Ever wonder what settings your favorite streamers are using? This guide contains the settings, graphics and mouse sensitivity of popular streamers and professional players. Please keep in mind these players can change their settings at any time.
Other PUBG Guides:
- How to Stream to Twitch.
- Best Loot and Spawn Locations (Vehicles, Boats, Callouts).
- How to Get High FPS (FPS Boost).
- DPI: 400
- HZ: 144
- Resolution: 1920×1080
- Mouse dpi: 400
- General Sensitivity: 50
- VehicleDriver Sensitivity: 50
- Targeting Sensitivity: 50
- Scoping Sensitivity: 45
- Scope4X Sensitivity: 45
- Scope8X Sensitivity: 45
- Scope15X Sensitivity: 45
- Resolution: 1920*1080
- Brightness: 50
- Screen Scale: 100
- Anti-Alisaing: Very low
- Post-Processing: Low
- Shadows: Very Low
- Texture: Low
- Effetcs: Low
- Foliage: Very low
- Dpi: 650
- Polling rate: 500
Dr Disrespect
PUBG Graphics:
- AA: very low
- PP: very low
- Shadows: very low
- Textures: medium
- Effects: low
- Foliage: very low
- View distance: medium
PUBG Sensitivity:
- DPI: 400
- General: 55
- Vehicle: 50
- Targeting: 45
- Scoping: 46
- 2x: 47
- 4x: 48
- 8x: 49
- 15x: 50
- PUBG sensitivity: 25%
- Mouse DPI: 800DPI
- Resolution: 1920*1080
- Brightness: 53
- Screen Scale: 128
- Anti-Aliasing: Very low
- Post-Processing: Low
- Shadows: Very Low
- Texture: Very Low
- Effects: Very Low
- Foliage: Very Low
- Resolution: 1920*1080
- Brightness: 100
- Quality: High
- Screen Scale: 100
- Anti-aliasing: high
- Graphics: All High
- DPI: 800
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