All 48 battery locations with screenshots and disrciption.
Nearly all Levels follow following scheme with the battery locations.
- Each level has 3 battery.
- Each area has only 1 battery.
- Most of the battery are in the first, secound and third area.
- All battery making a kind of a magnetic sound if you near by.
- After finish the level you can see in the level map, in what area you missing a battery.
- To enter level 6 onwards you need 4 battery and finish level 5.
- To unlock the bonus levels 1-5, you need to clear level 5 first and you need a specific number of batteries.
- To unlock bonus 6-8 you need to finish each level 6-8 and need a specific number of batteries.
Level #1
Battery, is directly at the start position
Battery, is at the 2. area just us Lilliana`s speer as a platform
Battery, last are before the boss
Level #2
Battery just high jump from this platform to reach it
Battery invisisble wall
Battery after hitting the rocks with Jack you can high jump to reach the battery
Level #3
Battery, at the 3. dino bus stop (ground blockage), just jump over it to get the battery
Battery, at the 3. supply balloon area, if you play alone you need to jump with the need and jump of of the dino to be high enough to reach the battery
Battery, after the Cavienator pursuit, need to jump over the sign (same like at battery 2)
Level #4
Battery, invisible wall
Battery, go the path below and use Jack to smash the rocks
Battery, jump on the lift and use Lillianas spear to make a platform below the battery
Level #5
Battery, 2 invisible walls, need to jump down the short cut (follow the light at the wall) and then in the middle of the short cut jump up to the battery
Battery, the battery is inside the rocks just clear them with Jack
Battery, you need to jump charge with Jack from the floating platform to smash the rocks and enter the invisible area
Level #6
Battery, invisible wall with rocks, use Jack to get into the area
Battery, invisible area, jump down on top of the pipe
Battery, jump into the invisible wall to get the battery and use Lillianas spear to make a platform to go back to the pipe
Level #7
Battery, shot the balloon fixed at the platform to enter the area with the battery
Battery, you need to shoot the balloon with the bomb, to clear with the bomb the platform below to reach the battery
Battery, invisible path into the house
Level #8
Battery, invisible wall, jump down from the upper platform into the hole
Battery, invisible path behind rocks use Jack to smash the rocks and Brienne to get the battery
Battery, invisible wall, jump from the upper lift into the wall keep pressing the direction the upper part is still a real wall
Bonus Level #1
To unlock the level you need 12 battery.
Battery invisible wall, below a platform
Battery, use the coconuts to jump up to the battery
Battery, invisible wall, below a platform
Bonus Level #2
To unlock the level you need 28 battery.
Battery invisible wall on top of this rocks, don`t smash them because you need them as platform to jump high enough
Battery, before the battery is a cross path what you need to go the up way
After you follow the path you find the battery in a invisible wall
Battery after the 2. cross path, below a invisible wall
Bonus Level #3
To unlock the level you need 4 battery.
Battery, just jump with the dino
Battery, jump with dino and jump out of the dino to reach the battery
Battery jump over the sign, same like at battery 2
Bonus Level #4
To unlock the level you need 8 battery.
Battery, just jump at the right moment from the right lift to the left lift
Battery, invisible wall with rocks use Jack to smash the rocks
Battery, invisible wall
Bonus Level #5
To unlock the level you need 24 battery.
Battery, near the start after the first area with the lifts, you need to clear with Jack the rocks on top first (original way) and then jump down to the invisible wall
Battery, insivisible wall just after the running platforms
Battery, high jump from the lift in too the invisible wall to get the battery
Bonus Level #6
To unlock the level you need 20 battery.
Battery, invisible path behinde the sniper
Battery, just jump on the platform to reach the battery
Battery, invisible wall, use Brienne to block the machine gun fire and walk backwards into it
Bonus Level #7
To unlock the level you need 16 battery.
Battery, shot the balloons with the platform and fly backwards to the battery
Battery, fly into the narrow way with the 2 rocket man, after getting the battery shot the balloons below you to be able to exit the area
Battery, before the building with the battery are many ballons with bombs and platforms, you need to clear them to be able to enter the area into the building
Bonus Level #8
To unlock the level you need 32 battery.
Battery, kill the man with the flamethrower and jump on the platform
Battery, invisible wall
Battery, just jump form the higher platform to the battery, maybe kill the rocket man before that
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