Realm Grinder – Secret Trophies

Clues to Secret Trophies in Realm Grinder.

Secret Trophies

Some secret trophies are easy to get and will be earned as you play. If you don’t get these trophies you are just not playing the game for long enough. Other secret trophies take some work and there are almost no clues in-game to help you figure it out.

Note: if the first clue says “Play the game” you really do not need the additional clues, you just need to continue playing. Additional clues on these trophies are provided for fun, and in case not knowing is driving you nuts.


Secret Trophies, Part I


  1. Play the game.
  2. Not for very long.
  3. This is about Coins.
  4. Have exactly 1337 Coins at any given time.


  1. This is about buildings.
  2. Buy buildings.
  3. Buy every single type of building.
  4. But be careful how many you buy.
  5. Seriously? What is the name of the trophy?
  6. Have exactly 1 of each building at any given time.

Building Hater

  1. You do not like buildings.
  2. So, do not build any.
  3. Depending on which R you do this you could wait a short, or a long time with no buildings – because you really hate them.
  4. Reach 100,000 Coins without building anything.

Grand Diplomat

  1. Play the game.
  2. It may take a little while to pop, depending on when you are looking at this clue.
  3. Have you met everyone?
  4. Ally with each Vanilla, Neutral, and Prestige faction at least once. This does not include Mercenaries.

Exchange Master

  1. Play the game.
  2. It may take a while to pop, depending on when you are looking at this clue.
  3. How many Royal Exchanges can you afford?
  4. If you do not have the trophy yet buy more Exchanges.
  5. Purchase 500 Royal Exchanges in a single game.

Lucky Neutral

  1. Play the game.
  2. It willl take a while to pop.
  3. How long have you been neutral?
  4. Across all of your games. If you do not have the trophy yet spend more time in that alignment.
  5. Spend 7777 minutes being Neutral – 5d 9h 37m.

Perfectly Good

  1. Play the game.
  2. It will take a long time to pop.
  3. How long have you been Good?
  4. Across all of your games. If you do not have the trophy yet spend more time in that alignment.
  5. Spend 333 hours being Good – 13d 21h.

Diabolical Evil

  1. Play the game.
  2. It will take a really long time to pop.
  3. How long have you been Evil?
  4. Across all of your games. If you do not have the trophy yet spend more time in that alignment.
  5. Spend 6 days, 66 hours, 666 minutes and 666666 seconds being Evil – 16d 22h 17m 6s.

Assistant Squasher

  1. Where are the assistants?
  2. Squash them.
  3. A lot.
  4. Click 100 times on the little assistant above your realm.


  1. Play the game.
  2. It may take a while to pop, depending on when you are looking at this clue.
  3. You want a lot of coins in one game.
  4. Abdicate after producing at least 1 Oc Coins (1e27).

Faction Grinder

  1. Play the game.
  2. It may take a while to pop, depending on when you are looking at this clue.
  3. Buy all Vanilla Faction Upgrades.
  4. Then buy all the upgrades that unlock after you earn all of the Champion Trophies.
  5. Buy all Vanilla Heritage Upgrades, in one game.

Master Archeologist

  1. Play the game.
  2. You can only get this after unlocking the Neutral Factions.
  3. What does an archeologist do?
  4. Are there any eligible artifacts for one or more of the Neutral Factions?
  5. You have discovered all the relics of the Ancient Races: Titans, Druids, and Faceless.


  1. Play the game.
  2. Cast spells.
  3. You will need a fair bit of Mana for this.
  4. Cast a lot of spells at one time.
  5. Cast Tax Collection while having 3 spells active.

Speed Run

  1. Get money fast.
  2. Do not use “Buy All” for upgrades.
  3. Use any upgrades you want, except for one.
  4. Reach 1 M (1e7) coins in less than 5 minutes, without using Gem Power.


  1. There is no way you are getting this one without clues (in my humble opinion).
  2. Play the game for 3 days.
  3. Play all 3 alignments.
  4. For the same amount of time.
  5. With no less than 3 days of playtime, have less than 1 minute of playtime difference for the 3 alignments.

Beard Carpet

  1. Who has beards?
  2. Play that faction.
  3. For a long time.
  4. Have at least 3km beards on your dwarf assistants. (3d 11h 20m)


  1. Be Evil
  2. Do not align with the Drow.
  3. Build lots of Dark Temples.
  4. Have at least 850 Dark Temples on any individual run before affiliating with the Drow (on any run).

Fast Forward

  1. You may get this one on your own.
  2. Play offline.
  3. For a long time.
  4. Accumulate an offline time of at least 88 hours.

Need a Head Start?

