Withering Rooms – Useful Tips and Tricks

Here you can find few useful tips with spoilers. Be warned!

Tips and Tricks

General Tips

About the game

This is less a roguelite and more a soulslike.

When you die you lose most of your items (there is a way to save items and some cannot be lost), the map is slightly randomised and enemies respawn. You keep all story progress, stats and defeated bosses.

The game doesn’t have any classes or different heroes but you can have focused builds. You can have a spell damage build, a dexterity build for projectiles, and a strength build for melee. Basically, you stack the various rings, amulets, charms, etc. to favor a particular play style.

This game lets you do a ton of different things and if you grind right you are a unstopable force of nature that uses every build they can even if the stats aren’t optimized for them. You are openly encouraged to experiment with everything and it is like crack to my dopamine mind goblins!

About melee

Melee combat is never gonna feel that great until you beat the game and get the Starry Greatsword on NG+ and even then requires a full character build around making it good.

Use the throwing items and magic frequently to deal with any enemy that you don’t consider trivial for melee. The throwing knives you can buy from a merchant are a good source of ranged and bleed damage since you can pick them up off the ground infinitely after throwing them. You’ll also have plenty of money if you’re looting everything, so buy materials for magic/projectiles frequently, otherwise you’ll just spend all that money on healing items instead.

Once you get to the labyrinth, just farm for OP rings, they trivialise combat. You can respawn the labyrinth without dying by sleeping in the coffin.

Where is the save files location

Find it this path:

  • C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Moonless Formless\Withering Rooms

Gameplay Tips

Best melee weapon

The best one is new game+ only.

I’ve gotten a spear in the labyrinth, it was a chest on the market street. Kept it all the way to the final boss. It has great reach, good damage and decently fast too.

Before that, I was using a Bayonet that I bought from the Butcher guy that hunts organs (east stairwell, top floor).

Gatehouse chest code

Use the camera on mirrors, count the number of sides of the borders. The dots below are the order. This puzzle chest resets every day, but the code is different each time.

Central Station

Beca wants a photograph of central station to continue the arena quests…

It’s beneath St. Eli’s. There is a switch which was forbidden to use until boss was down in church. You gotta do the boss use the switch and go to the basement.

How to find the curse sentinel candle stick in chapter one

You just have to get very cursed (near max) so that the Curse Sentinel that drops it appears.

It make happens on the 1st floor hallway and basement when very cursed above 80 curse. Also they can appear in other long hallways. I’ve seen them in the basement hallway and on 2F and 3F hallways, the walls just need to be bleeding.

The bathroom puzzle (Cholera clinic)

The bathroom however is a puzzle, to complete it, you have to jump down the right holes 4 times in a row.

The clue lies with the message you can find in the examination room and the number of bodies hanging in the bathroom.

Where to encounter bestiary entry no. 81?

You do need to be in NG+ for the enemy in Central Nowhere, and you need to pick up a specific key item in Central Nowhere before you can encounter it.

Before chapter 2 ending

The labyrinth is important if you want to feel powerful going into Chapter 3. Clear it out and look for at least two rings that give damage bonuses to projectile damage and two for spell damage without curses that reduce their base damage or cause you damage while wearing. These rings can be upgraded to give a max of 23% damage bonus each. Ideally you’d want 3 of them for projectile damage and then a 30% damage bonus ring that is found later. Spell damage does fine with only 2 of them, plus a -30%/50% spell toll ring and a defensive ring.

You can also find a ring that heals you 1 health every 3 seconds, which saves you a lot of money on healing items if you’re only taking 1-2 stray hits from most encounters.

Also go back to where the merchant died at the end of chapter 1 and buy Vicar’s Card if you want to skip a boss in Chapter 3.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. puzzle vanice
    city 8 singers 7 farmers 5 judges on the following day2 judges shot themselves
    next every judge sliced up 1 farme then 2 singers slit their wrists in venice only a few singers farmers and judges remained

    How should I answer,…

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