Meltys Quest – Walkthrough and Achievements

Quick Guide to the Meltys Quest

Meltys Quest Erotic Scene Quick Start:

  • Start Game and choose any difficulty.
  • You can choose to skip the prologue. All you get (other than the story) is a few instructions, a scene of sleeping Meltys, and Esmeralda fight (fishnet).
  • Go to the quarry and give up to the goblin. Voila!

How to play this game (for those who skip the prologue):

  • Left click to move / select – right click to open menu / back
  • To equip you must click equip tab (not items tab – don’t get confused with other games!)
  • I recommend taking screenshots because the exposed bosses will not be saved in scenes mode.

Achievement Overview

Meltys Quest has 30 achievements in total.

Main Quest:

  • 1. My Quest Begins Here! – Finish your first quest and give red potion to Rudolf
  • 2. A Girl’s First Iron Ore – Kill the first boss and mine the ore node behind her
  • 3. That was Fun – Enter the whirlpool near Vanguard Village
  • 4. Rothstein the Hero – Defeat Kahan
  • 5. Rest In Pieces – Defeat Dark Daliah

Along with the Story:

  • 1. The Start Of A Very Beautiful Journey – Simply give up / lose in a fight (breaks pure run)
  • 2. Helllooo Nurse – Equip the Nurse outfit you get from the 1st boss (require S.level 3+)
  • 3. Futile – Beat a hidden boss “Cenus” in the Grolido castle hidden passage
  • 4. Pure Princess – See The Pure Run
  • 5. Sachinama’s Favorite – Equip JK outfit (need 2 rune cubes and S.level 1+)
  • 6. Fit For A Hero – Craft Meltys Sword (1 rune cube before you get Alfredo’s sword)
  • 7. My Battle Outfit – Equip Babydoll Nighties (require S.level 60+)
  • 8. Birthday Suit – Unequip your costume (require S.level 69+) See Achievement Guide Section


  • 1. Old Foes New Challenges – Encounter the gobbler in true princess mode
  • 2. Kogal Powah! – Finish your game in true princess mode
  • 3. The True Succubus Devil – Win Esmeralda in the prologue (recommended after you finish true princess because NG++ difficulty is the same as NG+)

Side Quest:

  • 1. Syrup comes in all types. – Read Garnet’s 2nd letter 
  • 2. Why not I suppose. – Go back to Zanelli after you see Garnet making love with Guido
  • 3. Slayer of Chickens – Retrieve Baldy’s wine in Rothstein Castle Town (might need bikini armor)
  • 4. Graduation Congratulations – Equip Succubus outfit and talk to Jobin
  • 5. Home Sweet Home – Rebuild Rothstein Castle

Easy but Missable:

  • 1. Pretty Woman (6.2%) – Before you cross Noosel Plains bridge, do the nurse job 5 times.
  • 2. Lucky Seven (0.4%) – On your pure run, give up to goblins 7 times and lizardman 7 times. SAVE YOUR GAME FIRST AND LOAD IT AFTER YOU GET THIS ACHIEVEMENT!!!


  • 1. Sword of Kings – Get a rare drop from Metal Slime King (True Princess Only)
  • 2. Love Conquers All – Beat last boss with love shot or love wave (need high S.level)
  • 3. Meltys – See all 6 endings (Each ending depends on S.level – see Ending Guide section)
  • 4. Princess of Kingdom Come – Have 100 org*** experience (You can check from right click)
  • 5. Yay. Now I’ve Done It Twenty Times – Have 20 pregnant experience 

I still don’t know:

  • 1. A Guide to the Galaxy – I think it’s talking to seer after 100 S.encounters
  • 2. This is gonna be handy. – I know it’s in one of the side quests (Goldol’s mansion)

The Main Quests


Simply follow along or skip the scenes. According to Granitefish, you can go back to your own room and pick up a ruby ring to sell for an extra 1500 gold, which is very useful for your first battle.

Rothstein Castle Town

You need to find 3 things.

