Zoria: Age of Shattering – Things You Should to Know Before Start

In this guide I wanted to share some tips that came to my mind after playing Zoria.

Tips for Getting Started

Your entire team shares the same equipment

You don’t have to worry who has the right potion in their backpack – all your characters can access the inventory and things you’ve gathered.

Experimenting with team formation can give you an advantage at the start of a skirmish

The enemies are smart and will target characters that look squishy, but at the same time are extremely dangerous because of their abilities. It’s important to guard your casters with some melee fighters.

Most of the loot is random, so it’s important that you collect as much of it as possible

At first it might look like a lot of things you gathered are unnecessary. However, as you gain more followers you will likely appreciate the variety of items you have in your inventory.

The synergy between team members’ talents is crucial for success

Different classes have different abilities, resting bonuses and ways to interact with the environment. There will be moments when you’ll need to switch your followers to adapt to the situation. Have fun with it!

Don’t be afraid to rest

If you are proficient with looting, you have more than enough supplies to set up a camp. This will give you loads of benefits – heal your companions, get rid of some negative effects, give you access to cooking or brewing potions if you start to run low.

Bonus tip: Use Tab to highlight things, but don’t forget to move your camera as well!

This way it’s going to be easier to spot a treasure or a group of goblins hiding around the corner!

Useful Hints and Tips

  • What I do first is upgrade the Burrow as soon as possible.
  • I run around the map with “Tab” pressed most of the time, so I gather a lot with “F”.
  • In order to make money in the beginning quickly I sell all common materials.
  • I buy supplies dutifully as often as possible in the Outpost, so I have enough to send my followers off to missions. 2 ladies outside of the keep, 2 ladies in the Inn, 2 in the Burrow. Later on I either buy from the lady in the wizard tower or the alchemist’s apprentice.
  • Quartermaster Radish often has nice blue stuff to buy – and I also contact Lola the Outfitter a lot to check if I can buy purple armour kits.
  • I try to have at least one from every class at a good lvl, specifically Kingsman (engineering), Lancer (blockades), wizard (conjure bridges), thief (disarm traps), priest (dispel), Necro (chats/quests/loot with/from skeletons) and give them the best gear I have. It’s not nice to be in a dungeon with a required class, poorly geared and low level.
  • As ranger Anja, kingsman Garrick, wizard Emonora are story relevant for certain side quests I prioritize them.
  • I craft a lot of gear, starting with blue (lvl 10) for my squishies and at least lvl 15 (exotic) then.
  • Resting/camping is a nice feature – I check if I can brew potions (focus first) and try to cook as much as possible, I prefer the dishes that go into the supplies – or certain boosts I like to use.
  • My last tip = just have fun, Zoria is a wonderful world, full of surprises.
  • Before you deliver a quest, quicksave in case there is a choice. E.g. I was fedup with the graverobbers and killed them in my recent game – consequence = a certain follower didn’t show up afterwards.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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