How to Beat Epilogue
- Take the slimy thing and glowing box.
- Take the worms, fishing line and Flare gun.
- Go to your inventory and use slimy thing from your inventory to lubricate the Rusty hinge.
- Click on the lid to close the box.
- Open the first aid kit.
- Take the duck tape, Band-aid and needle.
- Click on the blanket.
- Close the hole with the duck tape from your inventory.
- Take the bucket.
- Open the suitcase.
- Take the document and open every pocket.
- Take the powerbank and the charge cable.
- Plug in the charge cable, try this three times.
- Go to your inventory, take the PiPhone and click on the charge cable.
- Use the bucket from your inventory on the water.
- Take the screwdriver.
- Click on the two ropes, so you can take the life preserver.
- Use the screwdriver to open the hatch.
- Click on the button.
Throw the Life preserver into the ocean.
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