  • Red Herbs from the Rothstein Hospital (far right of the map)
  • Holy Water from the Earthly Church (left of the hospital)
  • Fresh Water from the well (in front of Venoa’s house where you started) 

Talk to NPCs with golden stars on their head and they will hand you those ingredients. Once you get them, simply go to Atalier Keith (bottom left of the well). Talk to the guy at the counter, synthesize the red potion, and go back to Venoa’s house to give it to the butler. This is an introduction to “item crafting” which is essential to your success of this playthrough!

A guy in the graveyard next to the Church gives you one of the few “pure” side quests.

Now, you have 1000G to invest for your first battle. Go to Noosel Plains to collect green herb and flax for healing herb. Get more fresh water from the well and talk to Atalier Keith to craft your healing herb. It will sustain you in your battle. Buy the fruit knife from the weapon shop and rope collar + carrots from the girl to the south west of the well. Equip them and you should be ready.

Goodyvis Quarry

This is your first dungeon. Your enemies are goblins. The upper left one comes with a bat, which can cause confusion (stun). The boss is Gobblers. They are all fire elementals so water shot will be very useful. Master your adventurer outfit and heal up either by activating the stone statue or items > healing herb (you can do this outside of combat by opening the in-game menu) before you engage the boss.

I skipped the first goblin and fight with the other two. It got me exactly 5 SP needed to master the adventurer outfit.

To fight the boss, use water shot and healing herb when you must. This is just the first boss and it should be fairly easy. Once you win, your loot is the nurse outfit. Mine the node behind Gobblers for an iron ore and mine other nodes for stones.

If you are not on a pure playthrough, equip the nurse outfit and go to Rothstein hospital to do the nurse side quest. Also, try to master this outfit for a healing skill. It also grants you poison immunity, which might be useful in later boss fights.

You might want to master the princess outfit. It takes a lot of SP but its passive is pretty useful.

Carpenter Jimmy’s Hut

Here, you can build a bridge to get you across the Noosel Plains. You will have to come back here a few times as you progress in your story. For this time, you need 10 woods, 15 stones, 10 flaxs, and 1 iron ore. Collect resources by clicking the glowing blocks in Noosel Plains, the town, the quarry, and the carpenter’s hut then talk to the carpenter to have the bridge built.

Noosel Plains

This is your second dungeon. Your enemies are slimes. The boss is Slimey. They are all water elementals so water shot will deal 0 damage on them. Use normal attack on them. At this point, I went back to get Rookie’s earrings and equip it instead of rope collar.

You get a Chinese dress outfit from the boss.

Tamlyn’s Dress

You can stop here on your way to the next dungeon. This is where you can craft outfits for your fights & to learn new skills. For now, you would definitely want a wizard outfit as it gives you huge MP pool and “fire shot” which helps you a lot against the next boss.

Mundele Mountains

This is your third dungeon. Your enemies are lizardmen and sometimes gold slimes. Lizardmen are weak against watershot. Gold slimes have no weaknesses but they give a lot of gold. The boss is Lilf. She is, unlike lizardmen, a wind elemental so your new fire shot is your friend. She can use poison, so you might want to equip the nurse outfit if you’re not playing a pure run.

If you give up to lizardman, you have a chance to become pregnant. If you do so, go to Rothstein hospital to give birth and you’ll receive a lot of monster eggs.

You can also receive 1 monster egg when you defeat Lilf.

Goldol’s Mansion

This is not a part of the main quest but it should be extremely helpful for your first playthrough. Talk to the secretary to trade a monster egg for 10K gold. You can craft a maid outfit from that gold. Maid outfit gives you a strong heal skill when you master it without any S.level requirement, so I strongly advise this especially in the pure run.

Also, talk to the maid to progress your painting questline. It is not useful yet, but it will pay off later in the story.

Vanguard Village

Visit mayor’s house and then go to carpenter Jimmy to fill Vanguard Tower hole.

Vanguard Tower

This is your fourth dungeon. Your enemies are werewolves. They have no elemental weakness. Step on the blue pressure pads around the map to break the pillars and open your way to the second level. You can find holy water from the pool in first level after the pillars are broken. It is essential in crafting nun outfit and high level potions.