  1. Start a new game.
  2. Get distracted for a little while.
  3. Don’t do anything for 5 minutes after starting a new game.

Realm Digger

  1. Play the game.
  2. Is there something you can dig? Then dig!
  3. If you have not gotten the trophy then dig some more.
  4. You know this is about excavations, yes?
  5. Excavate 400 times.

Secret Trophies, Part II


  1. Be a Mercenary.
  2. Definition of a harlequin pattern includes multi-colored, variegated, many-hued.
  3. Buy lots of different faction upgrades.
  4. As a Mercenary, purchase one upgrade from 11 different factions.


  1. This trophy could also be named after Gabriel (the angel).
  2. Be a Mercenary.
  3. You are not neutral.
  4. Only buy faction upgrades from one alignment.
  5. As a Good Mercenary, purchase only Evil mercenary faction upgrades or as an Evil Mercenary only purchase Good mercenary faction upgrades.


  1. This one is about a mathematical series.
  2. And buildings.
  3. Only buy one of something.
  4. Buy more of the other buildings, but make sure the amounts you buy can be represented as a mathematical equation.
  5. The series starts with Hall of Legends, and ends with Farms (highest tier to lowest tier).
  6. Have building amounts exactly equal to 2x the lower building: 1024 Farms, 512 Inns, 256 Blacksmiths, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 and 1 Hall of Legends.

Mercenary Spirit

  1. Play the game.
  2. Be a Mercenary.
  3. Time for a soft reset!
  4. Reincarnate while playing as a Mercenary.


  1. Play the game.
  2. But you cannot get this until after R7.
  3. And after you buy a bunch of Faction Upgrades (i.e., Treaties, Pacts, Alliances, Heritages, Spell Upgrades for each Faction.
  4. Do that to unlock a Faction Bloodline.
  5. Unlock all Vanilla, Neutral, Presetige Bloodlines (excludes Dragon).

Unlimited Mana

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is really about Mana Regeneration.
  4. Have a mana regeneration rate of at least 300 mana per second.

For Science!

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you cannot start until R16, so be patient.
  5. Purchase all Vanilla research facilities.

Novice Researcher

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. Research 600 times across all fields.

Exchange Lord

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Royal Exchanges.
  4. A lot of them, in one game.
  5. Purchase 1500 Royal Exchanges in a single game.


  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. It is about a specific field of Research.
  6. Discover at least 10 Spellcraft Researches.


  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. It is about a specific field of Research.
  6. Discover at least 10 Craftsmanship Researches.


  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. It is about a specific field of Research.
  6. Discover at least 10 Divine Researches.


  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. It is about a specific field of Research.
  6. Discover at least 10 Economics Researches.


  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. It is about a specific field of Research.
  6. Discover at least 10 Alchemy Researches.


  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. It is about a specific field of Research.
  6. Discover at least 10 Warfare Researches.

Vanilla Researcher

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research and Vanilla Factions.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. Discover all the Vanilla Faction researches.

Vanilla Challenger

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing.
  3. This one is about … Challenges and Vanilla Factions.
  4. Which you really cannot finish until R18, so be patient.
  5. Complete all the Vanilla Challenges.

Neutral Challenger

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing.
  3. This one is about … Challenges and Neutral Factions.
  4. Which you really cannot finish until R25, so be patient.
  5. Complete all the Neutral Challenges.

Prestige Challenger

Secret Trophies, Part III

Faction Run

  1. This one is about Faction Coins.
  2. About getting Faction Coins fast.
  3. But without much help.
  4. Do not use “Buy All” for upgrades.
  5. Use any upgrades you want, except for one.
  6. Do not use excavations.
  7. Do not use spells.
  8. Do not use Gem Power (this trophy has a lot of “do nots.”
  9. Reach 1 M (1e7) Faction Coins in less than 5 minutes, without using Gem Power, Excavations, or any spell.

Intermediate Researcher

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Research.
  4. Which you really cannot start doing until R16, so be patient.
  5. Research 1800 times across all fields.

Ancient Researcher

No Recruiting

  1. You are going to want to wait a while to do this one. Unless you want to spend a long time (up to never) to get it.
  2. Maybe after at least R20?
  3. Which faction can you “recruit?”
  4. Do not affiliate with them.
  5. In one Reincarnation until after you earn a lot of gems.
  6. Reach 1 Novg (1e90) gems in a Reincarnation without ever affiliating with the Mercenaries.

