The dirty little secret of transporting all the logs in one go.
Guide to Transport Logs
TL:DR – Screenshots Below
- Load Truck using manual loading and logging-crane.
- 3 logs = delivery-unit. Need to deliver “3x medium/long Logs” –> Load 9 single logs.
- Dont use “pack cargo” option.
- Drive to destination carefully.
- Unload logs onto ground/intermediate storage until only three logs remain on trailer.
- Now use “pack cargo” –> three logs will form one delivery unit.
- Deliver.
- Load next 3 logs from intermediate storage.
- Repeat from point 5.
Step by Step
Step #1:
- Go to logging camp. Be sure to bring a crane for manual loading!
- For long logs i had to use a second truck for the crane, but for medium logs you can get it done with only a single truck (Screenshot in the end).
- Load the first delivery-unit on your trailer and use “unpack cargo” – you now should have the first three single logs proper loaded.

Step #2:
- Use the crane and manual loading to get more logs onto your truck.
- Every 3 single logs will form a delivery-unit.
- I needed to deliver 3x long logs, so i loaded 9 single logs onto the trailer.
- Dont use “pack cargo” option – just go with it the way it is.

- You need to drive carefully and depending on the terrain, you might need to adjust the load with the crane as you go. However, it actually works quite well, except for some serious safety risks for the driver.

Step #3:
- Unload everything but 3 logs into a “intermediate storage” using the crane again. With the remaining 3 logs now use “pack cargo” and deliver.
- Then go to your storage again and load the next three logs – repeat.

Step #4:
- You’ve done it!
- All the logs in one trip!
- Works with long logs as well as with medium logs.
- Then just a single truck is needed with this configuration:

Final Thoughts
Maybe not the fastest method but satisfying not to have to drive the same delivery over and over again. Overall speed depends on route-length and individual skill with the crane. + somewhat exploiting a game-mechanic…
Excellent guide! We figured out, one could also load up a sideboard semi-trailer and put everything in it, long and medium logs. You’ll take a second truck with a log crane, plus the “Log Carrier Front attachment”, plus the medium log trailer, and drag the “Log Carrier Rear” behind you with the winch.
You would purposefully tip the semi-trailer over at the destination so that all logs fall to the ground. The only hassle is the loading up again onto the trailers.
thanks for this guide!