Guide to Add Custom Wrestler to MyGM
When starting a new mygm, there is an option to use either a default draft file, or a custom one. Changing it to custom will give you the option to create or edit a custom draft roster, in that file you can set your custom wrestler to active.
Just be aware it has to be a new mygm. Can’t add to an existing mygm.
Depending how you want to run your mygm mode, you now have 2 other options besides active and inactive. contracted: meaning they are under contract with their current promotion, cannot be drafted or picked up until their contract runs out. and local: meaning they are a local talent your scouts have to find first.
All custom wrestlers start with 0 ring experience, so if you have set them to local, just set your scouts to the required gender – it will appear sooner or later.
The starting draft is a random selection of active wrestlers. If your custom is not there, restart until they are.
I don’t mean to be that guy, but most of the problems you are describing are not game related, but player related.
Wrestlers generally only ask for bonuses when they are unhappy – so don’t let them get that unhappy.
Champions getting injured is because they are not being rested when their stamina is low. Some power cards can be played by the opposition that cause injuries, but not often enough that it is a big deal.
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