This is a guide to the contract system in Wrestling Empire.
Guide to Contracts
Promotions Moral Compass
- Maple Leaf – gives bad contract and try’s to abuse your attitude.
- Super Lucha – same as maple leaf.
- All American Wrestling – work for a better contract.
Important Positive and Creative Clauses for Different Playstyle
- Creative – Creative Playstyle believe me you do not want your attire and move set gone by the GM.
- Iron Clad – You don’t care about the Attire and Moveset part of the game but you Don’t want to get your contract terminated due to RNG scenarios.
- Win Bonus – You Want extra for winning.
- Downside Guarantee – You want money but not for injury’s.
- Health Insurance – You want money for the rare injuries or You are hardcore man.
- Favored Nations – You want to Have a high salary so you pick this to clone the salary of the person with the highest salary and make it yours.
- No creative control – You don’t care about the attire and moveset part at all.
- Enhancement Talent – You like a challenge this makes it so you only get money if you lose.
- Overtime – You like playing the game several times each week or you are a Walmart employee and you are used to under paid overtime.
- No Compete – I really don’t know what Playstyle will this be This clause makes it so you can’t go with other companies until your contract expires.
- Immediate Start – You want to start a match Immediately.
- Nepotism – You like team or having a manager Your partner, manager and friends will go with you.
- Title Push – You are impatient and want a title match now.
- Part Time – Lazy.
- Incentive – You want winning to reward you and losing to not.
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