Monster Hunter: World – Bow Combos Guide

This guide is based on the assumption you know the basics of bow already.

Guide to Bow Combos

  • Quick shot = Circle/B/RMB, first shot only
  • Rapid shot = R2/RT/LMB
  • ​Power shot = Circle/B/RMB, after a shot or dash only
  • Arc shot = Circle/B/RMB, whilst holding a shot, or after a power shot only

These shot names aren’t consistent with the in-game names, but these are the names that have existed in the MH community since forever ago, and are generally what people refer to when they talk about the different type of shots that bow has, so I’ll also be using them.

It’s also important to note that no one is perfect in using the exact, correct combo in each different situation you find yourself in (unless the fight is 100% scripted already), so don’t be too disappointed if you use a combo less effective than another (but do try to be better next time).

I hope this will help to clear up some of the uncertain haze I’ve seen surrounding the “most effective bow playstyle” for newcomers to bow.

Before I get started, it should be noted that understanding when to dash is very important, and I can’t really describe in text when to do so.

The general rule is that you dash if:

  1. The monster is about to hit you, and/or
  2. The monster is out of critical distance.

However, do keep in mind that you can dash at any point in a combo!

Therefore, please take each of these descriptions with a pinch of salt, as they are subject to “dash replacements”, where a dash replaces a shot in the combo (and you proceed to the next shot in the sequence).

So instead of me trying to flail about in my explanation, please practice using dashes before, during and after bow combos (and watch speedrunners too!), as they are what make bow an extremely flexible weapon.

  • Quick shot > rapid shot > power shot > rapid shot > power shot

This is the base template combo, and is used when the monster is flailing around on the floor, or you have a decent opening. It’s generally what you should try stick to using. Try to learn to interrupt monster attacks using these power shots.

You should also try to learn to

  1. [At any point in a combo] Dash > rapid shot > power shot, or
  2. [At level 2 charge or higher] Dash > power shot to interrupt monster attacks.
  • Dash > rapid shot > power shot > rapid shot > power shot

This combo is used when you have to move closer to the monster, or dodge an attack before you start. It’s not very stamina friendly, and it’s more preferable to use the one above this, but it’s still fine to use as long as you don’t spam it.

  • Quick shot > rapid shot > rapid shot > rapid shot > power shot

This combo is used when you don’t want to dash to move, but still need to move due to a slight error in positioning.

  • Quick shot > rapid shot > rapid shot > power shot

A niche combo that rarely gets used if you play smart. It’s not too efficient, however it sometimes gets used if you have to move a little bit and interrupt the monster’s attack right after (usually as a result of a mistake, or just unfortunate luck).

I would also highly recommend never using rapid shot first, as it drains stamina.

To manage stamina better, be sure to use quick shot a lot (even if you’re out of range, this sounds crazy but it will level up your charge level to hit more important shots on weak spots), as you’re able to regenerate stamina during the quick shot.

But wait! When can you use arc shot!?

Generally, arc shot is only used after a power shot, since it transitions smoothly.

One arc shot at max charge is generally enough to KO anything for the first time, even elder dragons. Be sure to shoot it on the head only (duh).

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7054 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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