Everything you need to know to get the achievement Your Very Own Museum.
Your Very Own Museum Achievement Guide
Opening Info
Note: Currently bugged, you cannot get the achievement. I’m assuming it’s due to the Sands of Time, A Million Bees, and Pandora’s Box not registering on the statistics page. Posting the guide regardless as it should give credit once they fix it***
This guide tells you when and how to get all 31 loot items that we all have access to. I don’t have any of the pre-order or dlc loot items, as such I don’t list any of them in my guide.
General Guidelines
- Put a criminal network in every location. All of the loot items have a region that needs to be unlocked to appear.
- Always do every loot side story before progressing the main story. Most of them disappear if the story progresses too much.
- You can not do this and the recruit every henchman achievement in the same run. This is due to needing Eli for a piece of early loot, but one of the henchmen recruitments later on requires you to not have Eli.
Chapter 2 Loot
Depending on who you’re playing as Chapter 2 has the following titles:
- Emma – The Mancunian Candidate
- Maximillian – The Traditional Method
- Red Ivan – Coup Heads Prevai
- Zalika – Perfect Pitch
High On The Hog (Flying Pig)
- No special requirement
Meteor Not, Her I Come (Meteor)
- Have 15+ scientists
Syruptitious (Maple Syrup Dispenser)
- You need to have a criminal network established in Canada.
The Once And Future King (Sword in the Stone)
- Atomic Olga must exist. Raise heat in HAMMER to make her appear
The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Gains (Declaration of Independance)
- Agent X must exist. Raise heat in PATRIOT to make him appear
Chapter 4 Loot
Chapter 4 has the same title regardless of who you’re playing as:
A Moment’s Calm
…With Liberty And Justice For You (Statue of Liberty’s Torch)
- You need to have Eli as one of your henchmen
Going Against The Grain (Sand of Time)
- No special requirement
Chapter 7 Loot
Depending on who you’re playing as Chapter 7 has the following titles:
- Emma – Tourist Season
- Maximillian – As Broken As My Heart
- Red Ivan – War & P.E.A.C.E.
- Zalika – Barely Living Proof
Hearts And Masterminds (Cupid’s Arrow)
- Have a minion successfully desert. Disable your EGTV’s and they’ll eventually start deserting
The Stone Philosophers (Meditation Stone)
- Have 15+ martial artists
- Have Jubei as one of your henchman
The World Is Hot Enough (Flame of Prometheus)
- Have something in your base catch fire (Incendio, Red Ivan’s HAVOK, or saboteurs all work)
- You can get either this or Hubbard Slice (Chapter 9 loot). You only need 1 of them
Chapter 8 Loot
Depending on who you’re playing as Chapter 8 has the following titles:
- Emma – Y.O.L.T.
- Maximillian – M.I.D.A.S. Touch
- Red Ivan – P.E.A.C.E. Corpse
- Zalika – Brain Drain
Any Fort In A Storm (Doors of Fort Knox)
- Complete enough heat reduction schemes (might be around 50, I did a lot of them)
- Possibly available earlier, in Chapter 7
- *untested* I read that Northern SABRE is the only one you need to reduce heat in
Chapter 9 Loot
Chapter 9 has the same title regardless of who you’re playing as:
A Moment’s Respite
Egg Hunt (Giant Egg)
- Have 10+ biologists
Keep Calm And Carrion (Carrion Flower)
- Complete side story “Who Hunts the Hunter?”
Outback Stakeout (Bush Tuck BBQ)
- Spin Doctor minion unlocked
Pharaoh Is Foul, Foul Is Pharaoh (The Sarcophagus)
- Biologist minion unlocked
Roll Out The Red Carpet (Magic Carpet)
- No special requirement
Say My Name (Rumpelstiltskin’s Wheel)
- Have 300k+ gold on hand (less on easier difficulties)
Them Bones (World’s Oldest Bones)
- Have 20+ biologists
To Catch 40 Theives (Arabian Jars)
- Complete side story “The Fearful Symmetry”
Too Darn Hot (Hubbard Slice)
- Biologist minion unlocked
- You can get either this or Flame of Prometheus (Chapter 7 loot). You only need 1 of them
Two-Faced (Dr Jekyll’s Potion)
- Hitman minion unlocked
Wake Me Up Before You Dodo (Dodo Educator)
- Biologist minion unlocked
Chapter 12 Loot
Depending on who you’re playing as Chapter 12 has the following titles:
- Emma – Like A Steele Trap
- Maximillian – Trap D’Or
- Red Ivan – The Abuja job
- Zalika – Tourist Trap
Hidden Gems (Colombian Emerald)
- No special requirement
How to Get A Head In Life (Easter Island Head)
- No special requirement
One In A Bee-Lion (A Million Bees)
- No special requirement
Sweet Charity (World’s Largest Piggy Bank)
- No special requirement
Chapter 14 Loot
Chapter 14 has the same title regardless of who you’re playing as:
A Moment Of Preparation
Outta Time (Broken Time Machine)
- Have 10+ Quantum Chemists
Outside The Box (Pandora’s Box)
- No special requirement
Reign Of Terra (Terracotta Army)
- Clara Jones recruited. You can only have Clara or Carl recruited
Roswell That Ends Well (Ray Gun Dispenser)
- Agent X defeated
Twinkle Twinkle Little TSAR (Tsar Bomb)
- Have 40+ technicians
What’s Mine Is Mine (King Solomon’s Mines)
- Wrecking Bola defeated
To Catch 40 Thieves (Arabian Jars) “Inconspicuous Consumption” is the ultimate quest you need to do, but it needs Symmetry on your world map. Hence, doing “The Fearful Symmetry” to start with.
Syruptitious (Maple Leaf Dispenser) does have a special requirement. I believe you need to have a criminal network established in Canada. Makes sense, as Canada is the home of maple syrup.