, only one player’s side has orbs; when their torch is off one of the three orbs will light up indicating the correct exit. Both players must leave through the same exit relative to the room’s entrance.
  • Players navigate through four rooms, bringing them to the end of the underground maze where they continue forward until a wall closes behind them. Once both players have had the maze close behind them, the puzzle is complete.

Welcome Home

At this point, you’ve completed all of the puzzles and may feel free to explore the maze in daylight. Head back to the main plaza and enter the portal to wrap up the game with a final audio cutscene from which there is no escape. After both players have done this, you can use the pause menu to head back to the main menu.

From the bottom of our orb-shaped hearts, thank you for taking the time to play our little passion project. We hope you’ve enjoyed your stay!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Thank you for the guide! Can someone tell us if there are scary moments/monsters in the game? I am a bit sensitive 🙂

    • There are some moments that could be described as spooky, but there are no prolonged interactions with monsters or anything like that. Whispers, inanimate objects moving when you aren’t looking, and things you see/hear running away out of the corner of your eye are the worst it gets. There are also some soft psychological horror elements written into collectible notes.

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