Guide to Buildings and Infrastructure
By WilliamTheIII.
To construct a building, you will need to select any settlement. There, you will see a variety of slots which can be used for building as show in the picture. Next, click on one of those empty slots and a build menu will appear. Note that some settlements will have more buildings than can fit on the screen and you will need to scroll to see the rest of them.
In order to actually build a building, you will need three things. The first is the engineering department which can be unlocked immediately upon your promotion to Commander in Chief. The Second and Third is money and building materials which is shown at the top of your screen. Building materials can be increased through settlement control and through building the carpenter building along with its upgrades
Then, all you need do is select the building you want to build and construction will commence and after a certain period of time, the building will have been built.
Should you wish to cancel the construction, simply click on the building again and press cancel. You are also able to demolish buildings in the same way for a small return in building materials. Please note that the farther along you are in building, the greater the loss of resources.

Infrastructure works differently than constructing buildings:
Each region has a certain amount of infrastructure that can be built as seen.
To access the construction screen, you either can click on an open slot from the regions or by clicking the button that looks like a crane in the top left corner of the game, next to the flag. Again, you will need to have unlocked the engineering department
This menu will give you an overview of all the regions as well as providing you a list of the various types of infrastructure you can build:
- Logistics infrastructure does not take up an infrastructure slot and can be built to a maximum of 3. This will increase the rate at which men, supplies, equipment, etc can be shared amongst your settlements.
- Agriculture infrastructure is a very important one as this allows you to produce provisions for your army
- Production infrastructure gives you additional factory points in which you can use to build different types of items rather than having to rent factories from the Engineering Department.
- Shipbuilding infrastructure is similar to the production infrastructure except that you use them in building ships. They can also only be built on coastal regions.
- Mining infrastructure increases the amount of material that can be extracted from regions. The type of resources extracted from each region can be seen on the map while in this construction menu.
- Military infrastructure increases the maximum amount of regiments you can field and helps with recruiting in that region.
Each of these infrastructure have a high cost in both cash and building material. The No Resources shown in the images indicates that I am currently unable to build that type of infrastructure.
When having enough resources, simply clicking on the map will queue the construction. The time it takes is dependent on the amount of construction points a region has and so it may worth prioritizing high construction point regions.

In order to deploy a ship, you will need to have 3 things:
- The first is the Naval Department. This technology is not available immediately but after some time, an event will popup that will give you access to the research.
- The second is to have a port. This is almost any coastal province and will be represented by an anchor. In some cases, port settlements are also regional capitals and will have a star instead.
- The third is to have a naval officer in order to command the vessel.
In order to actually deploy a ship, you will need to have selected one of your port settlements as shown. Clicking the button with two little men to the right of the buildings will open up a new menu which will allow you to deploy a ship.
When you select the ship option, a new menu will popup and allow you to select one of your available ships.
Having selection the desired ship, you can now add an officer by pressing the plus button in the middle of the screen, as can be seen, the create button is highlighted meaning you can deploy a ship without any guns. I would HIGHLY recommend deploying a ship with guns.
Finally, your ship will be deployed but will need some additional time to build up its crew complement.

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