Wuthering Waves – Echo Farming (Late Game)

How to Farm Echo

By Houseplant.

Echo farming is probably the biggest goal you will focus on in late game. To prepare for it, you’ll need to hit certain Database levels to improve your echo drop rates. We’ll suggest two different Echo Farming plans, a casual farming plan for those with less time to play and a power farming plan for more serious players.

Echo Cost Builds

Echo Cost Builds are written as: 43311 which means 4 cost / 3 cost / 3 cost / 1 cost / 1 cost.

43311Ideal best build for most characters. Generally you should always plan to run this setup. You’ll need to look up a build and sonata set for the character you’re building
44111Used because it’s easier to farm. Sometimes can be viable or only slightly weaker than 43311 builds for certain characters. Check the damage difference first before committing to this build.
Anything elseIs either a joke or temporary build.

Database 17 Rush

If you’re below DB 15

Note that DB 15 unlocking requires UL 30 / SOL4 as well. Raise your UL as well in preparation.

  1. Overworld Exploration |  Explore the overworld for echoes of different variants that you do not own. You get DB EXP for collecting different Rarities of each echo variant.
  2. Red Aura Hunting | Special “Red aura” enemies will give you a guaranteed echo drop of at least purple rarity (sometimes gold if your DB level has gold echoes unlocked). All red aura enemies have a fixed level and stay that way. See Special Echo Locations for a beginner list and locations.
  3. Guidebook’s Milestones | Completing each page of the Milestones tab will award you some DB EXP. It’s not much, but it’s easy to complete and sometimes it’s enough to push you to the next DB level.
  4. Tacet Fields | While you can farm Tacet fields for guaranteed echo drops, it is not recommended for accounts with DB level this low. Those 60 waveplates are better spent elsewhere.
  5. Do NOT use your Data Merger pre-DB 15. Save your unwanted echoes for later.

When you’re  DB 15

  1. Data Merge Cheese | Use the Data Merger and fill it with green and blue rarity echoes to synthesize new ones
    • With some luck, you will unlock gold and purple rarity echoes you don’t own
    • Many people can reach DB 16 or 17 just by doing this for 5 minutes.
  2. Rush to DB 17
    • Manual Seeking | If you’re not DB 17 yet after exhausting the Data Merge trick, search up echoes that you’re still missing purples from and farm them one by one for DB EXP.
    • Illusive Realm Shop | Has purchasable Gold echoes for UL 30 and up. You can use these to get extra DB EXP.
    • Red Aura Echo Hunting | Either solo or have well-geared friends help you kill higher level red aura enemies that you couldn’t tackle before. You can revisit previous red aura enemies to try and fish for Gold versions of their echoes.

Echo Pity

Here’s the echo pity chart again in case you forgot. It’s important to keep in mind, especially if you’re just clearing maps area by area with mixed variants so that you can make sure your pity lands on a variant you want.

1 Cost8
3 Cost4
4 Cost (Overlord)2
4 Cost (Calamity)2

Casual Farming

  • Pre-requisites: Database level 17 | 50% chance of Gold Echo


  • Use your 15 Enhance Drop chances.

Pick at least 2 Overlord/Calamity classes that you want to farm. Kill one, teleport to the other while the previous one is on cooldown, repeat. If you lose the 90/10 chance to get an Echo, your Enhance Drop chance still gets consumed.

Daily / Free Time

  • 3 Cost Echo Farming.
  • Choose 1 character to focus on.
    • Priority: DPS > Sub DPS > Support.
  • Complete the daily farming route for a 3 Cost Echo that drops the character’s best in slot 5pc set.
  • Can be repeated daily if your time allows.

Note that 3 Cost echoes have a Pity System. If you don’t get an echo after killing 3x 3 Costs, the 4th one will drop an Echo. You can use this pity system to guarantee an echo of a specific variant. Go to your DB, filter, and select an Echo that includes the set you want. Click Detect to have it auto-mark locations and farm them. For more efficiency, see if any Echo variant has both sets that can be used by your teams. That way, even if it drops the other set, it still can be useful.

Per Patch (6 weeks)

  • Illusive Realm (IR)

As your time allows, do your Illusive Realm runs to farm [Illusive Specimens]. Use the Specimens to buy important items and Echoes from the IR shop. Recommended: buy the Echo EXP / Tuners.

For UL 40 and up

  • Tacet Field Farming

Use your daily Waveplates to farm TFs for echo drops. This may not be the most Waveplate efficient (compared to using Waveplates for Character ascensions and Forte mats, etc) but it can be time-efficient for busy players.

Power Farming

  • Pre-requisites: Database level 17 | 50% chance of Gold Echo
  • Recommended: UL 40 and Database level 19 | 80% chance of Gold Echo


  • Use your 15 Enhance Drop chances

Pick at least 2 Overlord/Calamity classes that you want to farm. Kill one, teleport to the other while the previous one is on cooldown, repeat. If you lose the 90/10 chance to get an Echo (relevant to DB 17), your Enhance Drop chance still gets consumed. At DB 19, it’s guaranteed. If you happen to need Bell-Borne Geochelone, farming it is sometimes preferred because trying to powerfarm the turtle at your regular 20% Echo drop rate is time-consuming.


  • 3 Cost Farming
  • Choose 1 character to focus on
    • Priority: DPS > Sub DPS > Support
  • Complete the daily farming route for a 3 Cost Echo that drops the character’s best in slot 5pc set.
  • Can be repeated daily if your time allows.

Note that 3 Cost echoes have a Pity System. If you don’t get an echo after killing 3x 3 Costs, the 4th one will drop an Echo. You can use this pity system to guarantee an echo of a specific variant. Go to your DB, filter, and select an Echo that includes the set you want. Click Detect to have it auto-mark locations and farm them. For more efficiency, see if any Echo variant has both sets that can be used by your teams. That way, even if it drops the other set, it can still be useful.

Farming Friend’s Worlds

  • Step 1: Get friends or people willing to let you farm their world.

Generally, do not farm your 3 Costs in your own world yet, so that way, your partners can farm your world as well when you are done farming theirs. It’s a win-win situation.

  • Step 2: Profit.


  • Specific 3 Cost variant
  • Specific 1 Cost variant

Usually farming 1 Cost is not worth it. If you have a limited amount of time, it’s better to farm 3 Cost variant of multiple friends instead of spending all your time clearing just 1 friend’s world. Remember to ask permission before picking their plants!


  • 4 Cost Farming

Pick 2-3 bosses that you need 4 Costs from. You don’t need to use Waveplates. Just kill, grab echo, and leave. To speed things up, set up portable Waypoints right next to bosses that require too much walking to reach them. Kill 1 boss, teleport out while it’s on its 120 second cooldown, kill the next one, and cycle through. If you’re under-geared and slow to kill, invite friends to farm it together with you for efficiency.


  • 1 Cost Farming


Efficiency tips:

1 Cost echoes do drop specific sets, so plan out which sets you need.

Farming monster-dense locations:

Some echo variant are densely grouped with lower travel time between mobs (such as Ticktacks). Other variant are very spaced out and a pain to farm them all (Traffic Illuminators). You may need to experiment to see what farming route is best for you.

Low Travel Farming Routes

Sea of Flames

Desorock Highland

Dim Forest

Tons of 1c Ticktacks plus some free 3c Tamborinists.

I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 8042 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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