Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Are objectives optional?
Yes, you don’t have to rush Boston immediately and the campaign doesn’t end if you don’t complete objectives.
How do I recover weapons?
Kill, capture, or shatter units on the tactical map or global map. This generates weapon piles to drop on the global map. Recover the piles to recover weapons. For artillery you need to kill the crew, just having possession of the cannon does not guarantee that you will recover them.
How do I avoid being dismissed as the Commander and Chief?
If your reputation stays below 15 for several weeks you will lose the campaign.
How do I repair ships?
Occurs over time while the ships are in port. Speed is based on the settlements construction points.
How are weapons distributed from storage?
Colony capitals can pull weapons and resources from storage and send them to settlements that need them through the supply wagons you see moving around the map.
What does this pause symbol mean?
It means the unit is not next in line to receive replenishment/reinforcements.

How can I build a lumber mill?
You need to research it in the engineering department and then upgrade an existing carpenters shop.
Are there dedicated artillery or skirmisher regiments?
No, you can only add companies to militia or fusilier regiments.
Do provisions generate during winter?
No. You need to build up your agriculture infrastructure, logistical infrastructure, and build warehouses to stockpile provisions before winter. Spreading out your units between settlements or disbanding some militia will also reduce the supply line burden. You can also build dedicated supply units to hold additional provisions.
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