Guide to Better Highscore Strategy
First of all, the following points are just general rules. And sometimes rules have to be broken. But following these rules, you will be fine most of the time. There is no “perfect round” in this game, since you rely on RNG, respectively getting the right tiles at the right moment. So don’t be afraid to use your own mind and follow a different strategy.
The Start
Your decisions in early game will have a big impact on the overall score and the geometry of your map. So don’t be afraid to restart the game if the first few tiles don’t match well. Especially trains and rivers can be very annoying in early game.
I personally aim for empty borders since the starting tile is always empty on all edges. I try to build wood in one direction, cropfields in the other and the first city in another direction as well. This will lead you to have plenty of choices for matching up perfect tiles.
Perfect Tiles
You should always aim for perfect tiles, espacially in the beginning of the game. Placing Tiles perfect grants huge bonusses in terms of extra tiles on your stack and points for highscores.
In the early game I use to delay quest fullfillments, just to not break the perfect-chain. Trust me, it will reward you later on.
Over time you will have a few open tiles surrounded by 6 other tiles. So there is just one fitting. Sometimes they just won’t appear. In this case, you can go for 4-5 matching borders to complete a quest or get some extra cards. As I said, rules have to be broken sometimes.
Addition: Try the “Tower V” achievement. You have to coninously place matching tiles without a single non-perfect. Adds much more fun to the game.
Cities and Cropfields
I recommend to build several cities and cropfields (2-4) during your game, depending on the Quests you get. I usually build one big city/cropfield and a few smaller ones nearby to connect them later on if necessary. I highly recommend to NOT close groups before you gather at least 2-3 flags. But this really depends on the size of the group. It’s hard to find a general rule for this.
Addition: Have in mind to not let too much borders open. So you can close them, if needed, without wasting much tiles.
Just build one single wood. Very Important! Woods are different to other tiles. They always have “X+”-Quests and never an exact amount of trees to plant. So just build a single, big wood. Of course, there are flags appearing over time, but it’s just not worth until late game to close your wood.
Addition: Have in mind to not let too much borders open. So you can close them, if needed, without wasting much tiles.
Trains & Rivers
I use to build trains and rivers as far apart from the rest of the tiles as possible. This helps to avoid difficult situations. Over time I build up 2-3 rivers/trains, depending on the Quests i get. Of course, don’t place them too far apart to connect later for big-number-Quests.
Late Game
With the strategy above, you will usually score 15-20k without any problems. But if you are running out of tiles focus on the following:
Close up open borders as perfect as possible. Cities and Cropfields first. Every group should have 2-3+ flags until then and the rewards will help you to survive a little longer. Don’t accept Quests you will not be able to complete anymore. For example 100+ city if you already closed your big ones. Wait for better Quests.
Also: Close as many perfect tiles as possible. You don’t have to be that precise anymore. The outer Regions of you Map most likely won’t get much bigger. So it’s okay to get just a few good borders for reward. The outer tiles can be non-perfect, it’s a worthy sacrify.
If you just have <10 tiles and no other options for more: close your wood. It will have 4-6+ flags until then and will grant you a big bonus stack. Use these tiles to (again) close remaining perfect tiles and do maybe a few last missions. Usually you will still have train and river Quests open. Most of your cities, crops and of course the wood will be closed, so go for those Quests if possible.
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