The boss is Pietra, a gargoyle. Use fire on her and you will be fine. She is pretty easy. You get a gym outfit for beating her. If you want, equip and master it out.

Once you finish this area, go back to Tamlyn’s dress to craft nun outfit. If you are not on the pure run, go to the Earthly Church in Rothstein Castle Town for a side quest. However, regardless of your choice of pure or S. run, equip nun outfit and max its SP for wind shot.


Talk to carpenter Jimmy to build a bridge to the whirlpool. THIS IS A POINT OF NO RETURN! Save your game in another slot and definitely stock up your potions, by which i mean healing herbs and food. You might also want to grind the area above a little bit.

Once you feel ready, jump down the whirlpool. After that, there is only one way to go. Enter the Decayed Village and grab some items you can find here. One is straw figure, it is useful for the succubus forest because it prevents charm (another stun). The other item you find is a core bomb. Use it on the meat wall that blocks your path by clicking at the wall and it will prompt if you want to use the bomb or not. Just do it.

Succubus Forest

This is your fifth dungeon. The monsters are succubi and wind faries. They are all vulnerable to fire shot. Click at each bonfire to open up your path to the boss. Surprise! This time you face two bosses at once. Muuma is weak to wind while Yuuko is weak to water.

Once you are done, you get a succubus outfit. If you are not on your pure run, equip it and talk to Jobin (the guy there). If you are on your pure run, just ignore it. Touch the bonfires and exit to the right side, you will arrive at a succubus village.

In succubus village, talk to all succubus there. One will give you purity dress. Equip it if you are on pure run, it has amazing stats and once you master it you will receive light saber skill. The other girl will progress your painting side quest. There is also a dress shop down here with ninja outfit, which Tamlyn doesn’t have.

Subterranean Tower

This is your sixth dungeon. The monsters are orcs. They have no elemental weakness. The boss is Ema. She is vulnerable to water. Once you get out of this tower, you will appear in Vanguard Tower first floor. Open the chest for another core bomb and press the green pad to get out.

Now, go to Vanguard Village mill (the left most building) and walk up to second floor. Talk to the guy there to progress your painting quest. After that, go back to the guy in Rothstein who gave you the quest and then to the maid in Goldol’s Mansion. She will give you a bandage. It is an accessory which increases your fire resistance and poison immunity (without any S.level requirement).

The Ice Wall

Get ready for the next fight, go back to the Underworld (either through Vanguard Tower or Whirlpool). Bomb the next meat wall.

This is the least punishing zone. You only fight a few Yetis climbing up this ice wall without facing the boss. The boss is in Guido’s Smithery. Therefore, you can grind back and forth here.

The boss is Garnet. Use wind shot on her. Since you already have light saber, you might want to throw it once in a while to keep the boss attack down.

The Pure Run

I recommend making your first playthrough the pure run because:

  • You get to know the main story, the locations, and the bosses without being distracted by H-content and side quests. It will make your true princess run much easier.
  • It is just easier than playing NG+ pure “true” princess
  • According to Ogami, the secret boss is best challenged in the NG++ after the full S. NG+

So here are the rules of the pure princess run:

  • S.level must be 0 until the very end.
  • That means you must NOT lose in any battle.
  • You can NOT do most of the side quests as well.
  • Therefore, save the game frequently! 

In the pure run, you can equip only a few costumes, strictly limiting your skill pool. However, you don’t need hard grinding to complete this run as you might think. As the developer said, you need to utilize item crafting and this run will be very doable.

So, here we go!

Start your game and click through (or skip) the prologue. Now you find yourself in the Rothstein Castle Town. The first quest is very simple. You need to find 3 things.

  • Red Herbs from the Rothstein Hospital (far right of the map)
  • Holy Water from the Earthly Church (left of the hospital)
  • Fresh Water from the well (in front of Venoa’s house where you started)

Talk to NPCs with golden stars on their head and they will hand you those ingredients. Once you get them, simply go to Atalier Keith (bottom left of the well). Talk to the guy at the counter, synthesize the red potion, and go back to Venoa’s house to give it to the butler. You should’ve gotten a quest from a guy next to the Church as well.

