This guide will show you the location of all the cans for Night Delivery.
Where to Find All Cans
The cans are always located pretty much in the centre of the image. I also turned up the brightness and turned off both the VHS effect and depth of field so they are easier to spot.
1 – As you spawn at the back of the truck, turn around to find this can, it is underneath the second metal ramp, on the left side of the street.

18 – On the right side of the road where you spawn, to the right of the first door you see.

32 – At the back of the same road, in front of the door of that house.

9 – In the left window of that same house, at the end of the road where you spawn.

12 – On the left side of the road, pretty much near the end, underneath a little bush.

Behind Apartment Building
30 – If you go behind the apartment building after following the road, in the 6th group of bushes.

4 – Eventually, you’ll reach a little park behind the apartment building, this one is on the side of the train.

16 – There is a bench right next to the train, on top of that bench.

25 – One of the corners of the sandbox.

21 – Go back to the train, it is on the front.

8 – Underneath the merry-go-round.

23 – Next to the merry-go-round, there are two benches. In between those benches.

36 – This one is in the corner of the map between the park and the parking lot. To give you a better idea of the location, right behind me is the parking lot and to my right is the park.

26 – Underneath the air conditioning unit, when going from the park towards the parking lot.

Parking Lot
20 – Once you’ve gone from the park to the parking lot, you will immediately see the bicycle shelter, to the right of it, you will see a group of bushes in between two walls. Hidden on the left underneath the bush.

Each bicycle shelter will be given a number, to hopefully make it easier for you to find the cans. the shelter farthest away from the apartment building is Shelter 1, the shelter closest to the apartment building is Shelter 4.
33 – In shelter 1, to the left of the fallen bicycle.

31 – On the fallen bicycle in shelter 1.

3 – In the basket of the bicycle. Shelter 2.

14 – Shelter 3, right underneath the roof.

7 – In between shelter 3 and 4, right underneath the roof.

19 – On the scooter in shelter 4.

24 – Also in shelter 4, at the back of the bicycle with the rain cover.

15 – In between shelter 3 and 4, close to the bicycle with the rain cover.

11 – To the right of the elevator, next to the left gas canister.

2 – Behind the dumpsters where you find the cat.

Apartment Building
6 – On the ground floor, underneath the stairs, in a red basket.

27 – Back outside, under the stairs. On top of a lamp.

17 – Still on the ground floor, in the same area where the previous two cans were, behind a pile of wood.

13 – On the staircase between the ground floor and second floor.

35 – On the second floor, between rooms 205 and 206, in the corner.

34 – On the third floor, in front of room 301

5 – On the third floor, in between the bars covering the window, left of room 306.

22 – On the fourth floor, behind the trash blocking the elevator.

28 – On the top of the stairs on the fourth floor, in between some trash.

29 – On the railing between rooms 402 and 403.

10 – Fifth floor, on the railing in front of room 506.

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