This are the skills you unlock by maxing the friendship with each classmate.
Hangout Skills
Special abilities called friendship skills become available when you finish building a relationship with a character. When this happens, you get two things: the character’s underwear as an item you can’t give away, and a new skill. You can get these during the main part of the game, but it might be easier to do it in the extra mode after you finish the main story.
Skills Unlocked
Character: Skill name: Skill function
- Kaito Momota: Space walk: Reduces the shock when an obstacle is hit in psyche taxi
- Ryoma Hoshi: Killer Smash: Makes truth bullets penetrate white noise.
- Kokichi Oma: Kind Lie: Influence drains slower while a lie bullet is loaded
- Korekiyo Shinguji: Supernatural Phenomenon: While concentrating, the reticle will automatically move to weak points
- Rantaro Amami: Viability: Increases maximum influence a little . Effective during all parts
of class trial. cant be combined with envious influence - Gonta Gokuhara: Wild awakening: Increases critical damage in argument armament
- Keebo: Digital love: The reticle will lock on to nearby V points while concentrating
- Maki Harukawa: Financing: Increases the amount of monocoins received after class trial
- Kirumi Tojo: Bed Making: Increases the recovery speed of the focus gauge
- Tsumugi Shirogane: 2D Love: Some panels in closing argument will be filled already
- Miu Iruma: XXX ray Goggles: Once part of an object becomes visible,the entire object will be shown in excavation
- Himiko Yumeno: Abracadabra: After enough time,the correct truth bullet will be shown
- Tenko Chabashira: Laws of the globe: Lets the cursor move freely , no matter how far opponent has pushed in rebuttal showdown
- Angie Yonaga: Atua’s Intuition: The flash spot will instantly grow to fullsize in hangmans gambit
- Kaede Akamatsu: Piano Duet: Makes it easier to push the opponent back during final push
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