Undead Horde 2: Necropolis – Endgame Broken Builds

List of several broken builds for end game.


List of several possible builds for NG+. Some of them can be adapted for first world characters, but most of them assume that you have everything unlocked as well as gold to play around with build equipment.

These builds are meant to be utterly broken, and should be treated as such. They throw balance out the window and more often than not, your FPS along with it. Use at your own risk.

Builds will list:

  1. Undead to equip
  2. Weapons to use
  3. House skills to take
  4. Core equipment skills to have.
  5. Town hall noble count. M/C/B
  6. Runes to bring

Any unlisted skills or weapons is up to your own discretion.

For house skills, refer to this:


1. Undead

Chicken – As many as your PC can handle stable FPS

2. Weapons

Staff – Stick of Explosion

Notable skills: more units / remains risen, mana costs, gain mana on raise, regen mana, animal unit damage, hp gain on mana used

3. Equipment Skills

Raise area, raise duration, raise cooldown, un-blockable raise, spawn lich on minon death, spawn wraith on raise, halved command cap (Highly suggest this to reduce your horde size)

4. House skills focus

  • Animal: A1,2,3,4 >>> B1,3,4 >>> C4
  • Spirit : A1,6 >>> B3,4,5 >>> C1,3,5
  • Skeleton: B5

5. Noble Count:

Dosen’t matter

6. Runes:

Rune of feeding (in case you run out of mana, if not dont bother) / dosen’t matter

Notes: An army of exploding undead chickens. Liches spawn when chickens die. Dozens of chickens raised per corpse. Wraiths spawn when you raise. Mages spawn when you make chickens explode.

Whats not to like? Everything dies! Everything gets recycled! Bonus points given if your game / computer dies from too much horde.

Lich King

1. Undead

Lich, Corpse Candle

As many Lich as you can + as many corpse candles as you can, then reduce lich and add corpse candles until your mana regen is no longer negative. Or just ignore mana drain, and yolo with your runes.

2. Weapons

Staff – Scepter of Archers

Starve Cooldown, Skeleton unit damage, mana costs, regenerate mana (unneccesary if you using runes.

3. Equipment Skills

Doubled command cap, command cap +%, command cap +, stronger runes, unit damage, unit attack speed, Gain hp on mana used

4. House skills focus

  • Spirit: A2 >>> B1,4 >>> C1,2,3,5
  • Skeleton: A1,3 >>> B1,3,4,5 >>> C1

5. Noble Count:

5M / 0C / 10B

6. Runes:

Rune of Feeding / Berserker

Notes: This build attempts to buff your Scepter of Archers to ridiculous levels, allowing you to pull out a hundred archers (or more), per cast, every 2 secs (or less). As they are ranged units, the entire swarm can attack a single enemy instead of the mere dozens for melee units. The sheer amount of archers spawned negates any need for tanking units.

Use berserker for extra damage when you need it. Finally, mitigate zero / negative mana gain with Rune of feeding. With strengthened runes, you can almost get back all your mana per corpse.

You will never need to use the command button ever again because all your archers will tank and fight for you. Just press 1 button to win.

You are only really limited by how badly your FPS will tank once you have several hundreds of archers on the field. Though even bosses get deleted in seconds so its questionable if you actually need several hundreds.

Attack on Titan

1. Undead

Giant – Just giant.

2. Weapons

Staff – Scepter of Warrior

Staff Cooldown, Skeleton unit damage, mana costs, regenerate mana

3. Equipment Skills

Doubled command cap, command cap +%, command cap +, stronger runes, unit damage, unit attack speed, Gain hp on mana used

4. House skills focus

  • Corpse: A1,5,6 >>> B3,4 >>> C3,4
  • Skeleton: A1,2,5,6 >>> B1,2,3,4 >>> C1
  • 2 free points

5. Noble Count:

5M/ 0C / 10B

6. Runes:

Rune of Haste / Berserker Rune

Notes: Giants have the largest AoE attack with the single highest damage, this build abuses that. Summon skeleton warriors to hold down enemies as your giants lob rocks from behind. Slaughter the entire enemy horde all at once.

Berserker runes for more damage!! Haste runes to throw more rocks!

The plus side? This isn’t as taxing on your FPS as the previous two builds.

The Mummy Returns

1. Undead

Mummy – Just Mummy

2. Weapons

Staff – Stick of Explosion

Notable skills: more units / remains risen, mana costs, gain mana on raise, regen mana, hp gain on mana used

3. Equipment Skills

Raise area, raise duration, raise cooldown, un-blockable raise, spawn lich on minon death, spawn wraith on raise, doubled command cap

4. House skills focus

  • Corpse: A1,5 >>> B3,5,6 >>> C5,6
  • Spirit : A1,3,4,6 >>> B2,4,5 >>> C3,6

5. Noble Count:

5M / 0C / 10B

6. Runes:

Rune of isolation / Rune of feeding (in case you run out of mana, if not dont bother)

Notes: A much less FPS intensive version of the Chickenplosion. Using the much tankier mummies, with a surprisingly low command cost.

When anyone hits mummies, they take 50% more damage. When mummies hit anyone, they do less damage and take damage over time. When mummies die, it explodes on all nearby enemies for damage and spawns banshees. Add on the liches that spawn when mummies dies and wraiths when you raise and you have the mummy returns.

Undying Shadow Monarch

1. Undead

Death Knight – Just death knight.

2. Weapons

Melee – Sword or scythe

Staff – Scepter of Warrior OR Staff of The Bone Crusher

Starve Cooldown, Critical hit chance, + melee damage for skeleton in horde, mana costs, command cap, reset rune on crit cooldown (if you have it on equipment, ignore it on weapon)

3. Equipment Skills

Doubled command cap, command cap +%, command cap +, stronger runes, raise area, raise duration, raise cooldown, un-blockable raise, critical chance, reset rune on crit cooldown (if you have it on weapon, ignore it on equipment)

4. House skills focus

  • Skeleton: A1,2,5,6 >>> B1,2,3,4 >>> C1,2,5,6
  • 6 free points

5. Noble Count:

0M/ 5C / 10B

6. Runes:

Rune of Isolation / Your choice.

Notes: As a certain shadow monarch used to say, the best necromancer is one who is both tankier and also hits harder than their army. Every swing and heads will fly!! Enemies hit you for absolutely nothing!!

Instead of the horde keeping you alive, you are now trying to keep the horde alive for their bonuses. The more death knights you field, the higher your melee crit chance, attack speed and damage, the more skeleton units you field, the higher your base melee damage.

Rune of isolation gives you a shield that negates all damage taken for X seconds. If you land a melee critical hit, you can instantly cast it again. And since you have 100% or near 100% crit chance… you get the point. Warrior staff also doubles as a distraction for enemies to hit instead of hitting your knights.

Personally speaking, this is broken even by broken build standards.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7931 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

1 Comment

  1. Variation of your death knight build. Get the Night Club from the human lands, best weapon out there, hands down. Double command cap + on accessories, horde book with reset melee and reset staff on crit. Basic premise is you will be using the highest damage weapon in the game, with bone crusher/hp and mana vamp, be hasted and resetting your swing CD any time you hit something living. Hold both the right and left mouse button and you will be spam summoning as you mow through enemies. Thorns hurts, poison hurts, and losing your death knights hurts. I personally use mages on my staff for their aoe cold. Youll end up having 100+ skeletons onscreen and be critting for 70k+ in the first dimension. Gets better once you can add more suffixs with reds

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