That Excavated Quickly

  1. Play the game.
  2. You might get this one on your own, without the need for additional clues.
  3. This one is really about … Excavations and speed.
  4. It may take you a while to get to a level where you can afford to buy the number of excavations you need.
  5. Excavate 1000 times in the first 30 seconds of playtime.

glho kohhl snod

  1. You are going to need clues for this one.
  2. Amazingly you can get a clue for this trophy in your game.
  3. Does you Advisor have anything useful you could use here?
  4. You may as well use the last clue, the trophy does not do much of anything.
  5. Click on Options > Import. Write: glho kohhl snod then click on Import.

Mana Matrix

  1. Play the game.
  2. This one really is about Mana.
  3. Maximum Mana.
  4. It may take you a while to get to the level of Mana you need.
  5. Have exactly 4767 maximum mana.

Suggestion Master

  1. You are going to need clues for this one.
  2. I am not going to even bother trying to give more clues.
  3. Go to Options, then click on the version number, opening the changelog and stay there for 3 minutes.

Rule ‘dis

  1. You might get this one on your own, without the need for additional clues. But probably not.
  2. This one is about Abdications and speed.
  3. Abdicate a lot.
  4. Quickly.
  5. The important numbers are 3 and 10.
  6. Abdicate 10 times within 3 minutes.

Because I Like to Grind

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. In a single game.
  4. Spend at least 3 hours playing in a single game.

Triple Weirdness

Expert Researcher

Underworld Researcher

Stoic Resistance

  1. You might get this one on your own, without the need for additional clues. But maybe not.
  2. You will want to wait a while to try.
  3. A really long while.
  4. Maybe after R30? Unless you want this to take a really long time.
  5. This one is about Reincarnating.
  6. And not doing any Abdications after you Reincarnate.
  7. Before you get enough gems.
  8. Reach an amount of Gems in your treasury equal to those required for the first Reincarnation (1 Oc gems – 1e27) without abdicating since the start of a new Reincarnation. (Suggested >=R35)


  1. You might get this one on your own.
  2. If you play offline.
  3. But not until after Research.
  4. For instance D400.
  5. This trophy is about … Offline bonus.
  6. Is there a faction that is better offline?
  7. Purchase every offline upgrade you can.
  8. Then go offline. And come back.
  9. If the trophy did not pop then you are probably playing the wrong faction and/or missing an upgrade.
  10. Reach an Offline Bonus of at least 1e15%.

Iron Rush

  1. You are not likely to get this one without clues (in my humble opinion).
  2. Where is there iron in the game?
  3. This is about … Iron Strongholds.
  4. Build a lot of them.
  5. Relatively quickly.
  6. Use any upgrades you like, except two.
  7. Do not use Gem Power.
  8. Do not use Reincarnation Power.
  9. This is a whole lot easier after R40.
  10. If you must try before R40 get Stoic Resistance first.
  11. Reach 750 Iron Strongholds without using Gem Power or Reincarnation Power within 5 minutes of a new game.

Secret Trophies, Part IV

Colorful Autocasting

  1. Play the game.
  2. Just keep playing until you get it.
  3. This one is about … Autocasting.
  4. You need all of the Autocasting Upgrades.
  5. And then use them.
  6. You will have to wait a while to get this, >R40.
  7. You also need to wait until you get a Spell Tier.
  8. Have each type of autocasting active simultaneously.

Spell Cataclysm

Advisor Insight

  1. You are not likely to get this one without clues (in my humble opinion).
  2. This is about … that Advisor button (Tips and Hints).
  3. Even though the Advisor really has nothing very useful to say, click on the button.
  4. A lot.
  5. Click the Hint button 100 times.

Dragon Tamer

Helden Sterben Nicht

  1. You might get this one on your own, without the need for additional clues. But probably not.
  2. How you get to the trophy is related to the name of the trophy.
  3. You need to translate the name of the trophy – if you do not speak German.
  4. If are translating to English you should know that the word order is different than in German. (I have no clue about translations to other languages.)
  5. This one is about … Factions.
  6. And running through them relatively quickly.
  7. You need to use three of the Factions.
  8. You have to do them in the right order.
  9. All within 15 minutes.
  10. The Factions, in alphabetical order (which is not necessarily the right order), are Angels, Mercenaries, and Undead.
  11. Join Mercenaries, then Undead, then Angels within 15 minutes since the beginning of a new run (abdication) in a single game session (single R).

Master Researcher

Eternal Researcher

Warrior Researcher

Mana Waste

  1. You might get this one on your own, without the need for additional clues. But probably not.
  2. This one is about … Mana.
  3. Mana Regeneration and Maximum Mana.
  4. One needs to be higher than the other.
  5. Having Helden Sterben Nicht helps.
  6. Have mana regeneration higher than max mana. There is a whole how-to devoted to this trophy on the wiki, use it if you are having trouble getting the trophy.

Prismatic Mana


Grandmaster Researcher

Exchange High Lord


Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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