Reverse: 1999 – Definitive Lucy Kit Guide

Ultimate Guide to Lucy’ Kit

By zsanit


Lucy is an AoE DPS character, doing mass and FUA attacks with her incantations. As an intelligence character, she may rarely naturally have an afflatus advantage, however can make it so that she does. Futhermore, Lucy is able to upgrade her own kit, lasting the entire duration of battles.

Arcane Skills and Ultimate

A Step Forward

Self-Buff. Gains [Pragmatist] for 2 rounds; Then, gains 1 stack of [Data Iteration] and 2 stacks of [Charged Ammunition].

After [Advancement]: Self-Buff. Gains [Pragmatist] for 2 rounds; Then, gains 1 stack of [Data Iteration] and 2 stacks of [Overcharged Ammunition]; Own Moxie +1.

Power of Speed

[Attack] 1-target attack. Deals 200/300/500% Reality DMG. Consumes 10 [Dynamo] to deal additional 60/90/150% Reality DMG.

After [Advancement]: Mass Attack. Deals 220/330/550% Reality DMG to the main target, and 110/165/275% Reality DMG to the secondary target; Consumes 5 [Dynamo] to deal additional 60/90/150% Reality DMG.

Electric Surge

[Attack] Mass attack. Deals 150/225/375% Reality DMG to 2 enemies. Consumes 10 [Dynamo] to attack 1 additional target. If there are fewer than 3 targets are present, this attack will deal an additional 40/60/100% Reality DMG.

After [Advancement]: Deals 150/225/375% Reality DMG to 2 enemies. Deals additional 80/120/200% Genesis DMG. Consumes 5 [Dynamo] to attack 1 additional target. If there are fewer than 3 targets are present, this attack will deal an additional 40/60/100% Reality DMG.

Insight: Initial Transmission

  • Insight 1: When the caster gains 1 Moxie, gains 2 [Dynamo]; When an ally gains Moxie or Eureka, gains 1 [Dynamo]. After gathering 20 [Dynamo], triggers [Advancement] in the next round.
  • Insight 2: Critical rate +10% when the caster enters battle.
  • Insight 3: After casting an Ultimate, the caster gains [Leadership], lasting for 2 rounds, then, casts [Conservation of Energy] once. Whenever an enemy is defeated, gains 10 [Dynamo] and 1 stack of [Data Iteration], then casts [Conservation of Energy], (triggered up to 2 times per round).


After a total of 20 stacks of [Dynamo] is gained by Lucy, she’ll start Advancement. For Advancement, Lucy will upgrade one of three options of your choice for the rest of the battle. (Effects above in Arcane skills) My recommended order (Or, what I personally do) is as so:

  • Electrical surge
  • Conservation of Energy
  • Power of Speed

Why? Usually, Lucy is able to gain her first Advancement before gaining her ultimate. I see Electrical surge as the most important because it allows Lucy to start dealing genesis damage, and halving her consumption of [Dynamo] with it. As an AoE DPS, this halved [Dynamo] allows her to start hitting a third target much easier, as well as deal additional damage. After this, I buff Conservation of Energy, as by now, the enemies are most likely at low HP. Having Conservation of Energy deal additional damage to them is great. Finally, I’ll upgrade Power of Speed, as I see this one a little less valuable. It hits an additional target, however, I feel that Electrical Surge already does this, but better.


Portrait 1: [Conservation of Energy]’s Reality DMG increased to 150%; The condition to trigger the additional damage becomes when the target has less than 75% max HP, additional damage is increased to 100%.

Portrait 2: [A Step Forward]: [Pragmatist] and [Leadership] duration increases to 3 rounds, and the damage bonus to weaker Afflatus becomes 20%.

Portrait 3: [Data Iteration]’s Attack bonus is increased to 6%; Gains 2 stacks of [Data Iteration] when an enemy is defeated.

Portrait 4: [Conservation of Energy]’s Reality DMG increased to 200%; The maximum amount of times it can be triggered per round is increased to 4.

Portrait 5: [Data Iteration]’s Attack bonus is increased to 8%, and the limit of stacks is increased to 6. For every point of Moxie or Eureka gained by allies, the caster gains 2 [Dynamo].

Psychube Recommendations

Steps Forward (SF)

Steps Forward is Lucy’s Best in Slot psychube, available in the event shop with her face on it. This psychube is actually so niche that Lucy is the only one who can use it to it’s full potential. The two special statuses, being two of [Dynamo] [Pragmatist] or [Data iteration] As a critical based unit, Lucy’s benefits from the extra critical rate, as well as the incantation might.

Knock on the Door (KotD)

Knock on the Door is a potential replacement if you don’t have Steps Forward. It will require an ally who can inflict [Burn] on the targets to maximize, however Lucy still gains critical rate and incantation might as she needs.

Blasphemer of Night (BoN)

Blasphemer of Night is another psychube similar to Knock on the Door. It also require someone to inflict [Neg-stats] on the enemies, however if it is possible, Lucy will gain Damage bonus and Incantation might. Of course, this is not fully reccomended.

Resonance Builds

ATK Build

Lucy, with the hightest crit Tech in the game, doesn’t really need more critical rate in battle, and so this is the resonance I use. With the full 5 stacks of [Data iteration] Lucy’s ATK can go up to 2.2k

Critical Build

If you’re running Lucy without a critical buffer/debuffer, or lacking high resonance, the critical build will assure Lucy hits critically every time. Using the most possible Critical rate psychube (BW) Lucy can get up to 111% of critical rate. Though, I do not recommend this, as she does not have critical convert rate.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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