Winter Memories – 4P & EX Stories

Threesome & Foursome

You need to unlock the endings for all 10 girls, which then unlocks the 4P skill via achievement. No need to buy the skill after unlocking. There will be the 4P button right under the clock in the upper right corner of the screen and you can use it to call any girls in any combination.

You can’t use it everywhere, the button will be dark if it can’t be used. To end 3P (threesome) or 4P (foursome) click on “Orgy Mode” in the lower right corner or just do a right click anywhere on the screen.

You don’t have to call 3 girls, you can also initiate a 3P by just calling 2 girls, which is how you start the 5 EX stories. Initiate the threesome wherever you want.

Yui & Mizuki

Have a threesome with them, then do whatever you want with the rest of the day. The next morning talk to Yui, after that talk to her again during morning or afternoon to go to Mizuki with her.

Rio & Shizuku

Have a threesome with them, then do whatever you want with the rest of the day. The next day during afternoon be in the living room and answer the ringing phone. If it doesn’t ring immediately just use the zone out skill to progress some time.

Now make sure your uncle won’t be at home the next day by getting his mood to 100, give him some Happy Ramune and chat with him. Then talk to Rio the next morning or afternoon to invite Shizuku.

Miyuki & Kanae

Have a threesome with them, then do whatever you want with the rest of the day. The next day go to the levee during morning to find both sitting on the bench and talk to them.

Now this one can get tricky. The game hints tell you to wait for Miyuki to be on the phone in the living room, but that’s wrong. This goes by the same rules as if you want to visit Kanae, it can’t and won’t happen on a Saturday or Sunday.

So the next day, that ISN’T a Saturday or Sunday, you have to wait for Kanae’s call during morning in the living room. So if you initiate the threesome shortly before the New Year weekend, Kanae’s call won’t come before January 2nd.

Unlike the Rio & Shizuku situation, the call might not come immediately. I suggest you save your game during morning in the living room, just in case. You might need to zone out a lot or even reload your save until she finally calls.

Akari & Hikari

Have a threesome with them, then do whatever you want with the rest of the day. The next morning go to Akari. After that go to Hikari and have sex with her during morning or afternoon.

Her lewdness must at least be 100 for the event to happen. If it is below 100 just have sex with a lewdness position until it reaches 100, the event should happen immediately after.

Kagami & Suzuka

Have a threesome with them, then do whatever you want with the rest of the day. The next morning go to Kagami’s apartment building, there should be a pink paper on the bulletin board, click it.

Now wait another day and go to Suzuka the next day during morning, afternoon or dusk. Then wait until the next evening and go to her again. Enjoy Kagami’s embarrassment.

That’s it with the EX stories, but if you want some more of Kagami’s embarrassment, start a threesome with her and Mizuki.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3640 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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