Got 70% achievements, but a sence of perfection does not let you sleep?
How to Edit Save File
- Make a main save if you wish.
- Locate your saves (should be):
- C:\Users(your pc name)\Saved Games\Tyranny
- Right click the file that ends with quicksave.savegame and select 7zip\WinRAR > open archive
- Find MobileObjects.save and extract it
- Open it with notepad++ and hit ctr+f for a search box.
- Search for: m_disableAchievements
- The Line under it should read:
- Change True to False
- Save it and then drag the mobileobjects.save back into the opened quicksave archive which will prompt 7zip to ask if you want to copy the file there. just click yes and let it do its work
- After that it should be good to go. just reload the quicksave ingame and youll get achievements again.
Cheese Main Part
We don’t use the console\cheets, but just in case, make sure this flag is off:
<Simple value="m_disableAchievements" />
<Simple type="System.Boolean, mscorlib" value="False" />
Target is “m_trackedAchievementStatCount” section in MobileObjects.save.
Values from here are responsible for all achievements.
Seting 1 instead of 0 will unlock almost all achievements:
<Simple value="m_trackedAchievementStatCount" />
<SingleArray type="System.Int32[], mscorlib">
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
Edit, Load, Get any Ach!
Dessert Part
“Cry Havoc!” needs 3!
It was very very painful to find a string and value for it in MobileObjects.save. It’s 25:
<Simple value="m_trackedAchievementStatCount" />
<SingleArray type="System.Int32[], mscorlib">
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="6" />
<Simple value="29" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="362" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="62" />
<Simple value="1" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="1" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="0" />
<Simple value="3" />
“Iron Victory” \ TrialOfIron
Just set this to “True” straight before game ends.
<Simple value="TrialOfIron" />
<Simple type="System.Boolean, mscorlib" value="False" />
“Victory of the Damned”
Set this to “PathOfTheDamned” straight before game ends.
<Simple value="Difficulty" />
<Simple type="GameDifficulty, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass" value="PathOfTheDamned" />
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