World Warfare & Economics – Newbies Tips to Play as Canada

Your first year is lengthy to set-up…but easier and much quicker afterwards.

How to Play as Canada (Easy)

Stop game Jan 1 to set Economy/Budget. ‘Save’ all budgets as is. Each Sector then each tab ‘military’, ‘resources’. You can adjust military to current expenses, resources slight increase, debt max out…pays back national debt. Min ‘Other’ and ‘Space’. Then “Confirm All”.

Under Economy/Finances you can adjust taxes. In economics slight adjusts are preferred. Easier to adjust taxes if you have one ‘green light’ supporter….i.e. housing tax. Also activated a ‘disabled tax’…tariffs.

Under Economy’Sectors you can adjust laws but not needed first year.

The Budgets spends your money…Trading excess resources earns it back.

This is a ‘one-time’ set-up (contracts are 10 years terms) and rather lengthy micro-management so save game after doing this so you don’t have to re-do it again. Also the numbers above your keyboard are hotkeys to start the time so use your num/pad.

Under Diplomacy/Relationships scroll up to your best friend and begin trading with ‘United States’. Select United States and under Interactions select ‘Trade Deal’. Then select ‘Exports’ as you can only sell excess commodities at first.

Select your first commodity they need and you have excess of. Select ‘Match deficient’ and it will enter the amount automatically but sometimes delayed. Your sell price will rarely auto enter and need to be manually entered…good luck reading these numbers. Remember to use the num/pad. Do one commodity at a time as grouping them and then confirming them will get mixed ‘Accept/Rejects”. Select ‘Add to pending’ then ‘Send all offers’. If rejected, just lower price by 1% or more till accepted.

Do this for each Item and each Country (1 hour set-up). I also add 1 Envoy trying to match number of Commodities I trade with them. Also, you’ll find it quicker if you know which Commodities you have excess of and which ones you just sold out of.

Once you completed this lengthy process…save game.

Under ‘Resources’ (not in budget but in game UI) view which Commodities you need… ‘Top 5 deficits’. When you increased your Budget/Resources it gave you access to increase your production of these commodities.

Do not ‘Select Resource’ in this tab and try to build…it will not work. Instead, find an area on the map (double-click) and see if this area supplies that Commodity. If it does, you can ‘build’ here. I like to build enough so it takes less than a year to build. I build for all 5 deficit items.

The ‘Research’ tab at top of the in game UI will allow to set your research goals. Don’t be in a big rush as each science takes roughly 10 years to learn. I focus on ‘Space’ tech first, double timing the first tech. Then fill in the ‘All’ tech tree based on set budget. When scrolling across the ‘timeline’ careful to watch you don’t scroll to fast and skip tech.

Now your ready…don’t worry about military aspects at first. Hit your x10 time speed and watch the first year fly by. I keep my message board open. Mostly useless info but the occasional trade offer. When you near the end of year…slow to x1 speed as sometimes the x10 speed will skip the year-end pause reset budget phase.

Welcome to Year 2021.

A year-end summary will appear. Pay attention to which sectors need increased financing in your budget. Set your Economy/Budget as before. (Lower research budget as most still have 9 years to go). Adjust a tax or two in Economy/Finance. Don’t worry about adjusting laws as your ministers will do that for you.

  • Select ‘Ministers’ tab at top of in game UI and select ‘Accept All’.
  • Your trades are still valid for another 9 years.
  • Check ‘Research’ tab to see if there are any new ones to research.
  • Check ‘Resource’ tab to see which new ‘Top 5 deficits’ need to be built.

Begin next year at x10 speed.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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