This is an introduction to “item crafting” which is essential to your success of this playthrough!

Now, you have 1000G to invest for your first battle. Go to Noosel Plains to collect green herb and flax for healing herb. Get more fresh water from the well and talk to Atalier Keith to craft your healing herb. It will sustain you in your battle. Buy the fruit knife from the weapon shop and rope collar + carrots from the girl to the south west of the well. Equip them and you should be ready.

Since this is the pure princess run, you must NOT lose any single battle and can NOT leave the dungeon before you beat the boss. You don’t have free heal before the boss either so save the game before you enter the dungeon. Don’t forget to save in a few slots to make sure you can go back a little bit in case you mess things up.

In this dungeon, there are 3 monsters and 1 boss. I recommend fighting only 2 of the goblins (skip the first one) to minimize your hp loss. The third goblin should come with a bat, giving you 1 extra SP for your adventurer clothes. You should now master your adventurer clothes!

Feel free to eat one of your healing herb (open menu > items > use it outside of combat to avoid losing 1 turn)

Fight your first boss, gobbler. Use the water shoot skill you just got and heal (items > healing herb) when you’re low on HP. Use the carrots if you’re out of MP. You might want to save (in another slot) before you start the fight in case you miss / the boss crit and you die.

Mine the iron ore and stones. Go talk to the carpenter (in Carpenter Jimmy’s Hut near the quarry). You’ll need 10 woods, 15 stones, 10 flaxs, and 1 iron ore. Collect resources by clicking the glowing blocks in Noosel Plains, the town, and the carpenter’s hut then talk to the carpenter and order the bridge built.

It’s a good habit to ALWAYS stock up your potions (healing herbs, carrots, and other stuffs once you have the better ingredients) and talk to the glowing stone statue (free recovery) EVERY time before you challenge a new dungeon.

If you’re up for some grinding, I equipped princess dress and grinded the goblins until I got the dress mastery. It is a nice +50% gold boost passive and a few levels for you to fight the second boss. Many people in the discussion claims that this boss is the hardest one you’ll face.

Bad news! Since the slimes have water element, your water shoot is generally useless here. You’ll have to rely on your normal physical attack. This is why I recommend some grinding first. Once you enter this area, you have no choice but to clear it. Avoid most contacts with the slimes! Time their movement and move through them. You might have to fight one or two, but that’s much better than confronting all of them.

For the boss, simply attack and watch for you HP to use the healing herb. I am not sure which accessory is better for this boss between the rope collar and rookie’s earrings. Later in the mid-late game, the rookie’s earrings is the best accessory until you can grab the medal (almost to the end game).

Once you pass this area. Go to Tamlyn’s Dress and craft the wizard dress. OH! Too bad, you don’t have a pelt.

Wizard dress is pretty much the best outfit (together with maid outfit but it is better in long fights because of the extra 20 MP) until you can grab the purity dress.

So, HOW can I get the pelt? Enter the Mundele Mountains. DO NOT fight any lizardmen! Sneak past them to get the pelt (a glowing collectible that looks like haystack) and sneak out. Craft your wizard outfit and equip it. Go back to the town to heal (or you won’t get the extra 20 MP).

Feel free to grind a little bit. Good news is this area is fire and your water shoot is super effective! Try to sneak past the lizardmen to the west and to the boss. Fight a few of them for the lizardman sword. (save & load state if it doesn’t drop). You might encounter a gold slime together with lizardman. That means 500 G for extra HP lost. Heal up before you fight the boss.

Rinse and repeat what you used to do. Use watershoot and heal when you must. This lamia girl drops monster egg. If you can’t beat her no matter what, it’s the right time load your save and grind more.

Once you finish this lamia boss, go back to the town to heal up. Now, go the Goldol’s mansion and talk to the maids with yellow star. One is a checkpoint in the painting quest from the guy in Rothstein. The other will give you 10000 G to craft maid outfit and come work at the mansion.

