Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus – Gameplay Tips & Tricks

Newbie Tips & Tricks

General Tips for Beginners

  • If you start with a friend, you can enter each other’s referral codes and grow together while receiving mutual rewards.
  • Sometimes, when you press the button to increase the star level, it may not go up, and that’s because the character’s rank is increasing. The border color of the character will change.
  • On Saturdays, gold rewards are doubled, so it’s best to do salvage runs then.
  • Do not upgrade your weapons. While materials used to upgrade weapons are returned, materials used for previous weapon enhancements are not returned if you upgrade the weapon’s rank.
  • Mirror or Elite missions require less energy to obtain upgrade materials.
  • Occasionally, the shop sells energy in exchange for raid tickets.
  • Units entering a hex with Fire must stop. They receive 20% of their initial Health as Flame Damage if they start their turn on it. The effect disappears after 2 rounds.
  • Certain legendary characters can be obtained through “Legendary Character Events.” These legendary characters will go through a total of three “Legendary Character Events,” and after these three events, the character may appear in the Requisition Order after a certain period. Additionally, “Marneus Augustus Calgar” will appear only after completing the I”ndomitus Crusade mirror” campaign.
  • Machines of War can be obtained from the “Incursion” event, and currently, there are four types. The event repeats every 5 weeks.

It is a much better use of your time and daily energy to focus your upgrades into one or a few characters at a time. I know its tempting to try and spread your power out across multiple characters, but there are a lot that you just aren’t going to use ever, or aren’t going to use for quite a long time. Focus on at least one character for each campaign to help you progress quickly. (Like Bellator, that guy is insanely strong in a lot of the modes).

When you beat the final mission of each campaign section (about every 15 levels), you will get a timed mission that needs to be completed within 24hours. This mission will give you 1 requisition scroll if you complete it in time. Make sure you have energy to do what the mission asks. I usually try and start these in the morning, meaning when I wake up I will beat the campaign mission so that I have all the energy I gained overnight, and if I need it Ill also get the energy offers that reset later in the day too.

Make sure you bring a character into Salvage Runs that can crit reliably. There are strongboxes in each run that can only be opened if they are critically hit.

Please do not waste your requisitions unless its a 10 summon, the guaranteed character is far better than just hoping to get something good randomly.

If you are trying to get shards to upgrade characters or are in need of upgrade orbs or badges for a particular group, then do the onslaught missions. Every time you complete an onslaught you can get guaranteed shards for a character that you used in the onslaught (even if they died!), with a chance at getting either an orb or a badge aswell.

Join a guild! The guild shop has very good characters available, and you do not want to miss out on free guild credits.

Get the first energy refill of each day at the very least! The first one doesn’t cost you anything if you just watch an ad and its super helpful. Those 8 or 10 extra raids will make a big difference in your progression speed. ( I would also recommend you get the next Blackstone energy offer also, but that one you will need to pay for).

If you are going to spend money on the game at all, I highly recommend getting the Blackstone shipment pack above any of the other offers.

Its a game. So just take your time, there is no need to rush anything or burn yourself out at all.


This tip is arena specific, but if you are going against someone who has Re’Vas in their lineup, do not walk into his recon. You will die 9/10 and if he kills one character he can attack again and again. Likewise, If you get Re’Vas early yourself, then use him in arena! The AI pathing walks into the recon a lot if you positon your characters well and he can wipe out most of a team on his own if they get to close.

Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started:

  • Don’t spend blackstone for reqs (exception for the first 10 pull, some times you’ll need a wider roster early on for campaign chars), energy is more important, and lots of req scrolls are common in early levels.
  • Continuing on the previous one, use your energy refills daily (Ad refreshes and 50 BS, this almost doubles your progress, allowing you to upgrade yoir characters faster.)
  • Focus on a single campaign. Prioritize mirror campaigns, they have a higher drop rate and help you save energy. If you encounter roadblocks due to lack of orbs, then you can switch your focus, don’t force yourself to finish a difficult level since you will lose a lot of energy.
  • Join a guild, this will be your main source of orbs, to help ascend characters faster, as always prioritize ascending campaign characters, especially the tanks/summoners (Bellator/Aleph/Archie)
  • There are character quests every 2 weeks(?), that help in getting resources, don’t fret if you’re characters are a bit underleveled, the quest character is always maxed for the rarity and will often be able to carry you most of the levels (Especially Yarrick who’s quest is up next). At early levels, if you cannot progress at higher rarity, prioritize farming the rare equipment that you need, since thats the most energy draining resource at lower levels if you don’t have the elite nodes unlocked yet. Try to use all ad refreshes (after the energy one) to maximize the quest (Only if you have time :>)
  • Lastly, have fun, build characters and factions you enjoy. At the end of the day it’s just a game, don’t feel forced to spend unless you really want to or you have the money to spare. There are a lot of videos on youtube from ccs if you want to delve a little deeper in the “meta”.

Units Tips:

Try to push these units for each of the campaigns. Focusing singular units instead of many at the same time will help boost your progress massively. They’re great characters that will be of much use to you later on as well. You won’t regret levelling any of them up to at least G1, or even D1:

  • Indomitus – Bellator
  • Indomitus Mirror – Aleph Null
  • Fall of Cadia – Archimatos and Angrax
  • FoC Mirror – Thaddeus
  • Octarius – Gibbascrapz/Snotflogga
  • Octarius Mirror – Brother Burchard
  • Saim Hann – Eldryon
  • Saim Hann Mirror – Abraxas

Supply Run:

Supply runs are more intricate than it seems.

  • You should let the grots multiply in supply run so you do more damage and advance faster.
  • I also didn’t know for a long time that all the exploding stuff in supply run only explodes if you overkill. Taking weaker characters who don’t overkill gives more resources.
  • Start with the imperial supply run. You have more characters and the passive abilities of the sisters of battle (always take Vindicta to supply run) makes it easier to crit the strongbox.

Push that one as far as possible.

  • If you need easy target practice for daily missions (like use x abilities with chaos) you can also use supply run im a pitch.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. With regard to the campaigns, one or two well-geared toons will take you very far in each. So it makes send to invest in those that work well in other modes also. For example Bellator from Indomitus, Aleph from IM, etc. These two are clear favorites vs the other options. Then for myself I like the following for beginners (campaign/toon): FOC/Archie, Octarius/Snotty, Saim-Hann/Eldy, then Thad and Burchard from the other two mirror campaigns. Hope that helps!

  2. For LRE foccus on upgrading one character of every group faction, like: Bellator/Archmatos/Gigascraps

    For HRE, some missions can be GRINDED. Ex.: Kill xenos/Kill with Imperials you can kill groots, while it respawn, or cadian soldiers for kill imperials/kill with chaos. Let 1 or 2 cadian vox commander alive and farm it

  3. Plenty of good tips already here. Mine is to simply play those modes that you enjoy. If you don’t like tournament arena then don’t play it. If you start building up a decent arena team don’t feel like you have to keep advancing through the ranks, a placement between 50-250 will keep you in the same bracket if that is where you are succeeding.

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