A Guide for how to obtain and craft the 3 tiers of Legendary weapons.
Legendary Weapons
Legendary Weapon base and NM to get them Below.
- 1H Sword – Final Espada – Legendary 1H Sword base item – NM: Legendary Fencer (Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Barracks)
- Rapier – Prima Sabre – Legendary Rapier base item – NM: Beetle Queen (Oltrum Bastion: Flail)
- Scimitar – Moonstruck Saber – Legendary Scimitar base item – NM: The Slime Twins (Oltrum Bastion: Cordia)
- Dagger – Hated Razor – Legendary Dagger base item – NM: The Blade of Destiny (Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Sage Hall)
- 1H Club – Lunatic Press – Legendary Club base item – NM: Perpetual War Machine (Oltrum Bastion: Medius)
- Katana – Matamon the Bone-Eater – Legendary Katana base item – All Events Clear (Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Sage Hall)
- 2H Sword – Matter Dissolver – Legendary 2H Sword base item – NM: Sanctuary Soul (Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Lift)
- 2H Axe – Bardiche – Legendary Axe base item – All Events Clear (Oltrum Bastion: Flail)
- Spear – Heart Piercer – Legendary Spear base item – All Events Clear (Oltrum Bastion: Cordia)
Legendary Routes
Go to the Blacksmith and choose the transform option, and pick the base legendary weapon for the type you got from the list above.
Route 1 for your base weapon will turn into a Tier 1 Legendary.
Here is the Route 1 required Mats:
- Aetherial Ore x1
- The Murmurstone x50
- Saurian Dragonscale x10 (Note this is the branch where it splits, it will say Insectoid gold wind, press L1 or R1, or the Xbox Respective to change it to Dragonscales)
- Luxurian Ore x3
And there you have it, you get the Legendary Achievement and have a Legendary.
Now if you want a tiny bit more powerful of a Legendary Weapon, you can go for Tier 2.
Here is the Tier 2 Required Mats:
- Aetherial Ore x1
- The Murmurstone x50
- Insectoid Gold Wing x50 (Yes choose the gold winds this time instead of the Saurian Dragonscale x10)
- Adamantine Ore x10
- Luxurian Ore x30
- Dark Crystal x1 (Note this path is a branch path, with Blackguard’s Amethyst x100 and Dark Crystal x1 press L1 or R1 until you find Dark Crystal x1)
- Spectral Impute Soul x5
And there you have it, now you have a Tier 2 Legendary, but wait there’s more, are you still power hungry?
Well time to go for the Tier 3.
Here is the Tier 3 Required Mats:
- Aetherial Ore x1
- The Murmurstone x50
- Insectoid Gold Wing x50 (Yes choose the gold winds this time instead of the Saurian Dragonscale x10)
- Adamantine Ore x10
- Luxurian Ore x30
- Blackguard’s Amethyst x100 (Yes choose this option instead of dark crystals now)
- Demonic Remains x10
- Saurian Dragonjaw x20
- Crystal of Light x10
- Dark Crystal x10
And there you have it, you now have a Tier 3 Legendary Weapon, and are now ready for end game content.
If you want a video guide on the transformation you can watch this video.
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