PUBG – Airdrop Full Guide

This guide will help you understand airdrops, learn the powerful weapons, and will teach you the easiest way to get to an airdrop.

Where and When Crates Drop

Not as important part: When

The crates themselves will drop every few minutes, but they cannot be perfectly timed due to RNG.

With the RNG it’s hard to determine if there’s a difference between Erangel and Miramar. But by using the timer for the blue zone in the bottom right the first aidrop will usually start around 2:45 for the very first blue zone.

The best way to find the first plane is to just keep and eye/ear out for the plane, it’s hard to miss.

Now the important part: Where

PUBG - Airdrop Full Guide

The first airdrop will always land within the first white circle, doesn’t matter where but it will 100% guaranteed be within the first play area.

PUBG - Airdrop Full Guide

Any airdrop after the first one will land anywhere within the blue circle, making it riskier to loot.

Now that the basics of the plane are down, let’s cover an overview of the contents in an airdrop.


“Modern assault rifle”

  • Ammo Type – 5.56mm
  • Magazine Size – Default: 30 Extended: 40
  • Ammo obtained from drop – 60 or 90 not 100% confirmed


  • Scopes: Holographic, Red Dot, 2x, 4x, 8x, 15x
  • Magazines: AR: Quickdraw, Extended, Ext Quickdraw
  • Muzzle: AR: Suppressor, Flash Hider, Compensator
  • Foregrips: Angled and Vertical foregrips

Newest airdrop gun at time of making this guide

AUG A3 Tips

  • SIngle fire and full auto 
  • This rifle has more recoil than you may think, use single fire if necessary
  • If you find this in a squads game, your teammates will probably want to use it


“Monster sniper rifle”

  • Ammo Type – .300 Magnum, exclusive to the AWM
  • Magazine Size – Default: 5 rounds Extended: 7 rounds
  • Ammo obtained from drop – 20 rounds


  • Scopes: Holographic, Red Dot, 2x, 4x, 8x, 15x
  • Magazines: SR: Quickdraw, Extended, Ext. Quickdraw 
  • Muzzle: SR: Compensator, Flash Hider, Suppressor
  • Rear/Stock: Cheek pad for SR

AWM Tips

  • The AWM has no ironsight, making it crucial that a scope is used with it
  • Don’t waste shots or shoot unnecessarily, 20 rounds can deplete fast
  • If you land a good bodyshot, switch to an AR to finish the enemy 

Groza [AR]

“A selective fire Russian bullpup assault rifle chambered for a 7.62mm round”

  • Ammo Type – 7.62mm
  • Magazine Size – Default: 30 Extended: 40
  • Ammo obtained from drop – 60 or 90


  • Scopes: Holographic, Red Dot, 2x, 4x
  • Magazines: AR: Quickdraw, Extended, Ext Quickdraw
  • Muzzle: AR: Suppressor

Groza Tips

  • SIngle fire and full auto
  • The groza is the best closerange/pointblank automatic weapon 
  • Has lower recoil for AR’s

M24 [SR]

“Servicable sniper rifle”

  • Ammo Type – 7.62mm
  • Magazine Size – Default: 5 rounds Extended: 7 rounds
  • Ammo obtained from drop – 15 or 30 rounds


  • Scopes: Holographic, Red Dot, 2x, 4x, 8x, 15x
  • Magazines: SR: Quickdraw, Extended, Ext. Quickdraw 
  • Muzzle: SR: Compensator, Flash Hider, Suppressor
  • Rear/Stock: Cheek pad for SR

M24 Tips

  • This is the most common SR found in airdrops, it’s easy to develop a feel for the bullet speed/drop
  • The M24 is very loud, people will hear your position from quite a ways away
  • If you land a bodyshot, switch to an AR if close/medium range

M249 [LMG]

“Lighter than it looks”

  • Ammo Type – 5.56mm
  • Magazine Size – Default: 100 rounds, no extension
  • Ammo obtained from drop – 100 or 200 rounds


  • Scopes: Holographic, Red Dot, 2x, 4x, 8x, 15x

M249 Tips

  • Always in full auto
  • The M249 has more range than an M16-A4, don’t be afraid to burst at long ranges
  • Bipod allows for very little recoil when proning
  • Extremely good at blowing up vehicles
  • If an enemy bridge camper has an M249, a boat might be a better idea

