I Expect You To Die – Walkthrough / Speedrun Guide

You can acquire the speed-run memento by completing the missions in this guide, which will also walk you through how to finish each mission in I expect you to die!

Level 1: Friendly Skies


When you spawn, find the key above you and start the car. Avoid death from the eye scanner by shooting it with the revolver or leaning to the side. Afterward, a bomb appears near the pedals. Open the glove box to get a knife and a note on defusing the bomb. Cut the wires in the order 3-2-1 to defuse it.

Then, grab the screwdriver from the table outside and unscrew the panel covering the master gun reset. Press the highlighted button to reveal the gun. Load a stick of dynamite into the gun, fire it, set the gear to Drive, and accelerate.

Mission complete!


Quickly start the car and grab the key. Unwind the window and grab the screwdriver. After facing the scanner, wind the window back up to avoid the laser. Unscrew the panel and activate the cannon.

Swiftly defuse the bomb after grabbing it. Load a stick of dynamite into the cannon, fire it, set the gear to Drive, and accelerate without waiting for the smoke to clear.

Speed-run complete!

Level 2: Squeaky Clean


Upon spawning, locate a silenced pistol to your left and shoot the window to access the room. Activate the security, then choose one of two methods to deactivate it: either use a glass shard to cut the wires on a cylinder or insert an ID card into the slot or close the blind to evade gas.

To release the yellow handle, create a chemical solution by mixing blue, green, and red chemicals and throw it at the copper chain. Distract a person either by pretending to clean the window with a sponge or shooting at a window.

Create the antivirus by combining red, yellow, and purple chemicals. Place it into a machine to tube it into the virus. Rip off the rocket panels, melt the copper chains, and place the antivirus before the rocket lifts off.


Immediately shoot the window upon spawning, then grab a glass shard to cut the wires on the cylinder. Unlock the green chemical, melt the copper chain, and unlock the yellow chemical.

Make the antivirus without worrying about the person spotting you. Shoot the guard, then place the antivirus into the machine. Quickly create the chemical to melt the chains on the rocket.

Rapidly rip off the panels, use the chemical on the chains, remove the lid, and place the antivirus. Complete the speedrun if done quickly enough. Keep attempting if unsuccessful initially.

Level 3: Deep Dive


You start in a malfunctioning escape pod. First, fill the engine with fuel by unscrewing the cap and positioning the fuel pipe correctly. Next, handle the grenade near the fuel tank. You can defuse it by placing a screw inside, using the glue gun, or taking the pin from a fire extinguisher.

Avoid opening the bottom drawer which contains grenades. As you progress, fix cracks in the windows with the glue gun. Drain water from the pod by unscrewing the pump panel and activating the lever. Also, collect scattered papers for important instructions.

After turning on the engine, ascend while fixing windows with the glue gun and putting out fires with the extinguisher. When prompted to vent oxygen, locate the cap opener and adjust the oxygen supply. Monitor the water pipe to prevent overheating.

Lastly, input the self-destruct code correctly to survive. Upon surfacing, fire the flare gun for mission success.


Immediately grab and dispose of the grenade, fill the fuel tank, and open the water pump. After draining water and starting the engine, ascend and quickly fix windows and extinguish fires. Prevent engine overheating by using the cap opener. Input the self-destruct code swiftly for a successful speedrun. Fire the flare gun upon surfacing.

Speedrun successful!

Level 4: Winter Break


Upon spawning, head right to the vault behind you. The code is “386”. Inside, grab the USB card and insert it on the left side of the table, pressing the green button. Beware of the bear with a crossbow. Defend yourself by throwing back its arrows or lighting the rope holding antlers above it. Deactivate the bear to reveal a hand.

Retrieve the golden orb hidden behind a sliding painting. Ignite the deer head to prevent gas release, then place the orb on the hand. Activate the machine and replace its crystal with a purple one. Locate the crystals behind a hidden shelf on the right bookshelf. Align frequencies, avoiding lasers until the machine breaks. Escape using the helicopter handle on the left.


For a speedrun, quickly input the code, activate the USB card, and neutralize the bear. Ignite the deer head, retrieve the orb, and proceed with crystal alignment. Swiftly complete the machine deactivation and escape using the helicopter handle.

Successful missions!

Level 5: First Class Vacation


Upon spawning in, you’ll find yourself in a train compartment. First, listen to the message from your partner on the phone. He’ll mention patterns on specific items: the phone, the ticket, and the tea pot. Here’s how to find them:

  • PHONE: Look at the front of the phone, you’ll see three X’s, that’s the pattern.
  • TICKET: Use the lighter to light the ticket on fire. Three black dots will appear in a formation, that’s the pattern.
  • TEA-POT: Find three dots in a V formation on the side of the tea-pot, that’s the pattern.

These patterns reveal flashbangs, money, a pardon, a screwdriver, and an earpiece. Place the earpiece on yourself to regain contact with your partner and listen to his instructions.

Unscrew the phone and tap into each train compartment to listen for a violin sound. The one you need is compartment 5. To make contact, deliver a specific item. Use the phone to spam the room service button until you receive a gift. Put the agency’s logo lighter in the tube and send it to compartment 5. You’ll get an earpiece in return.

Put the earpiece on your other ear and listen to the person’s instructions. You’ll find the pardon where the money is. Send it to the person and you’ll receive a device that requires a code (“211”). Place the device where you got the earpiece from and it’ll send data to your agency. Assassins will then come for you.

The first assassin comes from the door. You can bribe him with money, block his gun with a food lid and make him fire into it, or use a flashbang through the letter box to scare him off.

Grab his dropped pistol. The next assassin comes from above with a spear. You can either shoot at the spear area or throw a flashbang on top of the roof to stun him.

The third assassin comes in an armored car from outside. Lean left to avoid gunfire, then throw the grenade back into the car when he reloads.

The final assassin comes by plane. Lean back from the window to avoid being hit. Either shoot the plane with the car’s gun or use a flashbang.

All assassins dealt with, mission successful!


As soon as you spawn, grab the phone and spam the room service button for three seconds. Then do the wall codes, place the earpiece, and wait for the gift. Once received, place the lighter in the tube and send it to compartment 5.

Wait for the earpiece to return, then grab the pardon and send it off. Put the earpiece in and input the code when the device arrives. Place it where the earpiece was.

Use a flashbang for the first assassin. Shoot the second one. For the third, wait for him to reload and throw a grenade back. Shoot down the plane with the car’s gun.

If fast enough, you’ll complete the speedrun! Retry if needed.

Souvenir Guide / Conclusion

This guide will help you make souvenirs too!

Now you know how to be a master secret agent and speed runner! I hope this guide was of help to all of you! Enjoy getting those achievements!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3756 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. I can’t throw the grenade, I don’t know how to throw in VR, I send back like a dozen grenades, sometimes it touches the vehicle but that’s not enough. One of the most frustrating mission as it’s quite long and it’s easy to die.

    • You can use the telekinesis ability to place the grenade above the hole and drop it, if you’re struggling with the throw

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