A short guide for companions skills and allignments. To help players pick main character and make parties.
Guide to Companions
WOR Companions
Seelah (G) (M)
- Paladin
- Lawfull good
- STR 18 CON 14 CHA 15
- Good Paladin tank
- Spirit Hunter
- Undetectable
- DEX 19 WIS 16
- Support character, can go cleric
Wenduag (E) (R)
- Fighter
- Neutral evil
- Dex 20 STR 16 CHA 5
- Evil bow user
Lann (N) (R)
- Zen archer
- Lawfull neutral
- STR 17 DEX 17 WIS 17
- Neutral ranged user
- Good wis can make him dip in support classes
Woljif (N)
- Eldritch scoundrel
- Chaotic Neutral
- Dex 20 INT 18
- Thief with some magic
- Can go ranged, or dex melee build
Ember (G) (R)
- Neutral good
- Stigma Witch
- DEX 16 CHA 17
- Good support character
- High charisma can make her roll bard or sorc
Nenio (N) (R)
- Neutral
- Scroll savant
- INT 20 DEX 15
- Lunatic mage
Daeran (E) (R)
- Neutral evil
- Oracle
- Cha 20 DEX 16 str 7
- Ranged Evil support character
Sosiel (G) (M)
- Neutral good
- Cleric
- Wis 19 STR 16 CON 14 CHA 14
- Good melee cleric
- Can go melee bard
Regill (E) (M)
- Lawfull evil
- Armiger/Hellknight
- DEX 18 CON 16
- Evil melee paladin
Greybor (N) (M)
- Neutral
- Slayer
- STR 18 DEX 16 CON 14
- Neutral melee damage dealer
Arueshalae (N) (R)
- Chaotic neutral
- Espionage expert
- DEX 22 CHA 21 INT 18 CON 16
- Demon urban ranger
- M = Low dex, high STR, recommended melee
- R = High dex, recommended ranged
- N = Neutral
- G = Good
- E = Evil
Companions After Alignment
Good companions
- Seelah (G) (M)
- Ember (G) (R)
- Sosiel (G) (M)
Neutral companions
- Lann (N) (R)
- Woljif (N)
- Greybor (N) (M)
- Arueshalae (N) (R)
- Nenio (N) (R)
Evil companions
- Wenduag (E) (R)
- Daeran (E) (R)
- Regill (E) (M)
- Camellia
Suggested Parties
Suggested Evil party
- PC tank or melee
- Wenduag (E) (R)
- Daeran (E) (R)
- Regill (E) (M)
- Arueshalae (N) (R)
- Woljif (N)
- Lacking cleric or bard support
Suggested Good party
- PC Magic user or bard
- Seelah (G) (M)
- Ember (G) (R)
- Sosiel (G) (M)
- Greybor (N) (M)
- Lann (N) (R)
- Lacking trickery and some thief skills.
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