Project Zomboid – Coop Corrupt Save Fix / Save Cannot Be Loaded Fix [B41 MP]

Basically got the typical error message on a coop game:

Save cannot be loaded. Due to the extent of changes required to implement vehicles, saves from earlier versions are non-compatible, To continue this game: access the pre-vehicles Build 38.30 via Steam betas tab. SavedGameWorldVersion: 1 CurrentWorldVersion: 160

This error comes up whenever the game crashes or whatever *** around goes on.

After an hour or so, I finally found a way to fix this error. I don’t know if there are any guides about this in the B41 MP. But here’s the thing I did to fix my coop corrupted game file.

This fix is the one that I did and actually worked, only tried it on a coop game.

I don’t know about any other ways to fix this and I just want to save the pain in the ass for whoever needs this guide.

What Do?

  1. I Only Tried This On A Coop Game With No Mods On B41 MP

Yes. I just want to be clear.

  1. Save Cannot Be Loaded

Alright, you just got this error message while trying to load a save.

As I said before, this error appears whenever your game crashes or when Project Zomboid has a Funny moment and the save file corrupts.

Let’s fix it!

  1. Go To Your Saves Folder

First, you have open the folder that keeps the Project Zomboid’s saves.

Go to “C:\Users\YourOwnUserName\Zomboid\Saves\Multiplayer”

There you will find all your multiplayer saves (even the ones from earlier versions, in my case).

Open the server’s name file. Here, the corrupted save would be “123” (but not the _player one).

  1. Search For “Map_T.Bin”

On earlier versions I found that this error should be fixed by deleting “map_ver.bin”, but in my file I couldn’t find it. So I started deleting random stuff until it got fixed.

Now search for the file named “map_t.bin”, just like the screenshot below.

Now delete that file named “map_t.bin”.

  1. Restart The Game.

Yes, it should be fixed. If not, I don’t really know. This is what worked for me 🙂

Btw my friend and I noticed that after doing this, more zombies appeared, just keep in mind.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


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