Use that 10K Gold to make the maid outfit but do NOT work at the mansion as it will raise your S.level and ruin your pure run!

Master the maid outfit for heal skill and switch back to wizard outfit. Remember to activate free recovery after your switch to wizard outfit for 20 MP. Now you have a really strong heal with a huge MP pool.

The next dungeon is Vanguard tower. You can get holy water from this area. It is crucial for high level recovery items and nun outfit (which gives you the wind shoot to complete 3 element shoots!)
I find the boss for this dungeon pretty easy as well.

The game should be fairly doable after this point. Follow your instinct and keep doing what you must. Voila! Enjoy the story and the achievement!

Item Farm Location

  • Wood – Noosel Plains
  • Stone – Goodyvis Quarry
  • Iron Ore – Mundele Mountains / Goodyvis Quarry
  • Gold Ore – Mundele Mountains
  • Crystal – Ice Wall / Mundele Mountains
  • Flax – Noosel Plains
  • Feather – Houses / Tamlyn’s Dress
  • Pelt – Mundele Mountains
  • Monster Tail – Succubus Forest
  • Fresh Water – Town Well
  • Holy Water – Vanguard Tower (or Gondol’s Mansion sidequest)
  • White Water (S****) – H-scene with Lizardman (Mundele Mountains)
  • Dye – Noosel Plains
  • Green Herb – Noosel Plains (Enter from North)
  • Red Herb – Drop from Cyclops / Red Slime
  • Blue Herb – Drop from Yetis (Ice Wall)
  • Monster Egg – Pregnancy (or Lilf boss for pure run)

Endings Guide

Meltys Quest has 6 Endings:

  • A[M]azingly Pure: Finish the game with S.level 0
  • B[E]ginnings: Finish the game with S.level 29 or lower
  • Interracia[L]: Finish the game with S.level 68 or lower
  • Gaie[T]y: Finish the game with S.level 69 or higher
  • ???: Finish the game with Complete Castle Repairation
  • ???: Beat the secret boss! – I learned this from Ogami.

All six endings spell “MELTYS”

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. “this is gonna be handy” use sl*t heart to increase s.level, then you will got the achievement.

  2. you can get the d*ildo from secretary dhanna at goldol mansion after become secretary too with 69+ s.level

  3. In the Prologe you can go back into your room you can grab a ruby ring from a chest netting you an extra 1,500 Gold in the begining to work with.

  4. “This is gonna be handy.
    Learn a Skill from using an Item.”
    You can buy an identical dildo to the Goldol one somewhere, if you use it you gain the ‘masturbate in public’ skill.

  5. >Lucky Seven
    -Some other sources says that you need 7 goblins, 7 lizardmen **AND** 7 Yetis.

    >A Guide to the Galaxy
    -At any point in the game, after the Vangard village was repaired of course, once you have 100points and you talk to the village’s seer, she will reward you with the B-itchhicker ”dress” which gives the achievement.

    >This is gonna be handy
    -If I remember correctly, after having done a few quest in the Manor (I think some require high S.Points to be available ?), the secretary will reward you with a ”realistic toy”. An item that you ‘use’ to learn a new technique and get the achievement.

  6. By the way, about ”4. Gaie[T]y: Finish the game with S.level 69 or higher”… You also have to finish the game WITHOUT having completed the Castle, otherwise the Ending default to the 5th one (HAPP[Y] LIFE).

  7. Instead of killing the goblins at the first boss I prefer to farm at the nossel plains some 48x green herb and sell them for 50g each and buy the gladius (+7 atk instead of just +2 with the fruit knife).

  8. “This is gonna be handy” Achievement: Work as a Maid at Mansion. Build first two parts of castle up to being told you need 5 million. Go back to work At mansion. At some point the secretary will give you a Dildo. At S. level 69+ you use the Dildo get a skill. (note: as of writing this I don’t have the achievement cause I got the Dildo but am not high enough S level yet).

  9. Some clothes mentioned in the pure run can’t be equipped since they all had minimum slut level requirements. It’s harder than that.

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