Mk14 EBR [DMR]

“Selective fire Designated Marksman Rifle originally built for use with units of USSOC such as Navy SEALS and Delta Force”

  • Ammo Type – 7.62mm
  • Magazine Size – Default: 10 rounds Extended: 20 rounds
  • Ammo obtained from drop – 30 or 60 rounds Not confirmed, will update later


  • Scopes: Holographic, Red Dot, 2x, 4x, 8x, 15x
  • Magazines: SR: Quickdraw, Extended, Ext. Quickdraw 
  • Muzzle: SR: Compensator, Flash Hider, Suppressor
  • Rear/Stock: Cheek pad for SR

Mk14 EBR Tips

  • Single fire and full auto
  • Bipod allows for low recoil when proning
  • With an extended magazine, it’s a decent AR replacement for close ranges

Ghillie Suits

Ghillie suits are useful for camoflauging yourself with the terrain, especially in bushes.

They come in two color variants, both can be found on Erangel and Miramar.

The woodland ghillie suit.

The desert ghillie suit.

Ghillie Suit Camoflauge Tips

  • The ghillie suit will hide your backpack, vest, and top of your helmet
  • Your shoes, hands, and front of your face will be visible
  • It does not hide weapons, it may help to drop a primary weapon when proning dropping your pan may help too

Airdrop Attachments

Thse have chances of spawning in a drop, loot doesn’t always match up with the airdrop’s gun.

  • Scopes: 4x, 8x, 15x 
  • Suppressors: for SR/AR
  • Ext. Quickdraw: for SR/AR
  • Tactical Stock for M416, Kriss Vector
  • Compensator: for SR/AR
  • Cheek Pad for SR 

The 15x is the only airdrop exclusive weapon attachment.

Quick notes about attachments in drops

  • The 4x, suppressors, tactical stock, compensator, and cheek pad have relatively low spawn rates in airdrops
  • There can be up to 2 8x scopes found within a single drop
  • There can also be a 15x and an 8x in a single drop

Airdrop Armor / Bags / Clothing

  • Level 3 Helmet
  • Level 3 Vest
  • Level 3 Backpack
  • Padded Jacket: Purple or beige (possibly removed from airdrop, will update when confirmed) 

This is an airdrop exclusive level 3 backpack. If you spot an enemy with this, they probably have an airdrop weapon

This is the world-spawned level three backpack for comparison.

Airdrop Healing Items

  • High Chances: Medkit/Adrenaline Syringe
  • Low Chances: FirstAidKit/Painkiller 

The adrenaline syringe is the only airdrop exclusive healing item. When used it gives 100% boost, allowing for high healing over time and a running speed boost.

Easiest Way To Obtain An Airdrop

Note: Due to RNG, this does not have a 100% success rate, but is the easiest way to capture an airdrop and practice with the airdrop exclusive weapons. This is also easiest during a 1-Man Squad game.

Step 1: Land Between Georgopol and Rozhok Erangel.

All red dots mark a possible car spawn, the roads on the map above have high density for car spawns.

Step 1: Land Los Leones or Pecado Miramar

PUBG - Airdrop Full Guide
PUBG - Airdrop Full Guide

While there are car garages in the desert, they’re extremely uncommon, the only one I could find was at Hacienda del Patron.

Step 2: Loot a bit before the play area is shown

If you have confirmed there’s a car near you, then begin looting nearby buildings. Try to find a backpack and a primary.

Step 3: Go to the center of the circle

As soon as the white circle appears, begin driving. Place a marker in the middle of the white circle and drive as fast as you can. But be careful if the middle is near a highly populated area, or surrounded by a lot of trees. You need safety and vision for the next step.

Step 4: Wait for the plane

As said at the beginning of this guide, the plane should spawn around 2:45 on the circle timer. Track the plane and wait for it to drop, and the second it drops…

Step 5: Rush the airdrop

Yes it might sound dumb, but early game most people are too busy looting (especially in squads) to go for an airdrop. Most times it will be an easy grab. Just get in, loot, and drive away.

Quick tip: If you have a teammate with you, and the gun is an M249, load the gun in the car as you drive away.


You are now armed with the full knowledge of these special airdrop crates, now go grab that sweet chicken dinner!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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